'Questions that don't deserve their own thread'

I saw an image on here a while ago of several animals that were carnivores and herbivores. At the end of each line was an image of 'man,' where man had masculine features in the carnivore panels, but was photoshopped to look like a goat in the herbivore panels. Can someone post this so I can have it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


DYEL here
Why do my forearms hurt when I do any kind of bicep isolation? Didn't used to do this when I started messing around with dumbbells, but then I dropped it for a while and now that I've picked it back up its like everything makes my forearms sore.

how can i increase my dumbell curl im stuck curling 40lb struggling for 2 months. form is fine im eating my 3000cals all other lifts are going up

Do bicep excercises that aren't bicep isolations. Recommend pullups, with weights when you get good.

When you start working an area of your body it's common that associated muscles have varying levels of strength, and will get sore before others are fully worked. Another very common example is triceps aways being sore when working pecs. As time goes on, your muscles will develop comparable levels of strength, and the issue tends to go away. Farmer's walks at the end of your workout might help.


redpill me on peanuts and peanutbutter

help Jow Forums I fucked up my shoulder doing cable shoulder roatations and now I cant bench right

whats the fastest way to fix this?

So turns out that slouching my whole life means it's hard to breathe with my back straight. How do I straighten my back?

they're high in protein and very calorie dense, and due to their nature as butters they can blend in very well with most things.
Their usefulness depends on what your goals are user. What are your goals?

Can I make gains lifting only twice a week if I lift really hard AND do accessories?

what constitutes a balanced meal? I'm trying to create meal plans for those looking to lose a large amount of weight (tho not looking to get ripped/jacked/whatever) consisting of well balanced and healthy meals but I've no idea where to start.

Still don’t know if I have gynecomastia or not. One side feels alright but the other has a something there, I don’t know what it is or how to tell if it’s pseudo gyne or not. Can any anons help?

redpill me on smoking to lose weight

Can I drink a half glass of milk during a cut as it makes me much less hungry for several hours?

How do I get big boy arms?

I fogot to say that it makes my stomach make noises and my mind less sharp, but it's not too bad

When doing overhead dumbbell press my back feels overarched and pressured even though it is not. I squeeze my butto but it doesn't help much.
Kinda feels unhealthy

Eh kinda. I did this with my deadlift, going 2-3 times a week and DLing every day. Went up 20 ibs. when I maxxed yesterday

dips and chin ups (weighted)

Ok Jow Forums, i am ready to swallow the neckpill. What are some good excercises?

is it ok to do cardio on rest days

Could my pectus excavatum be negatively affecting my cardiovascular performance when I lift and play sports? Even though I don't do loads of cardio I've been lifting in earnest for almost a year now and I feel I'm always out of breath during a workout.

Also I'm 30 so I'm wondering if it's not too late to get the corrective surgery for it if it's indeed the case that is negatively affecting my fitness.

Squeeze abs, butt and front quads

>6.9in wrists
Am I significantly limited by my wrist size?

depends on your program. if you're hitting legs and then do cardio the next day that also hits legs that's not very good. but otherwise yeah go for it

Is muscle memory real? I started lifting in high school, got fairly big/strong but took a few years off and now I’m getting back at it and the gains are coming much more quickly than they did originally. I feel at this rate I’ll be back to the size I was before in a fraction of the time. Is this muscle memory at work, higher T due to age, or something else entirely?

>injure shoulder bench pressing niece
>skip gym 3 weeks waiting for it to feel better
>feels better, ready to start lifting again
>hurts after first day back lifting
is my lifting career over

Someone tell me what the bad side is of consuming too much protein.

And don't post the picture of the tofu stones. I'm talking mostly whey, eggs and meat here.

Would splitting up cardio and weight lifting (cardio in morning, lifting in evening) be a bad idea?

I've been going to the gym 2-3 times a week, about 40 mins a session usually, for the past month or so. My PT tells me I should build up muscle with dumbells and machines before using barbell exercises.

Is he right? How do I know I'm stronk enough to progress?

if you are capable of lifting an unweighted barbell without hurting yourself, you should do barbell exercsises
they even have 35lb if you can't do the standard 45lb

How do I make sure I'm keeping good form without a spotter? I don't want to injure myself or get bad habits

get your PT to watch you, watch videos on demonstrating proper form, read a book (Starting Strength is a good book on form if not other advice) film yourself and get others to comment on your form.
you will probably not hurt yourself lifting the bar alone.

