>you will never be number 1 in anything because you played video games instead of exercising and getting sunlight through your teens
What lifts can I do to cope with this feel?
You will never be number 1 in anything because you played video games instead of exercising and getting sunlight...
get over it x 30
>getting sunlight
What is this fucking meme. You want skin cancer and to look 40 at 30?
>ywn be a guitar God because you played video games as a kid, instead of practicing to your fullest extent
>ywn be a star athlete because you played video games as a kid, instead of practicing to your fullest extent
tfw there will never be another Hendrix, Page, Van Halen, or SRV again.
>blocks your path
>tfw there will never be another Hendrix, Page, Van Halen, or SRV again.
There are people 3 times as talented and innovative right now in music, you fucking normie retard.
I don't need to be the best I just need to be better than I was
Are they changing the whole game at 25 years old or younger like the ones I mentioned? Give me a list of you think is more talented, or do you confuse playing fast with talent?
>that thought always kept me from playing too much video games during my childhood
>tfw in hindsight i had a chance at going pro in a couple of games if i had only put in the effort
I realized to late that competitive video games were the only i was ever really fucking good at.
dont despair friend, [FGTNIGR] is recruiting!
Fuck that, vidya is fun as shit, I don't regret anything.
Sam Totman and Herman Li from DragonForce are literally doing what all those guys did but in their 30s
I might actually be the world's greatest masturbator. The world record for men's orgasms in an hour is not even ten and I've done a dozen before going to work. And the daily record for men's orgasms is only like 30 or 40 and I could crush that without practicing. Unfortunately the masturbatathon no longer exists or I'd go claim my place as world's greatest wanker.
>says I'll never be first in anything
>got realm first master rank in cooking in WoW
Your move virgin
>tfw I'm able to enjoy all my hobbies without that impending sense of doom
Maybe everything is actually ok
>vidya is fun as shit
Most men grow out of this phase by 15-16.
Sucks for them lol
>>Everyone on earth lives near the equator
Even people unfathomably better than you and I are still ultimately commoners.
Accept that you still have a role in society and that you can live a fulfilling life in spite of knowing there are stronger men out there.
You fag.
Why are the achievements of others relevant to you?
>playing really fast is anything other than a parlor trick or something to be used sparingly when it helps build tension in a song
>in their 30s, a full 10-15 years older than the ones the user listed above
>Have nfluenced anyone, or caused radical shifts in how people play guitar or how rock bands sound, like the guitarists user listed above
Fucking 6ix 9ine has done more and achieved more than any of them
>doesnt understand that no matter where you live sun rays are ageing you
>doesnt wear spf every single day of the year no matter location on earth
good luck looking 80 at 30 faggot
If it makes you feel any better just know that every other kid is just like you. I usually go on jobs and seeing someone under the age of 30 outside is like a miracle. Sometimes I look at the people driving the cars and they're all 30+. I look at the people going outside and they're all old as well. Young dudes are playing video games and jerking off. Once in a while they all get together and go to a 3rd world Southeast Asian country where they bang hookers. Young girls are on social media and get a weekly tinder Chad to come over. Welcome to 2019 nerds.
>fell for the sunscreen jew
You're a borderline retard dude. The skin cancer meme only applies to Anglo Saxons living in places like SoCal,Texas and Florida. Any non-Anglo living in those places doesn't have this problem. People from the Mediterranean, Middle East, Southern Asia, Africa, South America don't have that problem unless they sit under the sun for 10 hours a day
>played vidya when young
>look 3-4 years younger than I am
>have about 3-4 years of life to catch up on
being the best that you can be is a more realistic goal than being number 1
Youre gonna die no matter what.
Do with your time what you want, but never look back with regret. Its pointless, and accomplishes nothing. If you have a dream or a goal then work at it, and one day you will achieve it and can set new goals etc.
>You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
t. C.S. Lewis
>play vidya during my childhood
>reach 97th percentile in most games I play
>realize I can probably reach 99th and maybe make money from doing it if I stream
It's not all that bad mayne. This year I'm going to grind and see how gud I can git.
Well shouldn't you be number 1 at video games then? If you aren't then that just means that you suck at things and wouldn't have been good at anything else either.
Video games unironically ruined me. Before playing vidya as a kid I would play with lego and was interested in robotics. I was building circuits, soldering, making gearboxes, learning how to program via LEGO NXT when I was around 5 or 6 or some shit. Later, I was cutting pieces of aluminum with a saw in a parking lot, using arduino...etc. Even before that I remember always building stuff. Like when I was 3-4 I would make crafts, make scuffed looking statues using pieces of scrap wood and a glue gun.
After playing vidya and stopped being passionate about those stuff. Imagine if my parents just told me to stop fucking play vidya. I would probably continue with robotics and maybe do something productive and work for boston dynamics or some sht. Wtf. The only thing vidya helped me with was with my ego. I used to play roblox clan wars when I was around 10 or so and was obsessed with ranking up and being better than others which translated with school and work.
What if I'm at a mediocre fitness level but #1 at a video game? How about that Mr. Faggot.
>reading x everyday
Physical health only supplements mental health, user.