/fraud/ steroid general
Read this before posting literally anything edition:
>how do I into AI?
AI isnt necessary. Pop a dbol when you feel itchy nips.
/fraud/ steroid general
Read this before posting literally anything edition:
>how do I into AI?
AI isnt necessary. Pop a dbol when you feel itchy nips.
This girl is making eye contact and stuff and looking at me in the gym and she is way out of my league. What's her game?
her hair is kind of like an afro and shes white I think she wants to buy some weed from me
Are you black? If so then tell her ooga booga bix nood. If not then just approach her as usual, I'm sure she'd fuck you. Gym women are floozies.
Is 20 my dbol for 3 weeks even worth it on a bnc or should I buy superdrol? The dbol is left overs. Can someone give me a semi decent answer. Will it help a dyel bulk a bit?
yea man. I mean, it will help bulk a bit. Dbol is the old school bulk drug, bruh. I don't think sdrol is worth it on a bulk, lots of people use it for cutting, helps with drying out, hepatotoxic af, not recommended to use sdrol for more than 2 weeks at a time on safe side.If the bulk is for size dbol, if bulk is for you to mostly look like you got bigger while staying lean, sdrol I guess.
tren is fucking my skin
Your skin looks like you're 45 years old and don't wear sunscreen pigcusting
Yea but 20mg of dbol ain't much and for only 3 weeks. Says online superdrol is a big time bulker if you run a 3 weeker
Is it bad to run dbol for 3 weeks then do superdrol a month after dbol?
>roiding for this
How about I recommend you a new routine rope hangs x1 no half reps
Upped test to 1g/week, at first drive was insane, bf really liked it. But the last two weeks it’s been nothing but a turtle. The erection I managed to give myself was weak and only seemed to get 30% hard. I’m really worried he’s gonna leave me or cheat, should I lower the dosage or up my ai??? Also I think it’s unrelated but I experienced some white poop today
Jk test jar was less of a whiney little bitch than you testiCle
>reddit link
Yeah, fuck off.
You're gonna die
Anyone get random anxiety attacks after getting off gear?
learn how to read trips correctly you fucking retard
Why are we unhappy with ourselves?
I think you need to up your ai you're acting like a bitch probably too much estrogen in you
I just want answer's
And I want testiCle to stop shitting up these threads with his trash advice
I just wanna be a mutant. Plenty of reasons why.
Think I crashed my estrogen from taking 5mg letro in a day. my back hurts I've been thinking about killing myself for 2 weeks straight and I have low sex drive on 250mg test. :( will popping dballs help with that?
You're gonna hate yourself even more in 15 years, if your dumb ass is even alive then.
What’s the link to the discord group?
What's this guys fucking deal?
Can someone call me when CCFC is online? I have questions that need actual answers.
Cheers boys.
If that isnt bait, yeah it will help. Take 50mg
Is muscle memory a meme or will it actually work if I come off frauds
5 inch pecker
i think i fucked up
Can I take temazapam with clen to sleep through most of the sides?
Hello, usually from 8:30 to 17:00 GMT.
When i'm supposed to be working kek.
you cut yourself?
pretty gay
fuck this looks even worse than manletgains
Our autist quota is full.
Did you try washing yourself more than once a year
you just look fat
\thank god i thought i had skin cancer or something
First cycle just arrived so starting it next week.
Babby's first 500mg/week test e 15week cycle.
What am I in for, lads?
Hoping to make some decent strength gains. And I know dbol would help with strength but I'm saving that for my 2nd cycle.
Wait are you baiting us or do you actually have a qt 3.14 bf who appreciates your frauding?
I thought everyone already knew this.
He has a bf.
Why do you think he owns buttplugs.
>not cutting yourself in parallel lines
Literally no one I know who cuts does this. Including myself. Why do you cut randomly? Also you got shit skin (not pajeet) genetics. Keloids
I miss Nano and Crusader
Ccfc pls
Grouse, good to hear from you. I've just started Clenbuterol at 40mcg (although possibly underdosed) a day with 500mg TUDCA as liver support. I was wondering how high to push Clenbuterol dosages safely to help shed some fat. Also advice I was to sleep through the sides, and I have Temazapam if that won't clash. I was going to run 40mcg a day of Clen and then up the dose slowly. Also what's a good dose of Temazapam to sleep? Also I'm pinning tomorrow night, will being on clen affect anything or should I wait until I finish my two weeks with it? Also good to hear from you, hope all is well.
