Got Jow Forums

>Got Jow Forums
>Still only pull 4/10s from Tinder

How the fuck do you learn game, bros?
I tried looking up RSD, but it's just a bunch of new-age "b urself" kinda shit these days

Why is there no guide out there telling you exactly what to say to girls to make them like you??

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Bost pody

step one: stop using tender, you retard

tinder is shit now, they throttle your matches unless you pay for the premium version

i've had a reserve of 25+ likes that they refuse to match me with unless i give them money, for weeks now. bumble does this shit too.

you take pics that make you look wealthy and then string them along until you can meet their friends and make them find you attractive. that's literally the only way to punch above your league as a man, good luck.

Start by deleting tinder. Gain an interest in something and persue it. Go to functions or join a class that is associated with your topic of interest. Develop your skills and persue long term goals. There will be hundreds of women along the way and at some point you will be forced to interact with them and if you are passionate enough about the thing you're both interested in you will probably attract one. Sitting on your ass and reading a script on how to attract a woman will NEVER work. NEVER.

>Have a 19 year old co-worker with an ass like that

Literally can't stop looking at it. She was bending over tables to wipe them down on the farside, and I swear to god I almost lost it. She knew that I was watching over that section too. But she's a degenerate and I can't abandon my values of refusing to have casual sex.

>saw a girl with an ass like OP pic at the gym today
>she also had big, nice titties
>face was a little busted

I think she might have been a stripper, bros, she had an incredible body

also with Tinder thots, you just have to play the field. They have 1,000+ guys talking to them at all times and guaranteed at least 2/5 of those guys are taller and better looking than you.

You basically have to have a funny and unique ice breaker that catches their attention and they have to be in the mood to talk to you. Lots of random factors have to fall into place. Therefore it's a game of numbers. Keep trying and you'll figure it out eventually

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>i've had a reserve of 25+ likes that they refuse to match me with

You can be a perfect 10/10, it still won’t get you a huge amount of matches. There are a lot more men than women on Tinder, and women don’t need to swipe nearly as much as men do to get matches, so women have a much lower chance of seeing you than you have of seeing them. Additionally, if you do match with them there are dozens of guys who are just as or more attractive than you already talking to them. I don’t see how you could expect any woman, regardless of how shy, cute, or traditional she seems, to be on tinder and not be a whore.

what's more, since they are letting you swipe right on girls, but still have to throttle your matches, they basically hide your profile from people you've swiped right on until you pay for the premium version or "boost". Because if the other person saw your profile and swiped right, there would be a match and there would be no incentive to pay

Use her as a practice girl so you can better lead your future wife through her first time

Probably shitty pics or weird bio

>Why is there no guide out there telling you exactly what to say to girls to make them like you??

Because that doesn't work in reality.

Also, why do you seem to want to be promiscuous? (i.e. Tinder)

It's called "Blueprint". From RSD. I had a full copy years ago. Can still buy from their sites I'm sure, or maybe find floating online somewhere. But the fact that you're not even willing to go through their shit on youtube tells me you're a looking for a stop sign type of faggot who doesn' treally want to learn anything because there's still tons of shit on there (all their old stuf for instance) that will help you. Even just watching infields is a huge help. Find a guy that matches your general vibe or could with some adjusting and watch his stuff. Stop being a do nothing bitch or stop posting.

How old are you? If you’re over 24 it’s time to abandon those values. As soon as you leave high school the chances of getting a modest virgin girlfriend drop off rapidly.

I have debilitating anxiety cold-approaching girls in everyday life, but I do well on Tinder and can go on Tinder dates with little to no anxiety at all.

I just cannot for the life of me approach a random good looking girl and strike up a conversation. It's literally impossible for me to do. Fucking sucks, bros.⚽

>give up those values. sell your soul. virtue is too hard, try a little... siiiiiiin...
Mmm, the tell-tale whispers of a demon. You'll get your reward soon enough

31. I know what you mean, and I've definitely thought about it. I look young for my age since I never got into drinking, smoking, and going out in the sun a lot, so I can still get interest from younger girls fairly easily. But it's always in the back of my mind that if I have casual sex that I'll end up in some horrible situation where I get herpes, get her accidentally pregnant, feel like I'm taking part and helping progress this culture of casual sex that I hate so fucking much, and therefor can't talk shit about it since I partake in it, etc. etc.

