Ok guys, I need to lose 100 pounds in 2 months. What's the best way to do it without damaging my body too much?
Ok guys, I need to lose 100 pounds in 2 months. What's the best way to do it without damaging my body too much?
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This document should help you:
Kaioken diet.
Literally impossible. Sorry.🐸
Snake Diet.
Fasting is the fastest and healthiest way to lose weight.
Autophagy also plays a roll in that.
just hold frame bro⚽
>losing 100 pounds
>not damaging the body
The only way to archieve that is by getting an extreme liposuction.
This is what I am currently doing and believe I can do 100 as well. 290 to 190 in 2-2.5 months is my plan.
100 pounds of fat = 350000 Calories. Lets say you eat nothing for 2 months. You use 2000 Cal a day times 60 days. 120000 Calories. So even if you eat nothing you can lose a maximum of 33 pounds. You can do work outs to increase your caloric expenditure. But even then you might reach at the very best 50 pounds. And its questionable if you can even do heavy work outs while eating nothing for 2 months.
Unless you're cutting off limbs and literally starving yourself, there's no way. Just do the most you can in the time you have.
chopping off some ligaments will get you halfway there, the rest is easy
No way. Not possible. Even 3 months would be really fucking hard.
just do a dry fast while taking no more than 500mg dnp
David Goggins did itvin 3 months I think. OP, watch Goggins videos in the first Joe Rogan podcast he talks about his he lost the weight
DNP cycle
You're full retard mode if you think its possible naturally
water fast is your only option, but be prepared to lose muscle mass
Honestly, your best bet is just to stop eating altogether, but even then, it's a stretch. Consult with a doctor who has done it before, because you will need some stuff to not die, like salt for example.
However, this just reeks of fat logic to me. You are the kind of idiots who think you can turn around a lifetime of bad choices with a month of austerity, then you wonder when you fuck up. It's called lifestyle change for a reason.
Btw, has said it perfectly, thx 4 doing the math as well.
No normal person could do this naturally. You'll need Goggins-like willpower. That means six religious hours dedicated to sleeping and 18 religious hours dedicated to lifting/running/doing literally anything possible to burn energy.
If you weigh 300+ it is possible, but you won't be able to do it. One person in the entire cultured west has achieved this in the last 20 years. You aren't the next. Eat something healthy and do some light lifting for the next five years.
In fairness our entire system is predicated on advantages gained in a month or two. I never learned at any point through 4+ health courses that obesity is a problem that takes years to solve. I feel sorry for the people who don't know better and think "one day I'll turn this around."
No, not "one day" fatty. One five years.
This. Unless you do that and run like 20 miles a day you aren't even getting close
>David Goggins
I did say in 3 months it can happen. Just that it would be really hard, and practically impossible for most people.
Meh, more like 5-8 months depending on how much you need to lose. I lost 80 pounds in less than 7 months ( and a few weeks in that time were binge weeks)
The absolute most you can cut is around 4 pounds a week
Impossible, just workout and get serious about being in a caloric deficit, try intermittent fasting. Consult your doctor or trainer before trying anything that's recommended online.
not possible
best bet would be to go on an Atkins diet
fat and protein, no carbs, exercise, plenty of water
takes about a week or so for your body to start using your fat for energy in place of carbs, you will feel tired and you will sweat A LOT
eggs, beef, cheese and water is in your future if you so choose to go down this route
the hunger pains for this diet especially if done for a long time will drive you insane, enjoy never feeling full, not even bloated or satisfied with any meal.
Sorrry kohai but if you want to lose 50lbs a month you absolutely will have to damage your body. Total water fasting for days on end, drugs, cardio to the point of muscle wasting, and invasive surgery combined are the only way you can do that in such a short timeline. Why do you have so little time?
>100 pounds * 3500 calories per pound = 350,000 calories.
>2 months = 60 days
>350,000cals / 60 days = 5833 calories per day
5833 calories of DEFICIT alone. I'm sorry man this is just about impossible. BUT if you absolutely had to, this is how I would do it:
Supplements required:
>a lot of protein
>sodium and potassium
Equipment needed:
>good running/walking shoes
>stationary bike
>rowing machine
>no more eating at all for these two months except the protein
>get on 100mg testosterone and 400mg tren, raising tren dose 100mg a week
>start 50mg DNP, add 10mg every week
>every day you have to burn 3000-4000 calories in your exercise because your metabolism will shut down HARD even with the tren and DNP
>achieve this by many many hours of low intensity cardio on your bike, rowing machine, or walking all over the place (low grade hills are very good)
>eat 100g protein a day from your supplement
>drink a lot of water, like at least 5 litres, maybe you may have to go to 10.
>make sure you consume sodium and potassium in the right ratio, many grams of each
Good luck
And either you've exercised for years and just ate like complete shit, or, more likely, now you look like a fat guy who lost a lot of weight. If you want to look better, it takes a lot longer.
flensing knife and a shop-vac
Absolutely impossible.
u should have moved your fat ass months or better years ago. it will take you at least 2 years to lose that kind of weight.
that is not what you want to hear but it is the truth, so start now and no more excuses.
good luck.
Thanks! Liked and subbed!
cut your legs off⚾
It's spelled 'cocaine'
If he's got extra 100 pounds, no way his TDEE is that low. Boogie's is like 4k.
Meth is the only way to loose that much weight that quick. There are dangerous ways but im not going to be responsible for your death.