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Who fucking cares. It's Tinder, cunt, go outside and meet real people.
seems annoying but are these guys lying about their height?
just like everyone with an iq above 80 said
course they are senpai
April fool, you idiot
Go to a professional cuddler just once.
Yes, that's a thing
You know whores cuddle too, right?
I'm not even a manlet and this infuriated me.
Couldn't he just get an asian gf like all the esport fags?
I know a professional cuddler, she is basically a real life autistic stereotype and the only guy I've ever seen her date is 10x more autistic than anyone on Jow Forums.🐿
Wait these still work?
Nope ;)🙉
have you ever tried to approach women irl? its impossible for spergs
Then they dont deserve to meet women.
I agree. People (men and women) should at least learn the basics of human interaction before trying to subject other people to extended interactions with them.
6'4" reporting
Happy that we get this but also think it's fucking retarded that we didn't get weight verification or something similar as well
There's clearly a bias at play here
Girls don't deserve to get heightfished just as much as men don't deserve to get weightfished
Nevermind I'm retarded, pretty funny joke actually, when it was announced before April fools I was convinced it was legit
Btw I'm gay if that matters
where do I find >5'10" women?
>using Tinder like a normie