I was counting the bar this entire time
I was counting the bar this entire time
Not counting it is a meme
You're supposed to, dumbass
dont worry op I am practically blind and I have to get 6" to the weight to see what it is so sometimes I feel around to read the weight with my fingers or I just pick them up and say 'hm that feels about right' and end up getting two different weights and now I lean to my right because its stronger good luck though
Do you account for wind resistance too? The nails on your fingers? The pull of gravity in relation to your coordinates on the fucking planet?
I bet you count the plates don't you faggot
I got a minor in orbital mechanics just so I could accurately calculate my one rep max.
never gonna make it
Don't be so harsh. I compare my lifts with gravity data from LIGO to see if any gravational waves are messing up my lifts
Anyone that has taken HS level physics knows you don't account for friction because it's a waste of fucking time.
Even when you drop something off of the balcony you don't do it in your calculations.
I'll have you know there's several chapters of drag calculations in engineering dynamics courses. Calculating drag is especially crucial when squatting, considering how much air a well defined set of glutes will displace. It can throw of your rep calculations by + or - .02%
It's ok, just subtract 45 pounds from your lifts and move on
>He doesn't measure the redshift of the weights to factor in the relative expansion of spacetime
>not getting your spotter to spin the weights on your bar to induce a magnus effect
>forgetting to add the foce of light pushing agianst the weight
Now did you remember to retract 1 plate because your under 6'0? Using your manlet advantage is cheating you know.
I only count the plates on one side. Is easier to know how much you lift without having to divide by two the number.
I bet you guys dont subtract the weight of the decals on the plate either lmaooo
Good. Pls do
>he probably counts the plates
>he probably goes to the gym
what a fucking cuck
Desu you should also consider your latitude. Earth is not a perfect ball, so pole and equator will give you different results. Also there's magnetic field.