>moms side of family is all balding
>dads side all have full heads of hair
Should I just go on minodoxil?
Moms side of family is all balding
let's see what your fortune says
Your fortune: Godly Luck
I hope you're right
just shave it🐰
>all the older men in my family are dead so i have nobody to do the baldlet test on
>Just shave it bro!
Hope and pray
Well it looks like a 50/50 to me. Heads bald tails hairCoin Flip: Heads
>99% of men have some sort off hairloss
>op thinks some drug that doesn't work is magically going to help
your hair will thin out regardless.
Stop user
If your hair isn't falling out then what are you even treating?
This might be the most brutal one I've seen
Preventing it before it starts
Just keep it in the medicine cabinet. It might save you.
This is the best advice, just accept your balding.
Worthy of a like I'd reckon.
Let’s see what your fortune says.
Oh nononononono
Heads bald tails hair rollingCoin Flip: Tails
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Your fortune: Average Luck
You'll go bald but you'll meet a guy that loves you for who you are anyway.
Unironically use hair restoration labs shampoo (and maybe conditioner, but you only need one). Confirmed to remove DHT from your scalp and, according to countless *actual* reviews, will make your hair thicker. The best part is that even if you're fine, the ingredients are fantastic, with no sulfates, parabens, silicone, and so on, so at least you can rest assured knowing you're not spreading estrogenic shit on your scalp. Use auto renew and cancel it to save money. Or the code 7off otherwise for 7 bucks off (Google percentage based coupons if you're buying in bulk).
Good luck. Prevention is king. I hail from a family of baldies despite having thick, healthy hair and no signs of recession at 25. I check with my hairdresser every month and a half and have been perfect since I started asking, but now I've begun taking preventive measures just in case.
he still looks decent, someone give him full buzzcut
>inb4 muhh cope
he has god tier face
He'd probably look evil bald..... In a good way.
My derm gave me some topical thing that says 5% minox 0.25% fin but said he doesn't think I'm balding. I want to start using it but I'm scared as fuck about the side effects of minox.
>skin aging
>hair becomes dependent on it (all falls out if you stop even if you're on fin)
>hair growth in unwanted places like cheeks and increased body hair
>initial shed
>also sounds annoying as fuck to have to apply and wash off every day
How fucked would my hair be if I used it for a few months, stopped and then maybe just went on fin exclusively? My hair right now can be described as normal looking with only harsh light showing some early thinning so shedding much more would fuck me.
Seems like a scam
It's funny because it mostly moves from your mother's side.
So if you really care about your hair do minox.
What the fuck is that suit
been seeing mad ads for this lately. might try. what are the ingredients that block dht? Ive tried those shampoos in the past and they seem to have negligible results. have you used it?
>dad went bald in his 40's
>his dad still had some hair in his 80's
>mom's dad also had hair in his 80's
should I be worried about going bald?
>>hair growth in unwanted places like cheeks and increased body hair
Everyone on my moms side had a full head of hair. yet i'm going bald
fin doesn't regrow hair it just prevents further hair loss causes by high DHT levels.
If you want to regrow hair the only way to do it is by getting a hair transplant or using a microneedle roller 3-5 times a week until your hair comes back, which can take 6-12 months combined with nofap and topical treatments like leave in conditioners or hair tonic.
Minodoxil has been known to give people permanent side effects including ED and depression(although it is rare it does happen and you shouldn't risk it) Save your money for stem cell-derived hair transplants that actually work or get PRP/stem cell injections twice a year. You'll be saving money and saving your hair in the long run
or just practice semen retention and use a dermaroller and your semen will get transmuted into stem cells in your blood that restore dormant or dead hair follicles
>Minodoxil has been known to give people permanent side effects including ED and depression(although it is rare it does happen and you shouldn't risk it)
you are fucking retarded, why are you spreading misinformation you idiot?
he's right, you're just a minox user in denial.
Minox doesn't work for 90% of men
minoxidil doesn't have anything to do with hormones you brainlet and it does work, just because it didn't help your pleb non responder genes doesn't mean it won't help the average person
I would never use minox because I'm not a hairlet.
I'm on year long nofap streak and I microneedle after showers, my hair is perfect.
>I would never use minox because I'm not a hairlet.
then don't talk about something you have no idea about
>cold showers
*tips fedora*
>using shampoo
weak bait