What's the maximum natty delt size, and is this it?
What's the maximum natty delt size, and is this it?
It's pretty close, I think
Here are my natty delts. They would probably look bigger if I was lean
you look like the protagonist from the Wolfenstein games
bretty gud
Thanks. That's a pretty nice compliment
You never went on gear? That’s really impressive
Never been on gear in my life. I just prioritise OHPing
The ultimate chad.
How much weight and how many reps per set?
Blazkowicz, Doomguy's great grandpa
Just get good lighting and they'll be as big as u want
rattle rattle
You look good. What kind of routine are you running?
Mirin. What's your routine? Diet?
I do upper lower, intensity and volume. On intensity days I work up to a 1RM and I do 4x10 upright rows with dumbbells, bb or cable machines (never with a close grip)
On volume days I do 8x3 with the westside method of developing speed strength followed by 10x10 reps with 40% of my 1RM and 3x20 reps of upright rows
big delts have always been my dream. But I can't figure out what I like most, shoulderpress with dbs, or OHP witn barbell. Hell I even tried seated OHP with the smithing machine and that felt great as well
Upper lower, intensity volume with OHPing as the main upperbody exercise
Unironically from London? Know a guy who looks exactly like you from my gym.
Nope. Iceland
I am confused user. Can you put down your full program pls?
Current program
Intensity Lower
Legs: Box Squat 1RM
Vertical Pull: Chin Up 5x5
Pull: P 3 Rack Pull 3x1 @90%
Biceps: Sup Curl 4x10
Forearms: Wrist curls 4x10
Abs: Cable Crunch 3x10
Intensity Upper
Press: Sitting Press 1RM
Tricep: Weighted dips 3x5>
Tricep 2: Rope OHE 4x10
Pushdown 3x20
Traps: DB Upright Row 4x10
Upper back: Cable Row 4x10
Face Pulls 3x20
Abs: Crunch 3x10
Volume Lower:
Ver Pull: Chin Ups 5x5>
Legs: Box Squat 5x5
Floor Pull: Pendlay Row 3x5
Bicep: BB Curl 10x10
Forearms: Wrist Curls 3x20
Lower Back: Hypers 3x10
Abs: Cable Crunch 3x20
Volume Upper
Dynamic Press: Sitting Press @50% + 20% band tension 8x3
Triceps: Weighted Dips 5x5
Press 2: Sitting Close OHP @40% 10x10
Triceps 2: Cable OH Ext 5x12>
Traps: Rope Upright Row 3x20
Abs: Cable Crunch 3x20
Face Pull 4x15
I also have a 2pl8 OHP max. So consider that fact
PPL and 42/42/16 protein/carb/fat
thank you based chad of natty gains
I hope thats standing, because seated doesnt count
How much fucking time does this take
It's standing. I have a 215lb z-press as well
50-75 minutes
Any cardio?
You don't work on your chest at all? Why is that?
He’s got some dip volume in there and ohp does use a little chest
I don't care much about the chest and I don't enjoy benching, although I do do dips
Oh, yeah, I overlooked the dips in there
How long have you been lifting?
is this 420g protein, 420g carbs, 160g fat?
t. Newfag
>thinking that's natty
It's percentage of calories