Is it possible to have too high test?

Is it possible to have too high test?

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The answer is yes. Most of the highest test people are hardend criminals in jail.
Her ass is airbrushed to hell but damn if that isn't a beautiful brapper

She's so shiny tho...Why do black people reflect light like a bowling ball?

Running 900 test and still want moar. Too high is impossible

Yes, eventually only centaurs and other monstergirls will be able to satisfy you.
You'll leave humanity behind.

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Fuck ton of oil and sunscreens does, being black just makes it easier to notice the light reflecting more.
In of itself, not really. But abnormally high test levels can be indicative of more serious endocrine disorders or tumors.

Lol that's so gross. How is that even identifiable as an object of sexual lust to most of you, let alone a person/being.

>>Jow Forums
Go back to your containment board newfag

Yeah but don't worry OP that won't ever be a problem for you

yes. fags have high test. so high in fact that their monkey brains can't distinguish normal men from women on a hormonal level. This probably is more accurate for 'tops'

If you get acne, yeah.

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when you start to think fat, manly looking niggers are attractive you've gone too far

fuck, no hope for me.

Looks like a leather sofa cushion

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Any guy who finds black women attractive is probably gay. Sheboons are practically men. Stinky, disgusting abominations. The world would be a better place without blacks.

t. titlet, flat ass white gurl or discord tranny

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is that way, untermensch.

Ya boil?

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eh those eyes are too tryhard. just a chink mix with makeup

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Hahahaa I've been on fit since before you ever heard of Jow Forums. Everyone feels like I do, not you. You know how you know, because it's bubbling at the surface, all the time, no one says it. They're not people.

Lol yea totally you're a fully evolved, superior man because you like to look at animals as sex objects


You do know it's cosplay, right?

Didn't say anything about myself, nor even that I find the person in the OP attractive.
But leave it to a scumsucking subhuman like (You) to project his insecurities that aggressively.


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She’s only slightly attractive because she has white genes. Actual full blacks look like monkeys

Once again, only good because she doesn’t even look black. It’s like saying medicine tastes good because mixing it with sprite makes it tolerable

Meth addiction runs in your family. I wouldn't put much stake in "white genes."

Meth addiction does not run among whites any more than crack runs among blacks. Poor people take drugs as an outlet and blacks are overwhelmingly poor

What happened to "Sir 1 drop" rules?

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A cute actual African girls are very nice. They're like religious and traditional, and often quite nice. I highly recommend them. African-Americans are often trashy, annoying, and stupid. I don't recommend them.

>White girls

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Smartest move possible on his part.

might be fun to fuck sure. but their aeriolas are ugly. their cunts are dirt black. their faces in all honesty arent the best. take that body and put it back on the white girl and bam perfection.
a good fuck but not worth procreating with. disgusting monster children orc offspring,.

It’s not a rule of mine per-se. there simply are rankings of human value. And blacks are at the very bottom. Latinas are higher than black girls but not as good as white girls

He’s only pretending not to like her either because he has a girlfriend or doesn’t want to give in to his animalistic urges

>started working out on a regular basis
>spent more time outdoors
>eating health
>no fap

>went from liking thin, cute girls to worshipping pic related

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>L-leave my inbred family out of this!

You disgust me.

low t

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>hating gigganigga planetoid ass
>being Jow Forums
You're fucking obsessed mate, she just looks fucked up, nothing to do with le ebin white supremacy

Literally made to pump out kids. Sweet mother of god

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This guy gets it. If you're too high test you become obsessed with always proving you're the immediate best choice in every situation, which often leads to violence and other criminal behaviour. You want to have that killer instinct but still be able to control yourself.

damn it feels good to see this whore get rejected like that. literally all theyre good for is a place to put your dick nothing else


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>He’s only pretending not to like her either because he has a girlfriend or doesn’t want to give in to his animalistic urges
>T-t-there's no way anyone can ristest white woman
Which one is it

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I’m in 1g per week and recently stopped gettin erections and have zero sexual desire. I’m also starting to have white shits. I think too much test can definitely be bad

The Africans can’t replace us if we replace they first

>uses filters to make her skin look lighter
white girls naturally have lighter skin
>wearing makeup to make her nose look smaller
white girls naturally have small noses
>wearing weave to get hair that
white girls naturally have
>big boobs
white girls also have those

Nothing she has can't be found in a white girl and the white girl comes without the shame, stigma, hassle, and baggage (and probably STDs) that she comes with so why bother?