The problem is I have gone on dates with "good" girls. But they're always so quiet which makes me uncomfortable and it just never ends up going anywhere.

it's your face user

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Always wondered why people dont just take a picture with their phone number in the bio. Been married long before tinder came about though, so maybe I'm missing something

This. Girls are extremely critical of selfies even though most of them have profiles that are 50-100% selfies. Selfies taken within a few feet distort your face a little anyway so it’s really for the best. Use at most one selfie and at least 4 other good pictures. If you’re a friendless loser or just too embarrassed to ask your friends to take photos of you for tinder, use selfies with a timer delay and prop your phone on something to make it seem like someone else is taking the picture. Make it look like you’re doing something like cooking, exploring a city, or on a hike, don’t just stand in front of your bedroom wall and smile like an idiot. Also extremely helpful to have a picture with a dog or to a lesser extent a cat. Triggers their drive to find a man who will protect their babies I guess. This is subject to debate but I personally think it’s best not to have group pictures. If your friends are as or more attractive than you they’ll distract her from you or make you look worse. If they’re uglier than you they’ll turn the girl off or make her wonder why you hang around weird ugly people. Bio should be simple and practical, like a little about yourself and what you’re looking for. Definitely add one joke but make sure it’s actually funny and don’t try to write a bunch like it’s a stand-up act. It comes across as trying way too hard. You might think it isn’t fair that you have to work this hard designing a tinder profile while a girl just has to add a couple lazy pictures and make a shitty minimum-effort bio, and you’d be right, but that’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth.

Traditional relationships are the best thing on this planet but the sad truth is there aren’t enough women suitable for them to go around anymore. If you are too old your choices are to be alone (which is perfectly acceptable, just get hobbies and friends and enjoy the extra money and free time) or to stop caring and bang thots for the fun of it. The best part is when they get attached and you can take your bitterness out on them by being a complete asshole about rejecting them and making them feel like shit for whoring around in their early twenties. This guy is 31, he’s not going to find a sweet trad gf at this point. Single women over 26 are all blown out whores trying to find a beta provider, and women under 26 have no reason to date a man who is that much older than them.

The whole point of tinder is you can’t talk to each other unless you both say you want to. Women who did this would be bombarded with texts from hundreds of guys they have no interest in, and men who did this would get nothing because they’re too desperate.

Oh what a goodly outside falsehood hath, oh satan. I've heard it all before, of course. None of it is true

Dating in general is already heavily favoring women. Tinder is basically just giving them the entire deck to hold. I do not understand why men use it.
>It's easy bro!
It is not, whatever success you see on Tinder you'd see tenfold irl if you applied yourself.
>I'm an autist afraid to interact with women!
The entire point of Tinder is to hopefully meet the girls at some point. You will face it eventually, it doesn't change that you're autistic.

Get off Tinder for your own good bro. The girls you want are fucking 8+'s with minimal effort. No amount of game is going to make them reply to you on there. Sorry for being blunt, but it's the truth.

Yeah but 100% of dudes just swipe right without even looking at the screen anyway, so your entire point is moot. Nothing to lose with your free icebreaker on one of your last couple pics or so

funny saw your wife on tinder the other day

>Single women over 26 are all blown out whores trying to find a beta provider, and women under 26 have no reason to date a man who is that much older than them.

Eh. Even though I'm 31, a month ago I went on a date with a 22 year old. 4 months ago I went on a date with a 21 year old. Like I said I look young for my age and Im in good shape, so that part isn't an issue really (yet, I know I only have a few years left of being able to get away with this). I know how women over 25 are, and that's why I refuse to go out with a girl who's not under 25.

put me in the screencap brehs

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there is no guide because it's really all in the delivery, in what is behind your words.
You can give 2 men the exact same line to say to a woman and it might work for one and not for another. That can be because of so many factors I can't even begin to list them all.
The reason all pickup is nowadays is "just b yourself bullshit" is because that's the easiest way to attract someone you will actually like. Instead of working your ass off creating a fake personality to get that 10/10 bimbo you don't even like into bed.

This. Getting a bunch of good pictures, making a good bio, swiping constantly, and waiting for your profile to finally be shown to a girl by tinder’s algorithm is 100 times harder than walking up to a girl and introducing yourself.
>”girls hate being approached in public!”
Yeah, if you aren’t attractive enough. The more you try to talk to them, the better of an idea you’ll have of what kind of girls you’re able to shoot for. This is probably where a lot of guys fail. They have too much pride to admit that due to their face or height they probably can’t get more than a 5 or 6 even when they’re fit. There is nothing wrong with a sweet, loyal 5. I guarantee that if you try talking to a lot of girls who are around as attractive as you are, some of them will respond positively. Besides, if you can only get a 5 in real life you will not get anything better than a 3 on tinder, women just have way too many options on there. A woman who you approach in real life that doesn’t have a tinder is automatically higher quality because she isn’t using an app built for whores and isn’t staring at an icon that says “99+ matches” the whole time you talk to her.

She showed me some faggot who clearly calculated his profile pics to not look like a desparate incel. That wasnt you, was it user?

You don't need to be fit to fuck hot women.
Its just a lot easier.
If you are fit and you can't pull hot women, you are either ugly or you are bad with women.
Women are stupid and easily manipulated creatures.

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The difference there is the guys aren’t announcing that they’re swiping right on everyone. Putting your phone number on a bio pic is like saying you are so desperate that you’ll take any woman who calls you.

Yeah but you are, that's the point

>I refuse to go out with a girl who’s not under 25
based and redpilled

I don’t see what’s hard to understand. No woman is going to have any interest in a man who acts desperate, because to them that means the other members of their gender place no value in that man.

