How safe is it to eat 12 of these a day?
How safe is it to eat 12 of these a day?
Bro we evolved eating eggs for hundreds of thousands of years you'll be fine.
Lots of cholesterol
This. VERY dangerous. I ate a 12 egg omelet once. Had to be rushed to the emergency room for angina.
lol sure you did fag
How safe is it to eat 3? I cook 3 eggs and 4 hashbrowns. I place the hashbrowns on the plate and put the sunny side up eggs over them before I poke the yolk and mix it all. Also pour over some hot sauce for extra flavoring. Should I bring it down to 1-2 eggs instead of 3?
ok i'll bite, what's angina?
Three eggs are 186% of your cholesterol RDA
Eggs are about the healthiest and safest food on the planet. Eat as many as you want.
Do you have a point? Don't tell me you're one of those retarded faggots who still thinks cholesterol and saturated fat are bad because Crisco paid for some studies that said so over 50 years ago so they could sell more hydrogenated corn oil products.
you have to chew them
If I’m in a caloric deficit, shouldn’t it not matter how much cholesterol I take in?
Chest pain
>muh cholesterol
Yeah and watch out for that protein too OP, anabolics are dangerous.
Angina means tightness. Usually referring to angina pecotris, a strong discomfort in your chest, or a swelling of the throat
>t. Eggboard shills
Yeah but the only other thing I really eat is rice, meat,pasta and vegetables
Very unhealthy, you won't make any gains. Make those jumbo eggs than were talkin
Uni Nutrition teacher rec'd a max of four/day. I think its low, but her recommendations are based on long term health, not MAXGAINZBROH
Dietary cholesterol has zero impact on blood cholesterol. Cholesterol hysteria is all based off one doctored study from the 50s funded by the Crisco corporation which has been debunked a thousand times. Cholesterol is needed by nearly every cell in your body. You know what hospitals do to treat severe burn victims? They force feed them 30+ eggs a day because nothing else promotes healing like cholesterol. I just took a nutrition class last semester and dug deep into this and can confirm, all cholesterol hysteria is complete bullshit. Don't listen to them, they have absolutely no clue what the are talking about.
ligma balls xDDdD goteem
>The cholesterol in eggs has almost no effect on your blood cholesterol levels. Your cholesterol levels are more influenced by the saturated and trans fat you eat.
Probably fine, but why would you? Shit is monotonous.
Its ok, I thought he was setting up a joke too.
Not only that, eggs actually IMPROVE your cholesteral profile, aka your ldl:hdl ratio, aka the only thing that actually matters regarding cholesterol. Ignore the vegan shills. They are literally insane and want you dead or dying like themselves.
That’s what I thought. I’ve been in a steady caloric deficit for the past 3 months and have been eating 6-9 boiled eggs a day since it’s one of the few readily available foods at work. So far, it’s been great.
There you go. At the end of the day you will be way over 200% of the RDA.
The RDA is wrong though. The former head of the AHA even admits this, wrote a book about it, and he's one of the most famous heart surgeons in the world. Dietary cholesterol is not bad for you, at all. Stop spreading lies you fucking vegan faggot.
>one doctored study from the 50s funded by the Crisco corporation
Is that about when most people stopped using lard?
Very. If you feel bad or notice side effects stop, same as any change to your diet.
Yep. And what happened to America shortly after we started switching from animal fats to vegetable fats?
let her go user. why are you doing this?
ignore eggboard shills and do not reply to me unless you have a more recent study to post
and i don't even want to hear about "methodology". as if some retarded meathead from Jow Forums knows how to do research better than a team of 12 accomplished researchers
>he isn’t on the 36 egg whites a day diet
I see the Big Egg Lobby is in today.
I see the globohomo is ITT today.
That study is absolute shit, as virtually all nutrition studies are. First of a it relies on "self-reported diet data", so it's already discredited entirely at a that point. Second, it does not control for any relevant variables. What did the rest of their diet look like? How much did these people exercise? This shit matters and without it you're just flinging shit and calling it science.
>a team of 12 accomplished researchers
A team of 12 human beings with bills to pay, who will produce whatever study necessary to secure their funding. Blindly appealling to "science" as an authority is not science, it's fucking dogma. Fuck off.
>Standardized questionnaires and laboratory protocols wereused to collect information on the following variables: age, sex,race/ethnicity, education, lifestyle factors (including smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity), body mass index (BMI, calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height inmeters squared), blood pressure, lipid profile, medication use, and medical conditions.
if only you actually read the study before deciding that the methodology is flawed because you didn't like the conclusion
imagine taking any advice at all from Jow Forums, this board is filled with absolute fucking retards
Not at all, they contain a large proportion of EFA.
>wait until new study comes out agreeing with you
>"do not reply unless you have a more recent study to post"
This again fails to control for EFA. Dietary cholesterol (nor saturated fats for that matter) is not in itself a problem, the problem is that as the cholesterol intake increases, the proportional intake of EFA increases. Fred Kummerow observed this effect many decades ago.
looks like a typical dyel, no reason to trust him
I believe he was 99 or 100 years old in that image, so I'd excuse him.