If a tripfriend has ever given you advice with regards to powerlifting, say thank you in this thread.
/plg/ - Tripfriend Edition
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Thanks BenchBro
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king.
Some times, right as i am about to fall asleep i make a weird snoring sound with my throat and i wake my self up. It happened like 3 times yesterday causing it to take a lot of time before i fell asleep. Is this sleep apnea?
sounds like you've got a serious case of being a fat fuck. lose weight, lard ass.
Yes, either too fat or you broke your nose in the past.
Lungs cancer or throat cancer nice to meet you buddy
We've missed you, sport. Where you been these past three days? Did you finally take my advice and leave the house? Maybe even went to the gym?
Surely you didn't just sit in your dark basement SEETHIN' about something for three days. Surely.
Threadly reminder (and very transparently the reason I made this edition of the thread in the first place) that this is a general for individuals physically training for a specific task over a period of weeks and months. Therefore, the ephemeral nature of anonymous posting is entirely useless, even counterproductive. If you want to have your hot opinions taken seriously, you should get a trip and post your lifts. This is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything.
Thank you.
Where are the links OP?
Links to what
My pec and front shoulder is incredibly tight and can't feel stretches properly there. What to do?
Do tricep and lat stretches first. youtube.com
Fucking deadlift has dropped from 170kgx4 to 170kgx1 in the past two months.
>there are "men" itt that are two weak to lift two women
First one is 350 and the other is 604.
I can't wait to cull all you degenerates
powerlifting is a dead "sport". OLY is the future.
t. weakling that can't lift a woman
Bet your total is less than their combined bodyweight, kek.
>OLY is the future.
A sport with 2 lifts, both of which sound like homosexual acts of perversion, with state sponsored drug use.
Sounds like a sport for sodomites.
For those of you that use autoregulation, RPE, RTS, or BBM:
How hard do you lads can push 5 reps @9 sets? Meaning, how big is the % gap between your @9 weights in sets of 5, and @10 and @8 weights.
I find it that it is the territory with largest per cent weight gap before you hit @10 or @8, especially true for my squat and bench (but less so for deadlift and press)
Just some observations I've made running BBM for a while now.
Don't use RPE.
Just use %. If you're feeling great, jump 2.5 or 5% for your top set and move on with your life.
if governments find your sport worth a million dollar budget then i think it's the sport of more importance, wouldn't you agree, you fat as fatass powerlifter?
Lmao fighting the cold war with moustached women instead of manning the fuck up.
Typical socialist.
found the pasty white american neo-nazi. OLY is the superior sport for the two most superior ideologies.
The only oly lifters I know that talk shit on powerlifters we're embarassingly weak, so they ran away to "barbell interperative dance" so they couldn't be compared to the average American high school football players.
the only people i know who powerlift are anti-social nerds who bring all their gear to a commercial gym like autists and do sumo on babby weight i could high bar atg. it's pretty embarassing.
Sounds like you and your friends are fags
>befriending a powerlifter
a lion does not befriend sheep
watch yourself, white boy. if i ever catch you i'm gonna slap your shit. don't show up here again.
Lmao. You stay out of my PL/Strongman gym and I'll stay out of your gay bathhouse.
maybe it'd do you good to visit our gay bathhouse. we get more protein in here than anywhere else. ;)
I'll never touch Brazil unless it's with a drone strike.
you refuse it now, but let me tell ya, it gets easier after a few visits. addicting even. anyway you just come on by if you ever feel interested.
Thank you lotus.
Why pro weightlifters often try 1rm squat but dont care about 1rm DL?
Is DL way less important than squat and its just powerlifters autism to test it?
Because maxing out deadlifts fucking tires you out
pls give good routine
deadlifting tires me out like nothing else in general
60kg deadlift warmup feels as tiring as 200kg deadlift for me
pls try harder
Sounds like your endurance/cardio isn't very good
I am!
if you gas at submax weights, your fitness is definitely bottlenecking your max weights you can move.
one RPE jump is about ~6% depending on the person
will skipping rope fix it
thoughts on candito routines?
if you spin the rope for about hour with elevated heartbeat i guess
i'd do indoor rowing or swimming as i like them most.
tfw never saw a gym with a rowing machine where Im from
fuckers are every gym in my city.
Try 4x10 303 tempo squats, that helped my endurance.
cardio isnt a problem, its just deadlifting, I do some wrestling and squat a lot often for hips reps and endurance isnt problem there
My alarm clock betrayed me...... It didn't set itself forwards an hour......
I destroyed my alarm clock. It paid me back with its life.
Could be fatigue from all that wrestling/squatting then. I have a hard time pulling 80%+ if I had a shit day at work the day before.
but squatting 80+ after dling or any day of the week isnt as taxing
i feel im just deadlift gde
Decent routine. 6 week is good, but I don't know why he has us doing cardio squats on week 2. I always dreaded doing that week because I would have to use all of my mental strength to push through 10 RM then 10x3 with 20-30 second rest between.
