What is the point of Ketosis? I get that your body is using fat as fuel but this is not the same as burning adipose tissue. Why is it considered a good diet and effective for weight loss?
What is the point of Ketosis...
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Because people are fucking retarded and are willing to do whatever the fuck not to CICO
cico is a meme, all calories are not created equal
carbs are worth like twice the calories they are counted as because they turn into sugar in your blood stream
Here's yet another example of a retard who eats a fuckton of buttersticks and bacon and think he'll get thin
How does that make any sense? Calories are just a unit of energy, the only difference between carbs and other calories is that they invoke an insulin response
Of course if you gonna eat chips and donuts all day and say "well i ate my 1500 cals for today i should be okay" isn't optimal, but if you eat enough proteins and shit, CICO applies
I know i shouldn't even explain this shit cuz obviously you retarded but okay
The idea is that your body will burn available fat before storing it as adipose tissues if no carbohydrates or sugars are readily available.
This is medically correct, but the actual effects of making your body run on its third worst energy source and the overall poor diet of ketards make the entire thing laughable.
>I get that your body is using fat as fuel but this is not the same as burning adipose tissue.
If you are in ketosis and you restrict your calories then you will burn adipose tissue
>trusting government lables when there is an obesity epidemic
so naive
So then what is the point of doing Keto over just CICO if either way you need to hit a deficit?
Im not a ketotard, but it's logical in a sense that if your body is used to using fat for energy, it's more likely to draw on your fat stores for energy when you're without food. By depraving your body of carbs, you don't store as much glucose, which means you have to draw on your fat stores for energy more often than when you eat carbs consistently. I think the real change for keto people is just water weight loss and that it doesn't have significant body differences when adjusted for equal consumption, LBM and BF
It's more muscle-sparing
Everything in fitness and health is a scam, people create new ideas and shit to make more products for retards to buy
Make a new diet called "Faggots Diet" and you only eat a special kind of food like eggs all day, now see how people will design special eggs for this diet, they will make egg protein, egg everything
Just to add to that-- if you are only moderately reducing you calories, you may not see as much of a difference I'm not sure-- But if you are doing more drastic caloric restriction then ketosis is the way to go. For example if you are doing multi-day fasting or OMAD with a very small meal
This is why I believe in IF, there no one to profit from it so it is purely based on user experience and research
you sound like a doctor
Are there any famous fitness Ketards besides Joe Rogan? I don't trust anything he does because he's on TRT so he could be on any diet and look good for his age
At the end, most diets will work because at the end, its almost the same shit, just go with on that fits you best
If you find that eating 0 carbs is your thing, go for it, i feel shit during that so i carb cycle when cutting
>just be yourself
He’s had many low carb scientist/researchers etc guests. Many fighters are low carb. There is a PhD researcher at Harvard who studies anti aging who is low carb. Do some searching simpleton. It’s not just some soccer mom fad diet fucking moron
>do some searching bro
no athletes that matter are on a low carb diet you fucking idiot
are ANY competitive olympic weightlifters on low carb/keto?
are ANY competitive powerlifters on low carb/keto?
are ANY competitive IFBB pro bodybuilders on low carb/keto?
so, kindly fuck off
>Taking fitness advice on the basis of how people look
Except that literally works you fucking moron
>>just be yourself
This but unironically.
The significant difference while doing keto is the lack of fluctuation in energy throughout the day that comes with eating carbs, so generally athletes that require endurance e.g. marathon runners will respond a lot better than athletes that require explosiveness e.g. sprinters.
obviously people are different and some can eat a 12 pack of donuts without crashing while others need a nap after an apple so the obvious thing to do is try different stuff and settle on whichever lets you feel and perform better.
You're right bro, better take bodybuilding advice from raw fruitarians.
