A woman has to be legitimately insane to do this, stay the fuck away brothers, not even casual sex.
Yeah if she's that crazy of a bitch it's a good thing she gets sterilized. So all things considered it really is based. I'd send her a card with "thank you for removing your degenerate ass from the gene pool"
fucking incels
as if anyone on this incel board could even convince her to have sex with them
rebbit pls go
>self imposed eugenics
she might be a qt but she's mentally fucked
she hasn't been removed from the gene pool. there she sits, right there in the gene pool where she's always been
STAY BACK, you will not have my penis.
Most of these operation freeze eggs/sperm in case the person wants children
Been a while since the Jow Forums tourists got triggered over this image
this is a win for literally everyone. people like this shouldnt be reproducing
what shes doing? what surgery ?
>muh "you're an incel"
Probably getting her ovaries either cut out completely or disconnected.
dont go shooting anyone incel
>user, what do you mean you didn't see this as a 'long term thing'
>not wanting cute, beautiful little white children
>crazy bitch eyes
>not realizing she will go baby crazy before going through menopause
Suicide by what? 35? Maybe 40?
wow never fuck a woman like this. Dot talk to them dont look at them.
I got a vasectomy on my 21st birthday. Fuck having kids.
wow thats a really cute image until you realize that that kid shits himself literally every single day and pisses on the carpet and that "le cute aryan" blonde chick literally violently bleeds out of her pisser every month LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO. BUT ITS A REALLY SWEET MOMENT LOL. NOW TAKE THAT PICURE IN 20 YEARS WHEN THE KID IS SOME FUCKING HOMELESS JUNKIE AND THE MOM IS A WASHED UP FUCKING USED GOODS CUNT LMFAO!!!!!
she is mentally deranged and should not reproduce
>you thought there was even a chance
holy shit cope much?
I remember when shitposters at least tried to be funny
Post chin
You don’t even need to post body, just your chin, I want to see how far back that shit is recessed
>I got a vasectomy on my 21st birthday. Fuck having kids.
40 year-old you is going to absolutely loathe 21 year-old you. Enjoy that.
If you can't breed you're not in the gene pool nigger
hes right you know