I thought they were mirin

>go to the gym, feeling extremely motivated
>hit 15 pound bicep curl x8 without struggling
>can see the vein pop out a little in my bicep
>damn im getting strong
>look back after the exercise and see 3 girls smiling at me,facing me by the water cooler
>can see one of them take my picture
>these gains are really paying of
>go home, prepare to take a shower
>takes of pants
>realizes that my pants have a huge hole in my asshole and a little to the right
>mfw they could see my banana republic airplane boxers
>why do u do this to me god

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at least they didn't see your squat plug

Were they at least clean boxers?

>15 lb bicep curl
My wife can do that with minimal effort. Call me when you hit 60.

yeah but i did it without struggling, read the post dyel

My wife doesn’t struggle. She’s under 100 pounds.


I'm a complete DYEL and do curls with 40 lbs for 3x12, I don't know why you'd think anyone was miring you.

He's right user 15lbs x 8 is really weak even for someone who's just started.

Ok i'm just going to assume that this isn't a troll but 15 pound bicep curl for 8 is really weak, try lifting for a few months. Also get new underware you autist, they were laughing at you because you are the sort of guy that wears banana republic airplane boxers

Fucking retard dyels counting the bar and both sides.
15 pounds means 15 each side plus the bar.

No it doesn't you mongoloid. 15 pound bicep curls means that you are curling with 15 pounds, and since it's so light people just assume that you are doing with a dumbell on each hand

so fucking stupid. you literally can not be a part of society and think this is remotely true. what the fuck.

also while were on it if you dont count the bar you're also retarded. are you not also lifting that? hello? use your fucking brains

no you spastic retard, when you use a barbell you say the plates on one side, eg 2 plate bench really means 4 plates and the bar. but with dumbbells you just say the weight. which you can with barbell too but then you say the WHOLE weight.

have you even been in a gym for more than a few weeks?

Even if that was true. Even 30 pounds is pathetic

>counting the bar
>making it
Pick one

welll...he is and he does?!! so maybeback the fuck off???!! *hisses and swipes paw, barely missing your face and shaving off a few hairs*

hmm wonder if i should count the actual weight im lifting off the ground, or just take 45lbs off for no reason. any weightlifting or powerlifting meet obviously count the bar. because its weight you're moving.

I think that's what I did when I was 13 as a holocaust survivor cosplayer the first time I tried to curl.

t. liftlet who does curls as first exercise

This. What else do you people count? Your fingernails? Your arms? Your elevation above sea level?

This is why you don't skimp on workout shorts. What I mostly use are a bunch of Adidas shorts that were about $40 each, but I've had them for four years and will probably get one more year out of them.

Why is 1pl8 press is known as 135lb when the pl8 weight is only 90lbs?


Never gonna make it. Hey what's the lunar cycle at the moment? Bet you please also count that lmao...

Things within a factor of 10 of the weight in picking up

15 pounds is nothing

My strength is from the power of meme magic. The magic of internet virgins shut ins and trolls. None can challenge autism strength.

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There are prople on this board unnironically counting the bar when doing bicep curls

>Hey what's the lunar cycle at the moment? Bet you please also count that lmao..

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