Are any of those not on roids? Also powerlifting is not a sport and they are fat as fuck so who cares.. If you aren't training 6 hours everyday you don't need that many carbs, going ketosis and doing olive shots cause my ratios is one thing but forfeiting shitty sugars and wheat just for the sake of feeling better is definitely worth it
>Not resorting to ad hominems
>Basing findings on the strength of underlying empirical evidence to determine the truth of things
Do you even logic bro?
>Bad man say thing!
>Thing wrong because bad man say thing!
>GRUG listen good man!
>Thing true because good man say so!
so you mean to tell me that low carb/keto diets don't work even with roids in sports where muscular strength and size are essential?
wow. great argument there my friend
> If you aren't training 6 hours everyday you don't need that many carbs, going ketosis and doing olive shots cause my ratios is one thing but forfeiting shitty sugars and wheat just for the sake of feeling better is definitely worth it
yeah, you don't "need" the carbs, but they are far superior to "olive shots" lmao, jesus fucking christ tell me you don't actually do this shit.
bodybuilders don't train 6 hours a day everyday and they still do FAR better on carbs
only no body with timestamps posting gymcels actually say dumb shit like "well I don't need carbs and you don't either", how the fuck would you know?
yeah, and?
>le ebin green text grug meme posting xDD fuckin OWNED bro LOL
you listen to people concerning bodybuilding and strength training if they have experience in such, is this a concept that is hard for you to understand?
This assumes all calories are expended the same as refined sugar. You would also have to believe your body is 100% efficient at converting food/calories to energy isntead of simply shitting some out
If you don't believe that then you don't believe all calories are equal
If you ate 2000 calories of butter in one sitting everyday, you'd lose weight. Frequency,calories,macros
That makes sense, so carbs are more efficient at being converted to energy so therefore are more fattening than other macros? You have a source for that?
>eating protein rich, low carb diet
>losing weight, building muscle
>breath and body start to stink constantly
Anyone know of a way to offset this side effect? I don't wanna spend the next 2 months smelling bad.
>carbs are worth like twice the calories they are counted as because they turn into sugar in your blood stream
probably the most stupid statement I've read on Jow Forums this week. Sugar is still 4cal per gram. You could eat 800 calories worth of pure sugar alone but if your maintenance is 2000 calories you WILL lose weight.
No sauce unfortunately, if you were to start somewhere you would look at how fat is converted to "energy" via ketosis versus the way carbs are.
It is a different mechanism but I don't have any enthalpy changes for you or anything
all food gets broken down into atp
keto diet macros are trash and should only be run in extreme medical situations.
fasting forced ketosis is GOAT.
all the benefits of keto diet are due to mimicing the catabolic state of fasting.
>muh CICO doesn't work!
lmaoing at idiotic ketoretards
Ketards do lose weight rapidly (whether they keep it off is another question, jury is out).
But because they think they've found a hack they eat like shit (but still keep it keto) then they go into nutritional conspiracy theories to exonerate the terrible high fat foods they've been eating.
>This assumes all calories are expended the same as refined sugar
They are. This is a prime example of why you should pay attention in school.
All food is eventually reduced to the same form of energy (ATP) at like 99.9999% efficiency. The only differences being how long it takes to convert into ATP.
Calories, the unit of energy, are derived from the ATP they produce.
it's quite literally the opposite, carbs are less efficient at being "turned" into fat, fats that you eat are absorbed not even digested and "turned" into fat, but fattening efficiency from fat intake is much higher than any other macronutrient, carbs on the other hand promote their own oxidation the more you eat them, fats you eat do not, but the absence of carbs does slightly increase bodyfat oxidation due to ketosis, it's not in proportion to fat intake though, so it doesn't matter and you're getting extra fat in your diet if you are eating 0 carbs, thus storing and burning more fat at the same time which puts you in the same endpoint if you were to simply eat carbs and fats at the same time instead of just fats for energy
net balance is what matters, as such you can still get fat on a keto diet and in fact there's not really any reason as to why it shouldn't be just as easy to do that as on a regular macro ratio.
>b-b-but you can't eat carbs and lose weight!
