
cardio is very good for you so you should make an effort to do several hours of it daily

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Fuck cardio, fuck this post and fuck YOU.

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oh my god that maine coon on the left is fucking adorable. I just wanna hold him in my arms while he purrs and purrs. I'll get him some fresh milk and salmon and feed him while we sit by a fire and watch disney movies together.


more is better

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>untrained Chad vs. self-improving virgin

>several hours
Ain't nobody got time for that.

stop it
they are equally cute

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Is LISS any good?

Pretty much the only cardio that doesn't wreck my knee. I'm not even fat it's just that I got knee surgery.

Norwegian Forest cat, but close

>several hours

The high cardiovascular death rate among marathon and ultra-runners would like to have a word with you.

you can't be a fighter, boxer, or MMA if you don't do cardio

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>the one hiding her gut

LISS is pretty much the only way to get the desired heart hypertrophy.

Just ten minutes of sprints after a warmup is fine.

Pic source?

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no its not
go run for a few hours fatso

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cat on the right has been mewing

prey eyes vs predator eyes

Right one is coping for being a tailet

>several hours of it daily

Some of us have jobs and loved ones.

define cardio
>several hours