Have you met these type of girls in your life? What are they like? Are they braindead? I know these type of girls have only one thing going for them and that's their beauty but they seem braindead retarded
Have you met these type of girls in your life? What are they like? Are they braindead...
Likes like 2 people a week almost LOL
One of the only fucking things that can save a Gen Y or Z man is that the girls are generally too fucked in the head to hide how horrible they are: you just have to look for it.
I made the mistake of going on a date with a girl like this, but in my defense she didn't say anything about how much of a whore she was until the date.
She was pretty oblivious to the fact that it was ruining the mental image I had of her.
She kept trying to get me to let her suck me off in my car, but I was not having any of that.
Needless to say there was never a second date and I haven't seen her since.
someone post the other pic lol
She seems honest and reformed. I would consider dating her
I've only met one. It was at a party where I actually had no intention of trying anything because I was the youngest person there and I actually wanted to go back home at some point. The girl in question asked me to see my phone, put her number in and made sure I remembered her name because I was completely wasted. I thought I had made it until later that night some dude told me she had 3 kids with 2 different guys. It was a real shame because we had a lot in common. Spent the rest of the night on the couch thinking about stuff until I fell asleep.
100 percent true
Good shit user. I would have done the same. Glad to see you're looking for more than just physical pleasure.
>Implying men don't do this
>Inb4 evolutionary psychology crap explanation
>a woman has sex hundreds of times with a single boyfriend, somehow tight vagina
>woman has sex with 20 guys, somehow loose vagina
geniuses who are definitely not incels upset that they can't find a gf
Just use her like the fleshlight she is. If it's not you, it's some other dude.
post tits
It's a metaphor for her soul and self-respect
>implying i actually have sex with my girlfriend
I bet you think married couples have sex too.
I fucking hate this shit. You just cant win
like youve ever tried
only 10% of men are able to live that life
She considers her pussy cheap and free for any dude who can get it up for her. So why gf or wife her when the pussy is free?
i dont think ive met one exactly like that but for the past 6 months this girl worked at my workplace who was clearly a complete fuckin thot, hot tanned florida girl 22 years old and just constantly blabbering about complete nonsense. one of the most insufferable people i have ever been around and thankfully her last day was friday
fleshlights dont give you genital herpes and warts
>post average looking girl
I do. i dont trap myself by getting too emotionally involved
Damaged beyond repair
both are basically asymptomatic
*proceeds to let 20 guys use her body as a human fleshlight*
not an object huh?
Once a girl asked me how many girls I'd slept with. I told her 3 (the true answer was 0, I don't know why I bothered lying) and then when I asked her she paused for about 5 seconds and said
>well I went to a college sooo....
and then didn't answer. Really opened my eyes. I fucking hate whores.
You win by being good enough to attract women who aren't whores.
You nogs are going about this wrong
>find high school virgin while still in school
>keep her until married
>watch her like a hawk and never give her the time to cheat because she’s busy raising your kids and you taking her places
>live a happy life
>Could have had this but I moved away and shell be going to college
Im sad bros. High-school is over :(
this is so sad but true. how do married men put up with the sexlessness? just fear of being alone or what?
Good lord learn how to eat pussy and give back messages
Post tits
More like.
>saving the anus for someone special.
I don't understand why girls think anal is so special. One chick I was dating wanted to save her ass until marriage. Why would I want shit dick from the woman I will have to look in their eyes the rest of my life.
This is very true