if it is the muscular/doms kinda way then your forearms are weak.
if it is the bone kind of pain stop curling the straight bar.
same way you bump your other exercises up: variations.
strict curls, drag curls, pronated curls, preacher curls, hammer curls and paused versions of all of the curls you already do, I like training the strict as it is the closer version to a competition lift even though those who do strict curl for competition are a minority and I don't plan on competing, you tend to be able to find more advice and people take it more seriously, is easier to compare your level and set goals this way, but I am digressing now.
best bulking food, the price isn't too expensive and arguably delicious
rest, ice, compression and elevation.
by strenghtening it, rows and deadlifts are amazing for fixing your posture.
depends on your level.
as a newbie you can pretty much whatever the fuck and see progress, might not be optimal, but you will see progress.
arguably just follow that pyramid thing they give you in elementary school.
I say arguably because keto and paleo fags always go on about how eating bread is bad for you, and I mean it does contain a lot of calories so you might want to limit that, but stuff like oats and rice are totally ok if you ask me.
or follow this.
ok bby lemme touch your boobs.
for real, if you're that concerned make an appointment with an endocrinologist.
some retards think it helps you to not eat, but said retards don't even lift.
in the end is more harmful than good and you're better off lifting.
if it fits into your calorie count then yeah, you got no one to cheat here but you.
benching for tris, chin ups and curling for biceps.
chin ups also give you a stronger back and help your bench go up so you should prioritize it instead of curling.
curling does not make your chin ups go up.
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