>what time do you go to bed and get up?
>shower before/after/both?
I'm sick of missing workouts because I'm late home from work and shit like that. I want to change my schedule and make this consistent
Morning workout
>11 am: Wake up
>11:05: Do my Jeff approved dead arm hangs
>11:10: Shit and cold shower
>11:20: Get dressed
>11:25: Take dog out for small run and shit (always in the yard of someone a couple blocks away)
>11:45: Pullup and Pushup 5 supersets
>12:00: Drink morning protein shake with milk
>12:05: Scream because I hate my job
>12:30: Go to work
>1:00-9:30: Work my shitty job, usually walk 12-20 miles whilst performing manual labor there
>10:00: Come home, take Dog out for another small run and piss/shit (different persons yard)
>10:30: Eat preworkout meal and listen to some youtube vidyas
>10:45: Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /out shitposting
>11:30: Play with dog
>11:45-2:00: Go to gym
>2:15-6:00: Play with dog, read some textbooks, more shitposting
>6:15 ish: Sleep (first attempt)
>6:45: Finally sleep...maybe
It's a pretty mundane schedule on work days.
>fall asleep at 7 am
>wake up at 11 am
gainsss bro...
Fuck off insomniac this is a health and well being based board.
That's if i'm able to sleep at all my dude, I have pretty much crippling insomnia and have tried everything and none of it has worked except weed but I hate weed so I just live with it. Sometimes I can't sleep for 4-5 days at a time
That’s horrible wtf causes that
This is what I've settled with, I've tried changing my waking times, hard resets in my schedule, staying away from electronics completely, nothing really works so I just work around it and do what works for me. I still make the same progress in my lifts but realize that it could be better. It sucks but there isn't all that much I can do about it.
get back on weed dawg its way better than killing yourself slowly with such little sleep all the time
Dunno, longest I've gone is 7.5 days and that was terrible.
I've gone back to it occasionally but I just really hate it, it might be better if I used thc or cbd oil in one of those vaporizers
its kind of why I got for push pull leg splits. Shorter workouts and I wind up actually doing them also have time left over for cardio
yeah I hate smoking weed too got myself a vape pen. It's pretty good for a couple tokes before social interaction and before bed because I always know what strength its gonna be and it never tastes skunky or burns my lungs. Still clogs my nose though. Weird tip; if you ever get too high put a few peppercorns under tongue and just suck on em. Something about it stop you from absorbing thc.
>4:15 wake up
>4:30 run
>5:00 feed cats, shower
>5:20 prepare breakfast and eat it
>6:00/6:15 read
>6:45/7:00 stretch/foamroll
>7:20 prepare for work
>8:00 go to work
>16:00/16:30 finish work, get home
>17:00 prepare food and eat
>18:00 school
>23:00/23:00 sleep
On non schooldays I lift after work
Yeah, I plan on buying one purely to help me sleep, but not until after I get back from hiking this summer. The only times I have ever slept perfectly fine consistently is on deployments and when I'm out camping.
maybe try cardio before bed it helped mine somewhat. Although it sort of went away on it's own in my late 20's.
they're pretty cheap the one got is an ooze, 30 ish for the pen and 60 for the pod. It's been about 4 months and I'm still on the same pod. So it's some pretty cost effective stuff. Even have some friends hit when we go out to the bar and stuff so even with sharing it goes a long way
That's what I used to do, never worked all that well, but late night runs are fucking great. My problem is probably mostly that after I get home from work I just feel extremely energized and awake and that I always have night shifts and always have. That's at least part of it at least.
Yeah, I still gotta wait until after my hike, I'm gonna be gone for like 3-4 months and am saving every penny.
God how I know that suck. Worked night stock then hospital labs before I graduated.
Me too. Used to work night shift at the library. At least I got to watch the sunrise every morning before going to bed
Yeah, It used to be worse when I was in the mil. Wake up at 6am for PT, do random bullshit for my guys and stupid admin shit, go to my martial arts class, then go to the military martial arts crap, then finally go to work at noon and get our of work at 1AM. Shit sucked ass and it was even worse because my air traffic control crew swapped shifts every week so one week we would work from 5am to 4pm and the other we would work from noon:30 to 1am. Shit's not conducive to a good sleep schedule at all
thanks for all the responses anons, appreciate it. I'm going to move waking up an hour forward tomorrow and go for a half session to see how I do