/fat/ We are all gonna mame it editiom

>Who is /fat/ for?
For good natured roly polies who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Read the Jow Forums sticky (redundant in that you should have already but it covers all the basics of diet and exercise)

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your BMI

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>count calories, all of them.
>calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories.
>buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate.
>learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables.
>develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits
>eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight)
>cardio. learn to love walking.
>start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners!
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
>eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
>drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
>be a retard


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Other urls found in this thread:


kys fat fucks

already a new one?

The only fat thing you gotta worry about is my fat ass dick in your mouth. Now get the fuck out my thread bitch




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keto works

How much body fat percentage is that? I just want my six pack, then ill worry about the rest.

So I can't go to the gym anymore for reasons that aren't actually bad; insurance forms and such.

Should I bite the bullet and sink my paycheck into home gym equipment? I'm not going to use any weightlifting machines and I already have an eliptical

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depending on how weak your core is, 12-15% or so is ab tier

I'm getting 31-33% BF from my tape measurements using the Navy calculator, but 38% BF from my scale using foot impedance. Anyone know what I should go with? For reference I'm 6'4" 290, 2/3/4/5 so reasonable amount of muscle, barrel chested etc.

Beautiful, just 15% more to go to reach 12%.

DEXA scan

>binge drank again last night
god damn it guys

it gets harder as you burn less calories with less fat to carry around, make sure your gaining muscle with noob gains to offset that caloric issue

dumb pussy idiot nerd

step up, take control

I'm doing bodyweight exercises user, thank you. I really tried to do weightlifting, but it is so god damn boring to stand there and pump iron. No different than a threadmill vs running outside to me, outside is always much more fun.

I'm looking more for an estimate dude. Although I have considered DEXA or a water weighing or whatever.

I plan on it, just gotta keep it to Saturday only

You could just average the two I guess. Its hard to get any sort of accurate information from these methods

>forgot to eat at all yesterday
>weight went up this morning

How many times do you guys weight? I do once in 2 weeks or 1 week. Much better than everyday and motivates you more

Daily, in the morning after I've taken a piss.

i love you guys we are going to make it

Once every sunday right after I wake up

Every morning. Smart scale does the tracking. I just use the 7 day moving average.

Just once a week. Daily weigh ins feel like a waste of time

>feel like a waste of time
says the rolypoly roundboi while writing a message on a vietnamese basket weaving website

how much does physical activity actually effect your TDEE? If you say walk 5k steps or 10k steps are you really adding hundreds of calories burned compared to somebody who stay sin their living room for 16 hours?

Every mile is about 100 calories. So no, not really adding much by way of calorie burn...but there are other significant health benefits to being active

Did you take that personally or something? Weigh yourself once an hour idgaf

i know the rate on average but i also see people here and elsewhere say 'dont even count any of it ever, just ignore it all' as if the calories burned rate is perhaps wildly different for everyone?

I've fucked up so many times I feel like it's hopeless. How do you guys stay motivated? Sometimes the urge to eat unhealthy food is very strong for me.

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Doesnt 1 hour of normal walk burn 600 calories?

Putting on old smaller clothes and having them fit keeps me going. Some days that's not enough and I'm not motivated at all but I do it anyway because discipline is more important than inspiration. Relish in the process of hard work so that your discipline digs deeper than your impulses. It's only hopeless when you've decided it is. I believe in you user.

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I have 5 left since my original goal and the 5 i just lost only took me like 3 weeks. Its getting easier and easier.

My goal has moved to 170 though.

First time I’ve had sushi on this keto diet... had sashimi actually; no rice on my diet. Didn’t eat all the sashimi, had plenty left over. We cooked the remainder tuna & salmon up for eating later. Still have 246 cals left.

im trying to drop fat until my top level of abs are visible, then eat at a surplus again and gain muscle

170 to 160 and maybe below is taking forever though, i either have fucked up days where i am +2000 calories or i have a crazy weak core and abs will take a lot longer than I think to appear

i just want to feel comfortable with my body for women who are currently pursuing me :(

>go boating
>fall out of boat into muddy riverbank because of shenanigans
>only clean clothes are my little brother's spares (note: we're both 20 so little is relative)
>put them on
>they actually fit decently

Guys, I have lost 20kg after some months and I'm still very motivated however the loose skin under my arms is awful and making me depressed, I still need to lose another 40kg and I feel like I will have bat wings at the end of my weight loss, I can't afford surgery. What are some good exercises for toning the arms skin?

