Who do you lift for?

For me it’s Taylor Hill, the most beautiful being alive

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you will never have sex with her kys incel

I know ;-;

She will never acknowledge my existence. I want to marry her ;_;

>Not lifting for Big Mike, the king of Jow Forums
Legit never gonna make it.

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basiert und rotgepillt. HEIL AKK

For myself. Didn't do anything for a year and felt like shit. Much better already.


I do it so in the inevitable feminist riots ill be able to spark women like the ol tractor here

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i've always done it for him lads

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cute anime girls

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this retarded ass gook

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Nobody, I lift for myself


A man of class

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>Who do you lift for
>For me it’s Taylor Hill, the most beautiful being alive
>And no I dont lift

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even if you're not a part of our little thing you have to admit that swastika tattoos are really fucking aesthetic

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I do it for my ex man I miss her so much why dont she love me no more man :(

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Lifting won't bring her back man

Well, So can you make it or not?

Nah man as soon as she see’s me after my cut she’s gotta come back, right?

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That FPBP could have been even better if you removed "with her"

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this is some cringe and yikespilled shit
move on faggot

Seek Christ, he will accept you as long as you do

t. Never fell in love incel

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no its cringe as fuck
get it over it fag

keep telling yourself that you pathetic faggot
maybe if you say it aloud 6 million times a day for 6 years she'll come back to you
also her tits are terrible and so is your post

Based and redpilled
She left for you tyrone for a reason

Caught two more of you incels. Have fun paying prostitutes to fake fall in love with you

All women are prostitutes, the ones you're talking about just stay with you for the night

Taylor went to my buddy's elementary school in Colorado and had a crush on him. He tries not to kill himself over this detail quite frequently

good lad
you have about 5 999 997 times left i reckon
don't forget to cry in between for maximum patheticness

> gf of 5 years
Keep reaching for those grapes buddy

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okay this is what i call cringe 2019

that's the point you gluesniffing retard
the image is satirical
how stupid are you?

Why even lift? Eventually everything will be GONE. Let that sink in

might as well lift while its there

the answer is obvious
it's to save the white race user :^)

>any girl I find attractive doesnt even know I exist and never thinks of me
What do?

rape them i guess

You mean the symbol the Nazis stole from India?

Uneven nostrils

oof. kys.

indians stole electricity and toilets (not successfully) from white people so it's alright
also there have been swastikas in european cultures since time immemorial

Because you dont know how to talk to her

She's cute but only Wheyfuu is love and life.

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Fantastic taste

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Cuck, grow a pair and move on.

Moar Taylor

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Unironically based

4 mai waifu Lancia.

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>tfw no Balalaika mommy gf
Why even live

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ur right, it stings.

ignore her, block her from everywhere and find a new girl to sink your time into, it'll be over in 4 weeks

She is not coming back


Sorry man. I already fucked her in the gym shower after hitting all my PRs

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For me, its bonbibonkers.

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Stop thinking about hedonistic feelings.
Contain yourself.
Observe the world
The right time to move will come
Crash the world and bring abotu a new era.

shes so perfect

>tfw 5'4 Asian and i'll never have a gf like this

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You're a man of good taste

I had a girlfriend living with me, we were both average skinnyfats. Shit happened, we split up. It changed me mentally and I started training, I saw results and kept going. Then I thought what if I see her again? I didnt search her out but I thought what if we run into each other some day and I'm shredded? I trained everyday and was strict with my diet.
I got so shredded that I posted my progress here and none of you believed someone with my physique lurked Jow Forums and I kept going.
Three years later I ran into her. She had become a yoga instructor, she was lean and looked great.
She invited me to her place and we got back together. That was five years ago, we've been married for four years now.

not nine years?

No I got the dates wrong and edited/repost.

I lift for bigger numbers

For comrade Lenin.

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We were together for 1 year the first time, spent 3 years apart, back together for 5 years. I've known her for 9 or 10 years.

We are gonna make it bro.

Myself? To like my appearance, to feel healthy and happy, for mental clairity.

Unless youre doing it for your partner or immediate family yall priorities are fucked


Its been 15 years

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Me? I lift for Ana.

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Iktfb (she's not coming back)

someone needs to btfo all the itoddlers

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To get huge af, unfortunately got fat and now I look like a dyel after I cut and didn't workout for a while

why did you remove his tears in the last frame

the one and only of course

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She's so perfect its disgusting

Check this guy that actually dated her

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For the glory of Allah ofc

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he's not bad looking

whats ur point

For me? It's Aya.

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im not even a nazi and ive been thinking about getting a swastika tattoo. its like the most based badass fucking thing anyone could get on their body. Virtually everyone you will meet will hate you for it and ur still like idgaf. its like the boldest statement

Another one for my ayy collection.

But he's dead, bro. Sorry to let you down.

Stop calling her that

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>Yeah brah it would be so epic, just imagine their faces
Fucking retard edglord

the meme that never stops giving

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why tf do guys lift for hoes? ur literally putting in all this effort and work in your bodies for some fucking roasties that eat ice cream before bed every night with 300k snap score that will just say "oo dat boi fine".

Lift for honor and glory. Lift for your health. Lift for you lineage. All the people in history that died, suffered, cried, bled, for you to be born and live in this world today. Thats what I lift for, Thats what I wake up for every day.

disgusting big jaw, fuck outta here

We’re all gonna make it