cardio is very good for you so you should make an effort to do several hours of it daily
Fuck cardio, fuck this post and fuck YOU.
oh my god that maine coon on the left is fucking adorable. I just wanna hold him in my arms while he purrs and purrs. I'll get him some fresh milk and salmon and feed him while we sit by a fire and watch disney movies together.
more is better
>untrained Chad vs. self-improving virgin
>several hours
Ain't nobody got time for that.
stop it
they are equally cute
Is LISS any good?
Pretty much the only cardio that doesn't wreck my knee. I'm not even fat it's just that I got knee surgery.
Norwegian Forest cat, but close
>several hours
The high cardiovascular death rate among marathon and ultra-runners would like to have a word with you.
you can't be a fighter, boxer, or MMA if you don't do cardio
>the one hiding her gut
LISS is pretty much the only way to get the desired heart hypertrophy.
Just ten minutes of sprints after a warmup is fine.
Pic source?
no its not
go run for a few hours fatso
cat on the right has been mewing
prey eyes vs predator eyes
Right one is coping for being a tailet
>several hours of it daily
Some of us have jobs and loved ones.
define cardio
>several hours