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Nothing can be done, user.

Loose skin can only be removed.

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then make more money

>less than 50 calories less for daily intake
>2:00 am
>eat an apple with peanut butter
>250 cals

T-this doesn't count towards yesterday's intake, right? It's p-past midnight after all

Shut the fuck up. This can't be true. Not the OP but I'll fucking kill myself if that's the case. Please no...

No, unless you’re a landwhale

It's...a yummy snack user, it doesn't count.

Not quite how it works user

>breakfast is oatmeal&banana with 2 eggs
>learning about low carb now

Please don't take this away from me. WHY DO BANANAS NEED TO BE HIGH CARB AND SUGAR WHY

Does Cardio actually kill gains?
I know you might say ''What Gains? You're a fat fuck'' but im talking about someone who's a bit lower on the weight side like 150-160 and wants to lose fat instead of dropping weight

And yes i do know a diet matters as much as your activity level i was just wondering if i should add more cardio?

It is a bit surprising to have so much loose skin after only 20kg down. Can you post arm pic?


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my loss isnt going as quickly as i'd like it to, i wish you could do more work than a mere -500 cal deficit at sub 200 lbs

why can't you? why not do something like -750 with cardio?

Oh Fleshy father, forgive me of my sinful ways
The Dave's double was too great of a temptation
Woe be unto me, for I had nary a single double, but was still hungry and redundantly had a double double, making it a Dave's Quadruple!
I can see Wendy's red hair as flame whips of Satan, as she viciously torments me with her delicious meat products and lustful body.
Save me from my damnation oh Chaplain of Chonk. What penance must I serve to once again be in the graces of his immense eminence

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i have been on 1000cals a day for 2 months now and i have started waking up in the middle of the night craving chocolate and takeaway food but i havent caved in yet, what should i do?

When in doubt, hydrate

shouldnt eat much less than 1600 or so as a male and i already am at that sort of level desu, i just want it ot go even faster

closer you get to your goal the much each individual pound matter and it suddenly takes a full week or more to get that shit off your body

i have taken to watching fast food videos on yt and it makes it better for a while, though i have had a wank while doing so a few times.

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Yeah,if your getting dumbbells just get the single dumbbell, no need to waste money in getting a set when you can work eat arm individually with one and allows you to focus a little more on form.

To reach the next level my son, you will need to increase cardio, and not allow any caloric loss to offset you intake.
Do 5km of trail running and all will be forgiven

If this is all you ate for your daily bread (and meat, and cheese) then you are not as far gone as one may think, though your macros will be of a crooked path.
If this is above and beyond your TDEE -500 intake, my gluttonous child, though must Intermittent fast for the next 2 days with but a 4 hour window and suffer the Rows of Pendlay until exhaustion. Do this and you will be forgiven, upon the condition that you never badmouth my girl again

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It depends, if you are older than 29 then you are fucked
If not it will naturally turn normal. You might have some meat colored stretchmarks, but that can be fixed with gaining muscle

how much does sleep help fat loss? it's 4:31am here and I'm still not sleepy

Hey there fatties. Don't give up
You're all gonna make it

I changed my diet a lot, lost 20kg last year.
Want to lose my last ~5kg this year, been REALLY strict past few weeks and I started working out 2 days a week in the gym.
I gained 1kg.

Is it possible that I gained 0,7kg in muscles past few weeks, or do I need to find an explanation elsewhere? I repeat, I've been really strict on my diet lately...

Should I bother with the whole "no carbs" meme if I'm otherwise below my calorie limit for the day with a diet anyways? The impression I get from people doing the Keto thing is that they still eat a fuckload anyways, but if I'm fully capable of eating ~500 calories a day (with multivitamins and protein) without feeling like I might be tempted to cheat would using garlic powder (has carbs) on chicken/using half+half cream (10 calories but has carbs) over just salt/vinegar on chicken or black coffee really affect weight loss that much?