Cardio should always come after lifting.
Bad advice. Can you lift the barbell? Use the barbell.
Film yourself

I've done limited barbell stuff with friends before, the PT just always says I should build more strength first regardless and I'm paranoid about injuring myself. Maybe he just wants me to book more sessions heh

>Cardio should always come after lifting

I am a skelly and I want to become decently lean. How should I eat? A lot? I'm afraid of eating too much and transitioning into skinny-fat instead.

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Skinny fat is a symptom of poor eating habits in terms of diet make up. Think lots of sugar and soda and junk food, that’s the basis of skinny fat. If you’re eating well and lifting you have nothing to worry about.
How long between cardio and lifting? Beyond a warm up, you really should do cardio after lifting for the glycogen efficiency

How many consecutive push ups should the average adult male be able to do?
How many consecutive push ups would lowkey impress you?

i'm gonna get a 24 hour fitness membership online, after i do that how exactly does the gym work? do i just walk in and talk to an employee who works there and say that i'm a new member or something?
also what do i bring and what do i wear

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Never done it online. I’d suggest doing it in person, and having them do a little tour for you. Take note of what everyone’s wearing, then come back later appropriately dressed. Bring a bottle for water and a towel for sweat

are the employees there all day? and what hours have the least amount of people in the gym

They’re probably not there all day but I’m sure you can call to make an appointment
>least amount of people
Varies, but more than likely it’ll be MOST crowded from 4:30-6:30 pm (after normal work hours)

My entire fucking life has been a constant cycle of:
>eat at maintenance
>gain weight until I'm disgusted to look at myself
>start eating barely anything
>lose weight
>start eating a highly restricted diet again that almost drives me insane
>get more comfortable with myself
>eat at what I think is maintenance
>gain weight again

I'm not asking why this happens, but I'm asking why most people don't have trouble with this but I do? I don't think it's a willpower thing since most people I know just feel full really easily. When I sit down to eat a meal I'm almost never satisfied.

I have skinny twig wrists
Which forearm related exercises will help me become less of a twink?

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Im a pale af Irish cumskin, is there any hope for me getting aesthetic that doesn't involve getting skin cancer

Busting concrete up with sledgehammers.

Hold a pair of dumbbells, and put your arms on your legs. Let your hands go off your knee and raise the dumbbells towards you without moving your arm.

>front quads
What are back quads?

>BMI of 24.2, almost overweight (>25)
>Can still see my abs when I flex
>Total dyel
Why? Do I have "low" bodyfat for some reason?

>only just started going to the gym
>feel more aggressive, hornier etc
How do I get my test checked out? Or is this all just placebo?

if it is the muscular/doms kinda way then your forearms are weak.
if it is the bone kind of pain stop curling the straight bar.

same way you bump your other exercises up: variations.

strict curls, drag curls, pronated curls, preacher curls, hammer curls and paused versions of all of the curls you already do, I like training the strict as it is the closer version to a competition lift even though those who do strict curl for competition are a minority and I don't plan on competing, you tend to be able to find more advice and people take it more seriously, is easier to compare your level and set goals this way, but I am digressing now.

best bulking food, the price isn't too expensive and arguably delicious

rest, ice, compression and elevation.

by strenghtening it, rows and deadlifts are amazing for fixing your posture.

depends on your level.
as a newbie you can pretty much whatever the fuck and see progress, might not be optimal, but you will see progress.

arguably just follow that pyramid thing they give you in elementary school.
I say arguably because keto and paleo fags always go on about how eating bread is bad for you, and I mean it does contain a lot of calories so you might want to limit that, but stuff like oats and rice are totally ok if you ask me.
or follow this.

ok bby lemme touch your boobs.
for real, if you're that concerned make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

some retards think it helps you to not eat, but said retards don't even lift.
in the end is more harmful than good and you're better off lifting.

if it fits into your calorie count then yeah, you got no one to cheat here but you.

benching for tris, chin ups and curling for biceps.

chin ups also give you a stronger back and help your bench go up so you should prioritize it instead of curling.
curling does not make your chin ups go up.

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you're most likely not breathing properly.
if it isn't that your core is weak, squat more.

it does make breathing harder, maybe try lowering your volume and focusing on strenght.

this is why I hate that bodybuilder shit of "muh bad genetics"
no dude, your insertions, muscle belly size, skeletal structure does not matter, you will look better than when you started out.
might it be harder than it is to some people? yeah maybe, but is not supposed to be easy, it isn't for anyone.

study shows muscle memory is indeed a thing.

stretch your shoulders, do some shoulder dislocations and other stretches you can find online.

if that does not help then go to a physio, if that does not work go get some xrays.

horrible advice unless you're unnable to lift a 45lbs barbell.

