>You drink HOW much milk?
>A DAY???
You drink HOW much milk?
>ance milk
>Well I gotta tell you, those cholesterol levels sure look RUFF hehehe.
>You want a prescription for test e? You're barking up the wrong tree!
I have been drinking at least half a gallon a day for 2 years now. Only time I didn't was when I was fasting
>So, what happened to this one?
>How many scoops?! Jesus, look at those kidneys.
>What brings you to my office today?
>You need a catscan?
comfy thread
0 because im lactose intolerant
>It's terminal, user
haha that cat is funny lol
Your test results came back pawsitive
user, you’re not shiposting om Jow Forums again, right?
>not sure you meet the koalifications this year user
Kek based
very based thread
True but we are lacking my boy Sanchez the cat
He/She looks just my Cat i had to put down in january.
>h-hhow do you like my gymshark outfit?
Heh, tailets. When will they learn?
What majestic creatures felines are.
Incredible aesthetics.
They make horrible pets though, no comparison to doggie.
8 cups split between my 4 brotein shakes.
Once a cat starts liking you, you know it’s a genuine thing because they would rather be alone if you were annoying. They aren’t molded into a hierarchical companionship like dogs.
squad goals
>tfw mogged
Shoo shoo Mr. Lactose intolerant shitskin
the fuck is that
Kidney stones, imagine pissing out one of those bad boys
>Any sexual activity recently? Best not be lion to me, heheh
Kidney stones. It's caused by you fucking up your blood PH with excess sugar and salt (or 'beetus), this causes your blood to leach calcium from your bones, and the excess calcium precipitates out of your urine in your kidneys.
People who have done both rates passing a pea sized kidney stone as up to far worse than child birth, in terms of pain.
Don't worry about them unless you've got hereditary risk factors, I've never met anyone who had kidney stones that wasn't a poorly controlled diabetic.
Comfy thread
god i need to pet that fucking cat
I spend $2000 a year on milk. It’s a lot but it’s what it takes to make it. I drink about a galllon of milk a day.
Kot thread?
Posting kot
That's a really weird bell pepper bro.