On one hand I've looked into it and cutting out 100% of carbs would be easy with my current diet, but I have to wonder how much a difference it would make.

One of my favorite things every in these threads is when people say they cheated/gained weight then say they will fast to fix their mistake because I know that they will fail. Its just the best.

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>I know that they will fail
projecting there a little? it should be common knowledge that as soon as you make it you begin a constant cycle of gaining and losing, completely falling off the train and gaining everything back is where you truly fuck up.

I used to be in that boat. Then I reached despair.
>at max was like 385
>would go a few days without eating then annihilate an entire giant pizza
>one day have the epiphany that I don't even enjoy food anymore and eating shit=feeling shit
>more or less accidentally do the fasting meme again, only instead of eating a pizza just have 1 chicken breast or other small meal instead
>drop 50 lbs in a matter of months
>Now I'm at the point where I'm considering actually trying to lose weight, but don't really care that much so just waiting to see how far not eating gets me

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PSA: Don't get discouraged if you don't lose as much weight as you had hoped. Chances are you have either gained some muscles, or you changed to a healthier diet which holds more weight per kcal, thus more weight in intestinal content.

Pic related: The weight I gained was all muscle. (Yes, the statistics like BF% and MQ are inaccurate as fuark and only serve as a guideline).



Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Poopoo from food a few days ago?

>Don't eat
>Metabolism shuts down
>Holds all fluids like a mofo
You forgot the most important dieting rule: DON'T BE A RETARD🏴

Jogging worked for me. My body automatically shifts to normal posture when jogging to avoid cramps and such.

>fixing anterior pelvic tilt
It took me like 3 minutes to find it. Don’t be that lazy, fattie.


man I'd fuck the shit out of that Wendy chick

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>been training muscles while droppibg weight because noob gainz
>today was able to see biceps
Were all gonna make it

Ha you are fucked mate just give up

Elliptical or bike for not fucking my knees more than they already are?

How much do you weigh?

either would be fine as they're low impact. just pick which you prefer.
for the love of god don't jog, my knees were reduced to pulp

180 kilos
Managed to keep my diet without lying to myself or cheating for 3 weeks counting this one, so I want to start exercising before I go back to old habits

>180 kilos

I have no idea what the fuck that means. Ill assume like 240-250lbs. Just do the bike

That's 396 lbs.

But what is that in stone?

28.3 stones

Wow that is a lot. I wouldn't do any cardio until you are under 300lbs. Depending on your age, you should really see a doctor before working out. Not kidding

But what is that in the traditional Papua New Guinea weighting unit aka the banana?

Are you European? How did you get there?

You should easily be able to lose 40lbs in a month just by going on a 1200 calorie, low carb high protein diet.

1500 bananas

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Can someone explain to me how to make cico diet work

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Its eat whatever you want if you are under your TDEE. Chinese food? Sure. Candy? You bet. Doesn't even have to be a balanced diet if your calories in is less than your calories out.

Yes I am.
I've never been fit, but I used to swimm in a competitive team so I was healthy. Then I had surgery on both of my ankles wich left me unable to do nothing for 2 consecutive years.
Then I had a VERY nasty break with my GF and food became my therapist.
I'm sad? Eat. Happy? Eat. Bored? Let's go grab a quick bite... To the point that I'll have lunch at 1 pm, and I'll be looking for a couple hours later.
And now years later I'm in my early 30s and a fat fuck. I don't want to fall down to weight as much as I did when I was 20... But I want to be able to use the stairs without losing breath.

[Spoiler] sorry for blogposting but I have no way to vent otherwise [/spoiler]

you can eat carbs, don't worry about it, you should only worry about your calorie and protein intake.

You can go low carb some days if you wish, since that can sometimes help with appetite control, but no need to do it all the time; as long as you're in a deficit and getting enough protein (preferably some micros and fiber too), you're doing just fine.

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No carb diet is fucking retarded.
Just eat healthy and normally and you will lose weight easily.

Uhhuh interesting. Im planning to do keto for couple months and after that maybe do something same stuff like that

WoW that’s a lot. I wouldn’t go hunting until you are under 1150 bananas.

you can fix it user
how big is your deficit?