Mine is coming in 2 weeks finally I can live out my exact fantasies.
When is Jow Forums getting theirs?
Mine is coming in 2 weeks finally I can live out my exact fantasies.
When is Jow Forums getting theirs?
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Rolled 60 (1d100)
didnt you post this stupid shit yesterday
Honestly hookers are cheaper and warmer
Your fortune: Average Luck
>No penis and vagina
What's my fortune brother?
You can already check yourself, but here you go
Your fortune: Outlook good
when they do the dishes and can love me back
it has a pussy
>mail order bride can and will
>will also suck my tiny cock on demand
I only have to beat her like once a month. And desu, I enjoy raping her when she doesn't join in willingly.
what muscles do the beatings train?
1. When job get.
2. When I have a place to store it so if I die my family doesn't have to find it.
Both>one or the other
Nah, a cold rigid plastic doll won't give you the same satisfaction as choking a slut while fucking her so hard she can barely handle the ecstatic feeling
>and can love me back
>women can do this
The Qaran says beatings are HIIT
>want a sex doll
>still live with parents
one day user, for now I satiate my lust with onaholes that can easily be hidden
How easy are they to clean?
Very easy, you just have to run water through them and then some soap. Then I like to take a towel on my finger and poke it inside to dry it all off
>implying you don't enclose in a garbage bag and warm it up in a hot bath
Got any recommendations?
>here's your sex doll bro
>silicone? nah I prefer wax and HUMAN HAIR
-t. duane hanson
30 year old turbovirgin here. Even I think you're a fucking loser for wanting one of these.
Hey this is pretty cool🐸
This was my first one, it is pretty good. There is an onahole general on you can check out for more info
How does it feel?
Does it come with an extra large pussy cause...my dick is a bit under 10 inches so I want to go balls deep every time.
>ab sex dolls
Uhhh where can i get one OP asking for a friend
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Your fortune: Godly Luck
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