>start doing calisthenics
>can only work out in the morning
>feel tired for the whole day and have trouble working or concentrating
>too poor for proper nutrition
Will this fatigue persist until I get a better nutrition, or will it get better as I get stronger over time?
Tiredness after workout
>I'm tired after exercising
It's terminal. Sorry user.
Fix your diet,
Unfortunately that's not possible at the moment.
Are you sleeping enough? If yes then it's probably the diet, and no it probably won't get better over time
>Are you sleeping enough?
>then it's probably the diet, and no it probably won't get better over time
I see, thank you.
What if I don't keep increasing the intensity?
Would my body get used to my current level of physical activity to the point where it's not as hard, or will I keep getting tired even after years of exercising at this intensity?
if you are too poor to eat, i don't see the point in burning more calories
I've been living as a NEET for the past decade and my muscles are starting to atrophy, to the point where they hurt from even the lightest physical activity.
I've been doing very light exercises for a couple of months and the progress is more than noticeable, but isn't enough, so I started to increase the sets and what used to be some manageable fatigue became debilitating.
If this fatigue doesn't improve I'll probably go back to doing fewer sets.
What do the people in poor countries that don't have a proper nutrition do? Those that exercise or do physically taxing labour?
Do they feel constantly tired or is their body just used to that condition?
I've been exercising before class for a couple years and I'm always trashed and unable to focus after working out.
How long did the fatigue last for?
Did you find something that reduced the problem?
rice, beans, olive oil and and 80/20 meat are probably the cheapest way to get nutrition. i seriously doubt the food you're eating right now is cheaper if we're gonna calculate calories.
I don't want to get into my living situation but I don't get to choose what I eat.
Also, the biggest problem isn't what I eat, but its quantity. I'm more often than not hungry even a couple of hours after a meal, and it's rare that I feel full after one.
Maybe in the future I'll be able to have a choice in the matter (in which case I'll definitely optimize things), but for now I won't be able to change anything.
I appreciate the advice anyway, thank you.
No problem. I'm guessing the people who provide aren't very fond of you. I hope you'll make it user. But yes if do have a choice in the matter in the future make sure you go for those. Very cheap and filling and with a few cheap spices can be very tasty too.
The mental fatigue lasts for several hours. The only workaround I've found is to wake up earlier and study/work before training.
Get a job and spend the money on food.
Thank you very much user.
>I hope you'll make it user
We're all going to... r-right?
>The mental fatigue lasts for several hours. The only workaround I've found is to wake up earlier and study/work before training.
Mhh... that's what I thought as well.
If nothing changes I guess I'll have to try working out later in the day.
I wish I could.
So, you have internet access. But you're unable to work or even pick what you eat?
Spill the beans OP. You locked up?
>too poor for proper nutrition
Unless you're a hobo, I call bullshit
Sort of.
I do have an Internet connection and I'm working on building skills that will earn me money in the (hopefully near) future, but for now I can't have a normal job IRL.
> Prisoner
> Mental Facility
> Cult
Which is it?
And what are these skills that will make you money?
A unique combination of health issues made me a recluse and prevent me from getting a job.
>And what are these skills that will make you money?
It's something related to music production.
Quit being so obtuse. Who are the people feeding you? Are you on disability allowance?
When we know more about your odd situation we will be able to give you the correct advice.
My parents are the ones feeding me, but they're also very poor, so I can't ask them to buy more food for me, since the money isn't even enough to pay for utilities and stuff (debt keeps accumulating), and a big part (maybe even most) of the food we eat is from the local food bank anyway.
Sorry if I'm not explaining everything about my situation, and I see why you inevitably think it's weird or implausible, becaus eit's certainly quite unique, but I don't like to talk about myself, especially on a website with a searchable archive that's indicized by google, so if I explained the specifics of my very unique situation, there's a risk that people who know me could find these posts by googling two or three relevant keywords.
Besides, as much as I appreciate the help you're giving me, I'm not asking for advice on what to change in my life. I just want to know if the fatigue will eventually go away or not.
The tiredness won't go away, but it will get much better user if you take care of yourself. In fact, I find it calming and pleasant nowadays. Cardiovascular health and nutrition is key IMO. If you're out of shape or prediabetic, then your blood sugar is going to plummet after a workout and you'll feel like shit.
Eat well. Do light-moderate cardio. Practice good sleep hygiene. Eat some healthy carbs shortly after your workout. If you work out in the morning, have a small shot of coffee after you workout as long as it's before 12PM. Or workout in the evening (but not too close before bed) so the exhaustion works with you to help you get to sleep on time.
By the way, get used to some degree of tiredness, and cultivate some discipline. It will help you in the long-run.
Damn I'm really sorry to hear about your situation user. I truly wish the best and hope it improves. I would definitely recommend trying to do things online that being in money. My younger brother boosted people in online games for PayPal money and he's a freshman in highschool. Use whatever you're good at.
Food won't solve ur problem dumbass it's not steroids. Just try sleeping more
Thank you very much. I'll keep these notions in mind and will do what I can to implement them.
>get used to some degree of tiredness, and cultivate some discipline
Any advice for this would be more than welcome.
Thanks for the kind words user. Good luck to you as well.
I'm currently working on making money in the long term (and maybe I'll try monetizing those skills for some short term earnings too) but I may decide to get some online side gigs if I decide it's worth it.
Which games did your brother do that in? How much did he make?
I already get plenty of sleep.
Why are you worried about being fatigued if you are a worthless do-nothing NEET anyways?
Because the only way to get out of this situation is towork until I can make some money.
If I'm too tired to concentrate it's gonna be much harded.
You need to get over your reclusiveness and go out there and get a job.
I wish I could.
If my health issues disappeared today I wouldn't wait a second to go out and start having a normal life.