you either film yourself or get someone to watch you

both of these depend on your bodyweight, I'd be amazed at someone really heavy being able to do just 1, I'd not be ashamed of some skelly being able to do just 1.
in general though, for someone that has trained for atleast a month, he should do more than 5.
for me to be impressed he should be able to do 50+, but doing that many is pointless, I'd rather see him do a harder variation for less reps.

you're burning out and overcompensating.
track your calories, it seems like you suck at it.

if you're a novice do an LP and get good at deadlifts.
if you still lack volume then do some forearm exercises for volume: pronated curls, hammer curls, wrist curls.
dead hangs, farmer walks and static holds during the deadlift and grippers will make you stronger but if you were unnable to add size by just getting strong at your deads then these might not put any mass on you.

you could have some good ab genetics

the back of your quads

Am I stalling because I'm eating a deficit to lose weight? I'm doing 5/3/1 for beginners except I always do 5 reps instead of 5/3/1
I've been stuck on 65 lbs Overhead Press and 85 Bench Press for a couple months now and it's always a struggle at the end of the 40 reps
Do I just suck or is it because I'm not bulking and so my muscles aren't growing or some shit

>I'm doing 5/3/1 for beginners except I always do 5 reps instead of 5/3/1

isn't that just SL 5x5?

>65 lbs Overhead Press and 85 Bench Press

why aren't you doing an LP instead of 5/3/1? you're progressing too slowly.
and yes, it becomes much harder getting stronger when you're in a deficit and you're not overweight, your bench and press numbers tell me it is that.

I just looked up SL 5x5 real quick and it looks like a linear progression workout

The 5/3/1 has 3x5 main lifts with percentages of your one rep max, then 5x5 first set last supplement lifts, then accessories

I did an LP for about 3 months then I switched to a percentage based program because the internet told me I had to do volume with lower weights but I'm not progressing or I get to the same spot and have to deload

why did you stop with your LP, did you stop progressing?
for me it looks like your specificity is bad which means you need to train your lifts in a way that focuses on your weaknesses, which is the main problem of 5/3/1 (ie they ask you to do db press for high reps but that does not fix a weakness at the sticking point or at the bottom, it only gives you more strenght, and if you also plateau on those big rep sets then you're not getting any stronger overall.)
BUT I'd still try eating more first.

I didn't stop progressing, the internet just told me to stop after 3 months so I did
I'm obese and I really only started getting my shit together and learned about calories in calories out two months ago so I still want to get to a normal weight
I guess I'll just try an LP until I plateau and stay there until I lose enough weight to get to a normal body fat % then eat more. Hopefully I won't look like a twig thanks to the gym and high protein intake during my deficit, Then worry about getting stronger when I can eat more, thanks user

Novice LP programs have the fastest progression of any programs.

If I could be a novice I would be because I would mean I could put 100 lbs on my squat in a matter of months.

Quitting your LP program after 3 months because you mindlessly listened to some larping faggot is pretty retarded.

Thanks friend I will use those techniques and reach Popeye mode
What does LP stand for? I couldn't figure it out by googling, sorry

linear progression

When I go for a run, should I run until I'm exhausted and have to stop and then quit? Or should I stop, have a breather for 10 minutes, and then try running again? I usually need to stop by about 6km, but on random days I can just keep going to upwards of 15km. I don't know what the difference is either.

thank you

I'm looking to get a pull up bar. Anyone have experience or recommendations with these things and the different types?

I've got bone lesions on my wrists, possibly from doing pre-loaded barbell curls. What do I need to do to fix this?

how do i not look like jeff nippard as a manlet

cutting and lifting for the first time. If I come across a situation where i'm at or near my caloric limit for my cut but havent reached my protein goal would you guys say its better to go over the caloric limit to get the needed protein or stay under and not get the needed protein? Or does it not really matter too much either way within reason?

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i armwrestled someone way bigger than me and now my right arm hurts when i use it. should I take it easy on my next gym day (Thursday) or should I just ignore it and let it fix itself over the weekend?
somewhat notable, i only go to the gym 2x/week since that's when my classes are and I use my school's gym.

I switched from broccoli, beef, and lettuce to pork, brussels sprouts, and spinach and I started getting extra mushy and stinky shits. Not runny, but mushy that makes my sphincter work overtime and is a bitch to wipe. I switched back to my original diet and I'm still getting bad shits.

What do?

Is the anabolic window a meme?
Just asking because I mixed choco whey with Greek yogurt and honey, turns out it tastes amazing, like chocolate mousse.


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>it does make breathing harder, maybe try lowering your volume and focusing on strenght.
Thank you, user.

I thought roids helped you to lift heavier. Why are all the roiders in my gym lifting babby weight?

