Hey user, how do I get my 7,5 neighbour cutie to like me

Shes from a different country but speaks somewhat decently my language. Problem is Im a 4,5, with no status, money or anything else besides maybe being 6'2. My body is not there yet to show off. Is there even a road to victory at this point?

I usually hate every girl in my sourrounding, but not with this one. What do user, srs? Maybe I should fraud maxx?

Inb4 kys

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Why even bother bro?

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it never began for me, did it?

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How about you hit the gym you retard? DO you show up at the dealership saying you don't have the money yet, but you have a foot to slam on the gas pedal?


so you are suggesting I should just work out until I have a decent enough body to compensate, while in the meantime the only girl I am interested in for years moves out?

Yeah, you missed your shot. It should be a big wake up call, you fat fuck.

>shes from a different country
eww gross💢

>you fat fuck.

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found the amerimutt

She's a slavic beauty bro, no make up, not whored out

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Found the paedo


imagine being unironically this retarded

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he said the K word with a soft F

Imagine being a paedo

It's pedo first of all.

Second, being attracted to girls that are 20+ doesn't make you a pedo. Why are you free to roam without your handler?

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Don't feel too bad. We all catch the feels even though someone is way out of our leauge. I know that feel all to well. I hate life, srs

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Talk to her and ask her out. It’s really that simple. Be confident but don’t be rude.

>Maybe I should fraud maxx?

You're never going to attract thots natty and poor

Yeah listen to him, OP.

Be aware though that "confidence" is normie talk and actually means being good looking.

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paedophilia is a valid spelling variation

>Problem is Im a 4,5, with no status, money or anything else besides maybe being 6'2.

It was over before it even started

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Post a picture of your face and upper body so that we can judge your true rating. Other just be urself bro

calm down, weirdo

Definitely fraud, women have a gene spreading mechanism in them to be bred by members of other tribes to better spread genes for the species

You should go for it user :D true love always wins in the end

Ok the joke here is that I was going to have the verified checkmark but it was removed 5 minutes ago

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I just mean don't stutter and be awkward.

talk to her, feel comfortable in your own skin, she will feel comfortable too. be funny, charming and interesting, invite her to cool places in the town, do exciting things, invite her home, show her your room, sit on the bed with her, look at her lips...
figure out the rest
you don't need anything else man, men are the ones who are more into physical appeal, women are attracted to emotion, comfort, excitement, security and confidence. believe in yourself
t. guy who doesn't do any of this, but a meticulous observer

>men are the ones who are more into physical appeal, women are attracted to emotion, comfort, excitement, security and confidence.

He fell for one of the biggest copes a guy could fall for

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>men are the ones who are more into physical appeal, women are attracted to emotion, comfort, excitement, security and confidence.

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I want my points back

>men are the ones who are more into physical appeal, women are attracted to emotion, comfort, excitement, security and confidence. believe in yourself

wait for it wait for it

>t. guy who doesn't do any of this, but a meticulous observer

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just ask her to go do something with you. so what if you're ugly, you might be the only person to ask her out.