Keto keeps you fuller on lower calories, making a deficit easier
Also the increased fats boosts dopamine levels due to tyrosine metabolism
This makes some people happier and some people more anxious
Hence why when it works well for people they become keto evangelists while other people will feel like shit on it
>eating carbs is unhealthy!
>People from the Tsimane (pronounced chee-mah-nay) community are five times less likely to develop a condition known as coronary atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, than people in the US, according to a new study.
>“Our study shows that the Tsimane indigenous South Americans have the lowest prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis of any population yet studied,” said Hillard Kaplan, the study’s senior anthropology author from the University of New Mexico.
>The Tsimane diet largely consists of rice, plantain, cassava root, corn, nuts and fruits, with protein, mostly from animal meat, accounting for 14 per cent of their diet, with and fat accounting for the same proportion.
I laugh @ ketoretards every single day
>Keto keeps you fuller on lower calories
even that is now debatable and not that clear cut
protein is the most satiating macro though.
Lol no
Rabbit starvation
When utilizing fuel for energy, your body prefers to use dietary carbohydrates first. Because they are typically pretty easy to break down and most of the metabolic precursors are readily available in your bloodstream. However, when you want to lose weight you don’t want your body to run on the food you eat, you want your body to run on the excess fat you have stored. If you don’t eat carbs, your body will be forced to run on the excess fat you have stored.
>If you don’t eat carbs, your body will be forced to run on the excess fat you have stored.
And then it will store the fat right back if you don't meet a caloric deficit
So this originally came from Reddit (cringe I know) but the links are still good
It’s several studies supporting that a Caloric Deficit is more important than Macro Ratios
I’m not saying things like Keto don’t work, but I refuse to buy the propaganda that it’s impossible to lose weight without being in Ketosis
keto is a meme. its a relatively better diet since simple carbs are empty calories and are the most addictive processed food we are bombarded with. keto (high fat and protein) is a little bit more healthy but its just another form of CICO
I don't think anyone has ever said that, wtf are you talking about you crazy nigger
>I still lose weight
its absolute bullshit dont bother
>eating protein rich, low carb diet - ketosis kicks in
>losing weight, building muscle
>breath and body start to stink constantly
Anyone know of a way to offset this side effect? I don't wanna spend the next 2 months smelling bad.
There has been a troll in the last several /fat/ threads who insinuates or outright said CICO doesn’t work (and I’m fairly certain he was in this thread earlier as well, so that was for his benefit more than anything else)
Ignore all posts. Keto cycle is what actual body competitors do. Preserves muscle more than raw calorie deficit. It’s not a fad, it’s been done for years , but the general public is catching on more.
Do 3 day cycles only. 3 day keto low calorie the. 3 day normal low calorie. Repeat
I should mention to avoid fucking up the /fat/ threads with endless shit flinging we have just stopped responding to him
Fucking sick of this pasta. Gee wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get those benefits 24/7 while being able to eat?
ultimate diet redpill: eat a moderate amount which depends on your goals and dont eat shitty food. its really that easy
Atkins diet
meat, cheese, eggs
no carbs
look into it fatty
>Atkins diet
>A medical report issued by the New York medical examiner's office a year after his death showed that Atkins had a history of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension.His widow refused to allow an autopsy.
No thanks
In reality, keto just makes CICO eating easier. After doing keto for 3 months I just developed the habit of eating less. 4 months after keto still at 180 down from 240.
>being in a permanent catabolic state is beneficial
The people who believed that keto could invalidate cico were some soccermoms trying out the latest fad. They're into intuitive eating or whatever is popular these days. Keto is combined with cico to burn as much fat as possible while preserving muscle. That's the point.
He lived to be 72 though. And he died from slipping on ice, not because of cardiovascular issues.
God bless user
>All food is eventually reduced to the same form of energy (ATP)
stop this bullshit. what do you think protein is? are you made out of ATP? food is broken down into either fatty acids, glucose, fructose, or amino acids. They are then used for multiple things like energy, storage, or building material.
