Shes from a different country but speaks somewhat decently my language. Problem is Im a 4,5, with no status, money or anything else besides maybe being 6'2. My body is not there yet to show off. Is there even a road to victory at this point?
I usually hate every girl in my sourrounding, but not with this one. What do user, srs? Maybe I should fraud maxx?
How about you hit the gym you retard? DO you show up at the dealership saying you don't have the money yet, but you have a foot to slam on the gas pedal?
Liam Nelson
Evan Jones
so you are suggesting I should just work out until I have a decent enough body to compensate, while in the meantime the only girl I am interested in for years moves out?
David Rogers
Yeah, you missed your shot. It should be a big wake up call, you fat fuck.
talk to her, feel comfortable in your own skin, she will feel comfortable too. be funny, charming and interesting, invite her to cool places in the town, do exciting things, invite her home, show her your room, sit on the bed with her, look at her lips... figure out the rest you don't need anything else man, men are the ones who are more into physical appeal, women are attracted to emotion, comfort, excitement, security and confidence. believe in yourself t. guy who doesn't do any of this, but a meticulous observer
Benjamin Morris
>men are the ones who are more into physical appeal, women are attracted to emotion, comfort, excitement, security and confidence.
He fell for one of the biggest copes a guy could fall for