I don't run Clen due to my heart and tremors.
Although there are no listed cointradictions between Tema and clen i'd be reluctant to run them at same time due to benzos ability to often increase the potency of drugs that can cause respiratory failure and hypertension risk.
I was going to suggest promethazine but that has an actual listed cointradiction with Clen.
It might be worth using clen at a lower dose than 40 and work your way up to mitigate sides.
Plenty of people pin and run clen so that should be no problem.
I have a couple stubborn lbs left to shift and might run ECA and just keep an eye on my heart, wish i could get DNP but the UK is dry atm.
Im good thanks user, got a cold tho so that sucks ass.
Sorry to hear it CC, hope you get well soon. I'm signing off, ausfag here and it's almost 10pm. I'll let you know how it all goes. Cheers mate.
Tudca count as taurine? Also what are the doses for it?
Cheers man, nothing some chicken soup can't handle.
Night sweet prince.
Tudca =/= Taurine
LOL you fucking retard. It is the 1g og test along with the tren that is fucking you up. Jesus! Why do idiots always go overboard on that shit. Running high test basically nullifies the positive effects of tren, and amplifies the negatives.
Tren is gr8 if you want to recomp, it is basically abs in a needle, otherwise i see no reason to run it, if you Just are going to bloatmax with other compunds too
Got noticable tren Dick in week 6, went away after a few days after i discontinued.
Nope, only notice i got more tiered in the gym and generally sleepier. And that is it, feel no different on than off honestly. It has a lot to do with expectations m8, you probably have been Reading alot about how pct sucks and listening to whiny bitches telling you how bad coming off is.
lol do you really think I would run doses that high? I am too pussy to bring tren even over 250mg.
current: 200mg test/175mg ace
>tfw day 3 into dnp shredweek, on top of test/tren and t4
Soaked two towels with both windows open, gf had to sleep with hoodie on under the cover while my naked ovenmode body leaked buckets of sweat
Feels good man
What's the best bulking cycle for a dyel starting a one year BnC? Looking for enormous semi keepable gains. Looking for pure raw mass don't care about being a bloat lord or looking good for pussy. Ill grant you one chance to redeem yourself testiCle.
test and npp.
if it’s your first cycle then start with test and see how you handle it. throw in npp a few weeks later for 6-8 weeks.
i’d run doses at 300mg test / 375mg npp.
> dyel
learn how to lift and eat first then cycle
Hey fraud
I'm sick of being a natty and getting natty results when I have to focus so much time to work and other things, I want to be gaining as much as I can while still putting focus into other hobbies and such. Only issue is I'm overweight atm and I feel like I need to re-learn how to control myself around food and revamp my diet before even considering my first cycle. What would you all recommend cutting to before trying out my first test cycle
stop stuffing your fat face retard
yeah no shit. How low BF% should i hit before roiding? I was thinking 10-11% if I can get that low.
>cutting before roids
Waste of gains (if you have any)
Have fun dying and losing all your gains fags.
This is the level of mental damage I expected from roidfags
implying natty gains are even gains at all
Repill me on dbol only cycle
i was in this position before.
do keto for 4 weeks. suicide calorie deficit, get as low bf as you can. then start test.
Excellent rebuttal with a solid basis that shattered my beliefs
Have fun living the prime time of your life as a natty dyel.
for a first cycle, is 250mg of test e enough or should I go for 500mg a week?
250 is a shutdown for not a lot of benefit.
do 500 and thank me later. eat clean though, you might bloat but its worth it
Your dick will fall off and you'll start beating women and fighting cops
not everything has to be an argument or someone smarter than you teaching you a lesson
you are just plain retarded and your post didn't deserve much more than a "retard" reply
I'm not looking to destroy my gains, I just wanna slim down before packing on initial muscle and getting test bloat. I'm not a DYEL. Squat is 260, DL is 3pl8 for reps, only shitty lifts are bench and OHP which is partially due to injury last year.