>carbs are less efficient at being "turned" into fat
this is true, but blood sugar is toxic so the carbs HAVE to be converted to fat because the average person eats too much and is insulin resistant. This is why people who are in danger of developing diabetes have sky high triglycerides
>And then it will store the fat right back if you don't meet a caloric deficit
most people on low carb find it difficult to eat too many calories.
it is the blood sugar crash and the combination of fat and sugar that bypasses our satiety.
you may be killing off bad gut flora and yeast. give it time. when i am low carb i dont need to shower i smell neutral
Cause cutting out carbs cuts out most the foods fatties like. For example, donuts, pizza, chips, soda, a lot of alcohol, etc.
wow you are easy to convince
How many weeks would you say before the body cleanses?
depends on how bad you were to start. lets do a logical thought experiment, shall we?
>if it takes 3 days is it worth it?
>if it takes 14?
>what about a month?
the answer is yes. the answer is always yes objectively. it is like answering the question
>should i really stop smoking?
of course! in the end it matters not how long or how hard. the goal is the same. the goal is the answer.
try watching this guys videos
he is crazy as fuck but history has told us that the real innovators were ALWAYS considered crazy in their time.
He is onto something.
kito is a fucking meme
Wisdom. Thanks
Have you done it? You lose profound amounts of weight very quickly, that's why it's considered good
works but at a cost
>when i am low carb i dont need to shower i smell neutral
Ive been doing keto for about 3 months now (i do cheat 1 meal a week though) and I never had bad breath or a bad smell
>stop this bullshit. what do you think protein is?
uhm aminoacids can still get broken down to get ATP. idiot
>most people on low carb find it difficult to eat too many calories.
this is true only if you keep in mind the amount of fat you're eating. Although since most of the fat you get in a keto diet comes with your protein (as in meats) then its fair to say you'll feel full before you eat too many calories in one sitting. I'm not against keto I'm just against keto retards believing they reinvented the wheel and thinking basic physiology and physics don't apply to them.
>blood sugar is toxic
>carbs HAVE to be converted to fat
>the average person eats too much and is insulin resistant.
youtube videos are not sources btw
What's your BMI? I was around 26% and am probably down to about 22% now. My guess is that the more fat your body is burning might contribute
If you want to lose weight, just worry about CICO
If you want to lose fat, keto + CICO
Lol I'm supposedly around 35%
Keto cause gout, kidney stones and hair loss
A well balanced diet based on whole foods and moderation is the key
>not to CICO
Keto is a way to do CICO, though. It's easy mode fork discipline.
I'm gonna need some sources my nigga
>kidney stones
The way I hear it: losing a lot of weight quickly is a good way to get kidney stones UNLESS you're consuming a lot of fats at the time. So keto would arguably be the best way to avoid stones while cutting.
Gout? I can't remember shit about gout and I don't feel like looking it up.
You can eat more food and still burn fat when you're on keto than when you're only reducing calories, and it's also easier for some to maintain a low-calorie diet when eating less carbs because lowering carb intake prevents the spikes and dips in blood sugar and insulin that carb-rich diets promote. Fat is also extremely satiating so it's harder to eat too much of that vs. carbohydrates
Losing weight too quickly, plus a high fat diet is the way to get bladder stones, not kidney stones.
I did keto for about 9 months, dropped 65 lbs during that time.
It was about 6 months in that I realized that it was literally just CICO done a different way. I kept it up a while longer anyway, but got tired of eating the same shit all the time. Now I'm trying to learn what and how to eat on standard CICO.
Keto does work, as a diet. It's a good tool for keeping you full and teaching you how to watch what you're eating better. But I don't think ketosis fucking matters, it's just glorified CICO.
weird. might be genetic, or like other user said related to flora in the gut.
>what to eat
>how to eat
All at once, OMAD, eating time matters.