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Nobody has beat dorian

>Caring about legit, faggot bodybuilders who do g4p and suck the Jewish judges's dicks under the table so that they will declare them the winner for having the most ass striations

Very cringe. Bodybuilders are faggots and the freaks who celebrate them and can't wait to see another man's naked flesh are repulsive.

Coleman is the goat.
Arny + Dorian goat of their time too

y-yeah. what kind of f-fag has a 4pack?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

least popular Mr. O of all time. Nobody likes Phil. He sucks. His body has clear flaws and his personality is hot garbage. Cant wait for his era to be over and buried.


Attached: yates back.jpg (363x376, 25K)

Fuck off

Attached: 1549267026008.webm (480x480, 2.92M)

"greatest of all time of their time too"

why post when you dont understand simple words and phrases?

Attached: IMG_0474.jpg (719x1280, 144K)

those nipples though

Thats our boy superkidzen, that nigga a major figga out here

> mega based

>im gay and i hate it

Go to bed, Jason.

Phil sucks. He doesn't have the aesthetics of classic bodybuilders like Arnold and Zane, and he doesn't have the raw mass and freak factor of mass monsters like Ronnie and Dorian. Plus, he's a charisma vacuum.

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That's not Ronnie Coleman
find a flaw

Narrow snoulders.

hes black

>Greatest of all time

Yes, yes he was

Attached: Dorian-Yates-Chest.jpg (564x759, 94K)

Shame that his kidneys went to shit. he could have gone far.