She's like an 8/10 (in this photo, haven't seen how fat her stomach is) and yet even a black girl who's this pretty is 1 in a million whereas there are tons of 8/10 white and asian girls you see every day.

There's nothing beneficial about being with a sheboon

White women are superior to blacks, even to black men. Hence why Tyrones don't deserve to have them. Of course Tyrones want white women because they're top-tier, but they simply don't deserve them.

And once again, this girl is fat and only looks halfway decent because she doesn't have shit-colored dark skin and her hair is less nappy than the average sheboon

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You need to go to the hospital. That could indicate a very very serious issue (the white shit part anyways)

top kek nigga just got up and left smart move

>All that text
>reddit spacing
lmao Jow Forums false flagger please

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The only things that look even remotely decent about her come from her emulation of white features (freckles, makeup to contour the face into a white shape), and red hair

Why would i go for this discount bitch if I can find a cute white girl with all of that NATURALLY instead of waking up next to a monkey every day until she puts on her human features in the mirror?

They're FUCKING UGLY stop spamming this board with them!

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hahaha the average white girl is a flat ass small titted useless insane rape accusing dickriding thot named mikayhlah these days.

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majority of female women have STDs like herpes..
otherwise id prlly raw dog fuck right mid right and left.thats it though. dumb orcs cant have my seed.

Ass has nothing to do with optimal kid bearing Richard


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oh so the problem with white women is that they now act like your average black woman? Even their own men don't want them

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your argument is just stupid there are an endless amount of white girls who have great bodies and whoAREN'T butterfaces like sheboons always are

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>This is a big ass to white "men"

>White women showing off their bodies on the internet
I thought this was a big no no and that all white women should be pure and stay at home wives?

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>School girls
Cats out of the bag pedo

do milk

Even the average black women doesnt act like your whorish average white woman. White women these day take ho'ing to a whole new level of thottery that has never been seen before.

This whole argument is retarded and this thread is shit but I had to come in just to say: if your attitude towards ass is “the bigger the better” you have mental problems. That pic is gnarly.

They should, and there are far more black sluts twerking online than white girls.

it's clearly a costume you nonce

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can we all just stop being racist now - bc that post shows that we're all awesome (and ok i'm kinda tired of y'all posting that bullshit)

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then why do black women have the highest rates of children out of wedlock AND abortions?! They can't even kill the nigger babies as fast as they're popping them out

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>He likes small asses

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user, I have something to tell you about black people and how bowling balls are made.

>wanting to breed with chimps
Lmao, that nigga is going straight for the lowest hanging fruit there is.
Even more pathetic than the yellow fever fags on here.

Agreed. Even other niggers know they're fucking worthless

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the Jow Forums is strong in this one.

Definitely not everyone, you autist. Probably close to 20% of this board. That might be the majority view in your own weirdo niche but thinking that is how everyone thinks is delusional.

You sound like a real faggot.

That said, the black woman in the photo is a fucking weird specimen

>can we all just stop being racist now
Based, I love almost all types of women.

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it must be terrifying to watch you race be outbred and dying out

>Melanin Monroe

I can't tell if this is satire.

You are right, I suck scum and I am not actually a human.

oops forgot the link

Not really, I just can't stand all these people who lie to themselves and others pretending that these hideous creatures are somehow beautiful when even fuckable is a stretch for most

and like i said their own men admit it

She thinks she's being clever

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>ITT: that one retard who posts IG """"models"""" and paid whores who make a living out of looking good
Newsflash cunt, the average black chick looks like pic related.

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Are you using an estrogen blocker, specifically an AI?
It sounds like a calcium and electrolyte issue brought on by low estrogen and dhea levels. You can have low dhea with high Test if you’re taking an Aromatase Inhibitor p, and dhea is key to your body being able to properly use calcium. Super low estrogen can cause low sexual desire and erectile disfunction too, you want low estrogen not no estrogen.

Just throwing that out there.

No, I like a big ass, but there’s such a thing as “too big”

I wanna titfuck her

id still get the neck


you act as if the average white woman is any better. At least she has big tits

bb (baalbuddy)

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