I have a lot of pip and a hard spot deep in under the skin where I injected yesterday. How will I know if it's an abscess
I would recommend 500, my first cycle was 500 test e for 15 weeks.
I was very happy with the results and the lack of sides, felt really good overall.
You should start an antidepressant senpai
Literally still not an argument
Larger than average yikes
that's not tren. it's fucking Rich Piana trying to possess you.
I've got roid rage episodes as a natty, now imagine if I actually took roids
wow thank god that you ar a 120 lbs twink then u fucking faggot
6feet 200lbs actually :^)
>I've got roid rage episodes as a natty
Sounds like you're retarded desu senpai
Guys I know test e needs to be injected every 3.5 days but I've been on Monday mornings and Thursday nights for ages and it's so much more convenient to pin mornings on both days - will this affect my gains or levels? Also if I do this will I need to pin on Sunday and start a 3 day rotation? Thanks.
Oh trust me, you'll know
Honestly doesn't matter bro. Some people pin, wait 3 days, pin, and then wait 4 days. The Enanthate ester isn't exactly 7 days so there's that.
You can even do it once per 7 days or 2 times on 1 day and then wait 6.5 days. As long as you do it twice a week otherwise you'll be running more mg/wk
What exactly would happen if I pinned 3 year old test-e (brewed in GSO).
Will I get an infection from expired oil? Will it be bunk? My friend has really old gear he said I can have for free if i want it.
I forgot to add, the reason it's best to split the week in half is because it provides stable bloods whereas pinning your entire dose for the week in 1 Injection can cause spikes and mood swings
This is not a troll hear me out...
So I've been lifting for about 2.5 years and I've never really made any gains. I did go up in weight without getting fat in those 2.5 years but that might have just been because of growth since I was young. (Started lifting at around 16-17 years old).
I am now 6 weeks into my 500mg/wk Test E cycle and, you guessed it, made no gains. I do however have increased appetite, libido and all those secondary things that come with T, but no gains. I did a blood test in week 4 of my cycle and the Test level was so high they couldn't measure it any further. This proves that the gear was legit and my body has absorbed it successfully.
As for food I know I can gain weight with it because I've bulked before as a natty so I have been eating 5000 calories a day strictly since the start of my cycle and all I have gained is fat. In fact I look exactly like I did when I did this 5000 Cal bulk as a natty, in which I also just got fat and made no muscle gains.
At this point I am convinced that I am a non-responder. I do get sore every workout and roids help me recover faster, but my body just decides not to create new muscle cells.
Is there anything I can do at this point? Is there any scientific/medical way to find out whether I am a non-responder?
Redpill me on Anavar. Why do you guys don't take it?
if it's still sealed then it'll be fine from an infection/sterility pov but it'll have lost a lot of potency
Should be fine as long as it's sterile
you never figured out to make gains natty and now you're still not making any on gear. what a surprise.
shit training, shit diet, shit intensity, shit dedication... pick one or more. you're not a non responder you just never tried.
some of us do, just not on its own.
>Redpill me
do your own research
I'm looking at taking anavar when I'm climbing, as I expect to lose 15lbs and weight lost climbing is usually a lot of muscle.
I think fraud doesn't take it because it's not powerful enough as an anabolic substance. I also think the notion of "liver toxicity" is a little too broadly interpreted to mean any increase in liver enzymes is basically unacceptable.
I think anavar is pretty effective in cutting situations.
Yes it's been sealed, and from my research it seems that people on other forums say potency hardly drops for pharma gear so we can only assume it's more rapid for UGL but not that significant.
Does the carrier oil just not expire though? How about tabs? He has a bottle of aromasin for me same age.
Yeah I expected to hear this but as I said I do get sore from working out and I can gain weight by eating. My diet includes 250g of protein. As for dedication I have had to go through 3 years of no muscle gains to come this far. That's determination.
It's not diet, it's not training, it's not lack of dedication