Nicotine works as an appetite supressant.

beta carotene. (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin.)
Exercising will do that it isn't placebo, you don't need to get your test checked out though it's completely normal.
It exists, the meme is that it only lasts 1-2 hours. That doesn't mean you can't eat your protein mousse though, protein absorption limit is a meme too.

Can someone explain why I keep having a runny nose everytime I eat?

I'm always eating healthy, I'm not overweight and it's not because I'm eating spicy. I get a runny nose eating fucking overnight oats.

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Is there a difference in sleeping 8 hours straight vs sleeping 4 hours, waking up and then going back to sleep? Will that affect progress? Beginner who hasn't slept longer than 6 hours in years

Is muscles being stuck to each other a meme or is it real?

No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're roiding, you won't have to.

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Should the knees not go over the imaginary vertical line of the toes when squatting with dumbells? Some youtube video says it's fine, another one says it's bad

Food intolerance.

Yes, there is a difference, look into REM sleep cycles. Also, splitting the time in half will more than likely fuck with your circadian cycle and mess hormones up.
Knees over toes are a shit point of reference to check form, some go beyond, others don't. Worry about your spine and bracing instead.

Pull ups or chin ups?
I'm a dyel, can only do 2 pull-ups and a few chin-ups. I'm trying to improve. Right now, I do a very short set of pull ups then a few sets of chin ups until failure. Do chin ups improve pull ups?

How to overcome sexual anxiety? I'm far from an incel but lately I've started getting panic attacks when my wife even mentions the old in-out, and I can't get it up which triggers a deeper panic.

>spine and bracing
What about those?

There's not a whole lot in it. Perhaps do both, or alternate from one day to the next.

How long am I supposed to rest between my warm up sets?

As long as you like bucko, I rest like 30 seconds/1 min.

Question: I do 30 mins of HIIT cardio every week, is it enough? I wanna train my stamina but I don't want to burn calories (I'm 183cm/75kg and I don't want to lose my gainz).
>pic unrelated

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How do I escape this mode? I think this is what gets called skinnyfat, but I can't get properly Jow Forums because I'm living at home with vegan parents while trying to find work after university and the only exercise I've been doing is running.
Is there some calisthenics program I can follow in the meantime to look slightly less shitty? When I eventually have money I think I might cut for a bit to lose the gut and then bulk up while doing stronglifts.
5'10/178cm, 152lb/69kg.
Also t. Australia so I can't get bullshit like a dozen eggs for $1, and I can't get on welfare until I'm 22 in August. Hopefully I will have a job by then but it's fucking difficult to get anything at all.
Thanks Jow Forums

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Getting stronger on deadlifts, don't use straps for anything unless you REALLY need them (can't hold onto a weight after few sets), hammer curls, dead-hangs and maybe incorporate something that arm wrestlers do in the gym.

As long as it takes you to load the next weight. I do them explosively until I reach close to my working set.

You are not skinnyfat but definetely DYEL. If you don't lift how can you gain muscles.
All you need to start training: pull up bar, dumbells, resistance bands, bench, dip bars. Watch some videos like Athlean-X on YouTube and start training.
Also I can tell you eat like shit since you don't even have your abs showing.
Fix your diet and lift.

Are you supposed to do IF every day?
I have done at least 16:8 and sometimes more without stopping every day for the past month

16:8 is barely even fasting so knock yourself out

How big do I need to be to wear cut offs at the gym?

How good is a 5/3/1 for hypertrophy?

>I think this is what gets called skinnyfat
>When I eventually have money I think I might cut for a bit to lose the gut
You are not skinnyfat, you are just skinny. Even if you spent 2 hours sucking in and making that photo look perfect you are still not skinnyfat.
I did the same thing when I was DYEL and ended up wasting a year trying to cut down, just eat at a 500 calorie surplus and do SL now.
If your parents wont let you buy animal products then just get protein through vegan food, you need 152g a day at most and its quite easy to get that when you are on a caloric surplus even while vegan.
I can't emphasize that you should not cut enough, you won't look better than you do if you lose weight, every DYEL on Jow Forums has body dysmorphia and thinks they're skinnyfat because you compare how you look normally to people who over years have mastered taking photos to look big.
A general rule is that no natty walks around with visible abs at all times in all lighting unless they have dark skin or are at unhealthy levels of bodyfat for a bodybulding competition (which is usually accompanied by dark skin due to tan). Just look up pictures of fit moviestars at the beach, they didn't let themselves go it's just that the paparazzi aren't professional cinematographers that know how to make them look as shredded as possible.

Can you post an example of skinnyfat if that isn't?