What do you do for your abs guis?
What do you do for your abs guis?
Front squats
pull/chin ups actually work out your upper abdominals pretty well if you do enough volume. Jogging is underrated for ab development
Lying leg raises with a 12 lb medicine ball between legs
bjj and a clean diet
Leg raises until failure. It has to burn so bad that it makes you angry. If you don't push yourself you wont get much results. You also need to do some kind of cardio and have a good diet.
Leg raises pull ups, if you aetr strong enough
sbw is a fucking traitor
Fork put downs are the GOAT ab exercise
Some player though
I keep them safe and cozy under a layer of fat
1000 stomach crunches
what is he up to now ?
myostatic crunches with your arms extended holding weight are fucking kino, I do 3x8-12 twice per week.
then you have hanging leg raises which I was doing with straight legs but went back to only knee bent since it seems you remove the hip flexors this way.
hanging side raises and/or cable choppers for obliques
embracing the core during pull ups is fucking heavy on your abs when you're doing weighted pull/chins
I'd worry more about the gyno he must be hiding under that sports bra
Not too much yet, falling for the heavy compound may mays. Have been doing quite a bit of sport climbing and surfing lately.
I think I am going to give the myostatic crunches a try.
Why are there so many pictures of footballers dressed in this gay looking sports bra thing?
Why is he wearing a heart rate monitor on his abs?
myostatic crunches + hanging leg raises + knee twists 3x a week. My core feels a lot more harder than it did before
pretty sure they hold heart rate monitors, etc
look more comfy & secure than the strap, but yes very gay
>pretty sure they hold heart rate monitors
Yet he has the HRM on his abs? They sell wrist based ones now that are pretty reliable. Also chest based ones can be tightened pretty easily. There's no reason to use any article of clothing to hold it in place.
lmao he looks like he takes it up the ass to make ends meet with his soiboi bra
front loaded carries, one arm carries, dragon flags and lul heavy compounds