Can I get fit by doing:
50 push ups im 2 reps
50 pull ups in 2 reps
60 situps in 3 reps
60 squats in 1 rep?
Can I get fit by doing:
I meant sets
Fuck I want that
50 pullups in 2 reps is way fucking harder than the other shit you listed
>60 squats in 1 rep
That would be impressive.
"Hey user can you spot me"
fuck I would berry myself in that pusy
what are you trying to say ?
how can you do x reps in y reps?!
if your diet is pristine you can get fit doing just about anything you fucking want
no switch to 3 sets and use progressions do as many reps as possible in each set. You can get a tight body doing that but don't expect to get huge without using some weights.
Jesus christ user, I just fought off the urge to fuck the shit out of my next door neighbors chubby wife. And she was practically begging for it.
Now you hit me with this shit?
Fuck you....I guess I'm going to go sink my harpoon in a white whale tonight.
just fucking give up, if you dont want to work for it by lifting weights and going to a gym and putting actual effort in, then just kill yourself, no matter how much u try you will never escape your crippling anxiety.
other than that, this programm is super limiting, you need some way to progress, this routine will eventually become light cardio, it wont make u fit, but with the right diet u could lose some weight on it.
>absolute madman
It's *bury*, you retard
>I just fought off the urge to fuck the shit out of my next door neighbors chubby wife
>implying this isn't reverse bait
It would help but ultimately no.
>not doing starting screws
>implying this isn't reverse reverse bait
It's called overcoming isometric.
Although you would need plates for this kind of work.
Dodge this
Got stood up and have laughed so hard because of this post.
Thanks user I needed it
What's the sauce
just use yandex
This woman is gross.
impossible to know
gays are gross