The 6wk main is a meme. Your squat will improve, but everything improves squat when you throw volume at it.
The LPs or whatever who cares. SS did it right, everyone wants to reinvent the wheel because beginners are morons.
change my mind on squatting 4x and dling 1x a week
How about you bench 4x a week instead and become chad instead of t-rex squat guy?
I already bench 4x a week
Based. What’s your bench?
>bench 4x a week
t. 275-300 lb bench presser
how would you fit 120 reps of bench into 2 days
I wouldn't.
I'd do 20-40 quality bench reps per week in 2 sessions, then do 60-100 reps of variation work for hypertrophy.
I did 156 reps in 4 days this week
Post bench
Deadlift every day user from last year here if you remember.
I stopped going gym coz I moved country and got a new job but I've started to get back to hitting the gym. My best lifts last year were 80kgx5 OHP, 120KG bench, 230kg squat, 245kg dl.
The new gym I'm going to is pretty shit atm but it's what I can afford atm and has no barbells and db rack only goes to 40kg.
Gonna work on getting my db shoulder press to 40kg,currently been stalling at 30kg for 3x5 over last week. Gonna move to unilateral standing db press, volume work and accessories. Want to develop my back and work to doing a pullup. Currently doing back extensions, cable rows, lat pull downs and using the rowing machine. For legs, I'm just cycling on high gear and walking on steep incline on treadmill.
well im also counting variation
give me a 2 day sample, to point out the structure
yeah im currently doing 120 over 4 days
Gym best is 365, meet best 350 at 215.
Not an elite level bench, but not shabby. In my experience benching 4 times per week doesn't leave much time for growth when the weights are getting heavy
Comp Bench ramping to a top double or triple with 1 RIR.
50 reps of dips, floor press, press, whatever.
Comp or close variation 5-7x5 @75%
50 reps of dips, floor press, press, whatever.
Optional day 3 for dumbbell work, or anything light.
What's the equivalence between strict OHP and thot press (like a log press, but with thots)?
is that booty fat thot or skinny thot?
Let's assume it's fat
squat strenght has more importance to wl. you can straight away calculate what your lifts are from squat, but the same correlation from deadlift isnt accurate
its gonna be harder version of push press, so if you can thot press (using legs)70kg I assume you can push press 90kg and therefore you can ohp about 65-70kg
squat strength is more important in any sport, deadlift is really usesful only for deadlifting. Pushing something is more power from squat, dragging same. Until you want to pick something extremly heavy (like 70%+ of your deadlift) from the floor squat is better
newsflash squat and deadlift are very similiar movements
Newsflash: athletes don't need the straight bar deadlift
Newsflash they dont need to squat either
t. moron
Squat is something almost every athlete needs.
Sprinters, cyclists, wrestlers, jumpers, throwers.
because theyve been doing it out of ignorance doesnt mean its good
they found of quarter squats are better for jumpers
hip thrusts better for sprinters
2 examples
>quarter squats are better for jumpers
>hip thrusts better for sprinters
You're a fucking retard. Joint angle specificity is excellent for developed, high-level athletes. many of those athletes have a foundation of strength, or they never needed it in the first place because of their genetics
[Citation Needed]
>skip workout cause sick with fever
>go back today
>bench lost a bit of power squat the same
yeah sure lets make my bench and squat gap even bigger! fuck this!
what the fuck does a natty do to bench heavy beside permabulking
Väärä lanka, mämmi on tuolla päin
perustettu valinta, tosin itse en äänestä ollenkaan
Bench more, retard.
I heard Jordan Feigenbaum said that quarter squats or squats with less range of motion have more carry over to jumpers then full depth squats.
I bench 3 times a week
>one anecdoctal evidence from a jewish hack
>hundreds if studies proving that deep squat is beneficial for athletes
hmm yeah ok mate
What's your bench?
95 kilos for 3 reps :)))
>>hundreds if studies proving that deep squat is beneficial for athletes
Nobody said that squats aren't beneficial for athletes, the statement was that squats with less range of motion was better specifically for athletes that did jumping. Your 1RM bench is probably as low as your IQ DYEL
>people reach world record and gold medal level out of ignorance, I am more knowledge than all the best coaches in the last 60 years of sports history!
Post lifts, body, and stats.
Seems like flat back is a meme.
or he just risks his spine needlessly? flat back is and isn't a meme. strongmen can lift 250kg atlas stones with rounded cat back, because it's submax and never blow out a disc.
my hip flexors are so tight i can feel them 24/7
have you considered stretching them
miss me with that gay shit
How to keep upper back tightness (shoulder blades together) on the bench? I lose it after like 2 reps