>I tried looking up RSD, but it's just a bunch of new-age "b urself" kinda shit these days
You gotta take what is good in it, they won't tell you directly, their video would be 1mn long but they give a lot of good advices
>Why is there no guide out there telling you exactly what to say to girls to make them like you??
Dude there are but nobody want to tell you the truth...
Can help you with that tho...

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imagine flexing showscore when you're a scorelet

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I have to say man I was with you all the way until you said
>There is nothing wrong with a sweet, loyal 5
There fucking is. As men, we're judged by way more than our looks. Women look at the whole package, from your looks (height/face/build), to your style, wealth, status, and the hardest by all means to get: your swagger and the way you talk to a woman.

If you're only pulling 5's, you yourself are probably worthless. Because a woman who is a 5 is worthless. Women are judged 100% by their looks, at least at first. You need to re-evaluate your entire life. Get into stock market trading/investing, look to improve your job, keep working out, find clothes that fit you right and look good (good clothes=/=expensive clothes), and lastly if you're doing all of this develop your confidence. Stop giving a fuck what some girl thinks, shoot your shot and if you fuck up you fuck up. Who cares. There are a billion girls to choose from, there is no sense in getting mad that one or two or thirty shot you down.

Are most of you guys from US?
I live in Europe and don't use tinder myself but I know one fat guy from college, he's got a pretty Char tier personality though and he's going to be a gymnastic coach, and he always boasts how easy it is to set up dates on tinder. He said that if he wanted he could have a date at any given evening if he's willing to make some compromises.
He even showed me all his matches when we were working on the project together and started chatting with random chicks.

Women use 99% of the men they match with as free attention and compliment dispensers. They will only even consider going out with the remaining 1%. When you really thing about it, that makes not matching with a girl even worse because that means she didn't even think you're worthy to compliment her because it'd mean nothing coming from you.

Precisely why you shouldn't use that shit.

>free attention and compliment dispensers
If that's the case how did you not find the way to invert the process so it could benefit you ?

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So you're saying he's lying? Could be I guess. I was pretty surprised that it was that easy for him as he claims since he's fat.
Now that I think about it his face doesn't look too fat so he could have only used face pics for profile.

The butterface guys, semi chub and man bods get ladies because they have powerful tools called charisma and being able to hold a conversation. Also go out to meet girls instead of that app where you're guranteed to catch an std

Fuck tinder and fuck cold approaching

Tinder = i can pull off any chick based off my photos plus god mode text game, plus you can tell she's attracted and wants to fuck before meeting.

But then she meets you, realizes you have no friends, no life, you're not funny and don't drive and never talks to you again. Atleast if she comes over just to fuck it's cool but man it really hurts going out with a solid 9 and sitting there in silence knowing some dude could be making her laughing and smiling and fucking her after

Cold approach and girls just think I'm going to rob them or are too scared to talk

Tinder game is just pure luck. Also everyone lies how much action they got off there. The people that actually get anything are putting in hours a day into the app.

Also the women on there are the ones no one else wants otherwise they would have 100s of beta orbiters to chose from in real life and facebook.

>and women under 26 have no reason to date a man who is that much older than them.

its hilarious how naive you are and you think you're actually wise on this shit.

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>But then she meets you, realizes you have no friends, no life, you're not funny and don't drive
She is not supposed to find that out, it means you talk too much and you're not an asshole enough
>Cold approach and girls just think I'm going to rob them or are too scared to talk
Maybe stop doing it the way you do and smooth it a little

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Read up on PUA and TRP literature (start on r/theredpill and r/seduction) to learn game. But (outer) game is like 10% of the picture, frame (or inner game) is 20%, making yourself the best and most attractive version of yourself is 70%. So go lift, get a good haircut and buy better clothes, then start talking to every girl you meet and eventually you’ll figure it out.

You see, bub, the problem is you're looking for wife material on Tinder.



you both have a point. a slut would call you up though. so why not do it?

So practice conversation and cold approaching until you get better you nigger. Either get your license and make some friends or make peace with those things and be happy with who you are. Girls are reflective, they only care about that shit if they sense that you do.

You should try perusing an interest and meeting girls in group scenarios during classes or events that force you to communicate with other people. Think about how much easier it was to make friends during school because you were forced to work with other people. Even if you didn't actually have friends in school, it was still EASIER to interact with people. Most people are willing to interact when you're forced to, but don't like being bothered when you're not. So join a club or something and interact in a way that's comfortable and relaxed and you will get along much farther than using tinder or cold approaching.

how do i do this?

>attend salsa dance classes
>dance with girls
>don't talk to them, don't know what to say
>haven't made any friends

Suggest some books user, fuck reddit. I read The Mystery Method and was pretty good.

Idk what showscore even is, just the only perk it said I have available LOL

Your pictures aren't good enough is the first piece of universal advice I can give you that is more likely than not to be true.

Most people take shitty, boring pictures. Tinder is all about the visual.
I highly recommend having attractive women in your opening profile pic. I also recommend photoshopping those girls to look more attractive.

Next, you need to improve your swiping habits. I reccomend reading this article which outlines the data that Tinder is collecting: