thoughts on wrestling with girls?
Thoughts on wrestling with girls?
>he gets to fuck her afterwards
alpha af
tfw im gay but this gave me a boner
god why are nerdy/frail boys so hot? i love them being awkward, getting obviously arroused and trying to hide it and stuttering at the thought of someone being interested in them
they are so weak and it is so hot.
Competitively? It's a joke, had to wrestle a few. However, they were competitive in grade school and high school in the lowest weight classes.
As a fetish? sounds alright
A true sport
there was some qt girls in my bjj class that could choke me out
they were pretty small and qt too, which was a nice feeling
is that Todd Howard? i still haven't bought his game yet.
Moot's really made it huh.
This shit is so fucking fake, if anything he lost on purpose to get some sort of perverted kink out it. You can clearly see how he isn't even trying. But that would be more than logical anyway cause a women simply lacks the strength to overpower a man like that. Even if she had alot of training, a male at the same height and weight would still prevale cause they are physicly stronger and more competent in combat. Thats why these videos are always fake. There doesn't exist a single video of a women winning in a fight of a male that wasn't staged.
this one is staged, but girls can win a grappling match if they are experienced enough and the weight isn't that much different
>but girls can win a grappling match if they are experienced enough and the weight isn't that much different
no they cant, stop jerking of to surreal fetishes you fucking faggot
i trained bjj for like 5 years and occasionally when i was inexperienced a girl would beat me in a purely grappling match....
6' 150lb
>They're always paired up with a DYEL that doesn't even try to pin them
Even back when I was a DYEL who spent all day on his computer, I was an even match for my FWB dancer.
sure they did lmao
your dumb claims are nothing but fetish shit, if it was real videos of girls beating up guys would exist.
What do you subsist off of? Grass?
I taught my gf how to fight off rapists, and now she harasses me with kung fu and there's nothing I can do about it, because to fight back properly woud hurt her. So I just have to take her jabs while slapping her in the face as a deterrent.
>This shit is so fucking fake, if anything he lost on purpose to get some sort of perverted kink out it.
it's porn you fucking idiot
I probably could have spazzed my way out of it if it was life or death I guess, I'm trying to think about those specific times
I dont have any real videos of girls beating up guys, but 'beating up' is different to a specific rule set
that's pretty toxic and you'll probably regret it
>hurr durr wrestling has no skill component
Looking at the guys face he regrets nothing. He can die this instant. Good photo.
4873687493's of real fight movies exist where guys fight eachother
even alot of fight movies exist where guys beat up girls
but literally 0 fight movies exist where a girl beats up a guy
actually there are a few videos on youtube of qties beating people in grappling alone
the ones where it happens in a fugging naga competition aren't hot at all, but there you go
What's toxic about slapping someone who's trying to jab and kick you to test your dominance? It doesn't hurt her per se. Give yourself a medium slap on the cheek, are you injured by it? There's a reason it's called a bitch slap.
didn't notice that the two competition ones were child brackets lol
lmao those arent really guys more like small boys, probably teenagers still. I dont have to explain to you that there is a big difference
I wrestled several girls back in high school. Luckily I won all of them.
I freaked out every time. It’s not really fair. But it’s a lose/lose situation for the guy. If you win, big deal. It’s a girl. You’re supposed to win. And you can’t beat her too badly or else you’re a misogynist. But is you lose, you’re life is over. It’s front page of the local paper and has a short feel good story on the local news. You better either transfer to a school two states away or just kill yourself.
also this is all staged shit, like the guys arent even trying cause they dont want everyone to see that they "beat up a girl"
its all fake, there is no real video of a real fight where a female wins from a male. Period. Stop trying to make your retarded fetishes a reality cause they stay science fiction
I would pop biggest boner then lose
It's a porn site you god damn idiot, take this (You) and fuck yourself with it.
is a girl has you in an armbar or bow and arrow choke and you don't know the technique to escape then she's won
ive choked out men who were much bigger and stronger than me in bjj, weight and strength are a huge huge advantage but it's not end all be all.
if it was a 'real fight' (TM) I guess I could have just violently kicked and stomped her, or spazzed enough that there was no room for technique and then kicked her in the head 20 times, but that's not how a limited rule set works
I like rolling with them in bjj because I get to touch them, haha
I'm angry all the time
I would probably get mad and start beating them to death and throwing them like 20lbs plates.
I don't get why he isn't fighting back.
He was so into it that he exploded on his stomach
I've done it once or twice in a class with a girl about a decade younger. I was barely a few weeks in and I think she was a blue belt, it was about evenly matched.
If you're focused, you won't notice anything and with gis they're usually thick enough to not feel anything
Trust me he is fighting back his urges to jack it off.
Just clinch lmao.
>Autism Speaks
It would be a joke to do unless you’re wrestling with like a gf or fwb intending for it to lead to rough sex.
I only wrestled a few friends in college but simply because I was bigger and stronger than them I was able to win on strength alone. Most had experience from HS teams. The second I went against a guy my same size who had actual training I got wrecked. I can only imagine against a bitch it would practically be rape
She could clown on 99% of Jow Forums on the mat, the cage, the streetz, whatever.
Not a leftist or anything but some of you need to feel the power of superior technique.
I rolled with a couple of women in BJJ and it felt like rolling with a child every time.
Good job! You figured it out! Congrats on this! You did it!
My girlfriend used to try wrestling with me to aggravate me so that I would overpower her and fuck her hard, but once I got super annoyed and wasn't in the mood so I whipped her belt with an ass until she cryed and she stopped trying to wrestle me after that.
Ass with a belt* obvi
here you go, you little basement dweller faggot full of autism. and you know what, you would lose too!
A woman with a "fridge body" that becomes shredded can beat 90% of Jow Forums, if not all. The problem with most women is chicken legs and big hip to small waist.
Would you have the gains to escape?
Man if I ever hookup with my ex that’s what I’m going to do. Hard sex into spamming/ belt whipping. Knowing her she’d probably get super attached to me again after that lmao
I roll with girls between men to catch my breath i roll with like 2 guys then a girl to take a break rinse and repeat. Even the stronger ones feel like rollin with a child , the perk i get to "accidentely" grope a few of the good looking ones asses
Estrogen makes female thighs pretty big and heavy if they become thicc. If you're a skeleton then it could go either way.
If all the girl look like that or better then sign me up on top of the list
Back when I was still using porn to jack off, this was one of my go to fetishes. Damn shame I never got to do it in real life. Girls want to right into grabbing junk and kissing within like 30 seconds of struggle
I like the porn. But its extremely hard to find convincing stuff that isnt weird femdom where the girl humiliates the guy. Once I saw one realistic one where the dude straight up embarasses her with his physical prowess. Hottest shit desu
I wrestled my friends gf before because she wanted to show me her judo. She definitely knew some moves but even my scrawny ass with no wrestling experience got her pinned.
In case you were wondering it was really hot. And yes her bf watched as i man handled her.
>how it feels to chew 5 gum
inb4 that redditor who shows up in every femdom/peggingbitch thread shows up
pretty sure that's rape, user. Have fun with a rape case
t. 7.5 years bjj
Let me cum let me cum let me cum let me cum!
One of my friends had a gf who was a national kata champion in taekwondo. She was pretty small but deluded herself into thinking she could actually beat up men because of her training.
I trained thaiboxing at the time but without any serious ambitions. One time when we got drunk she challenged me to spar with her. I easily caught her kick and swept her other leg. She fell and didn't want to continue afterwards. She was really competetive and you could tell how mad she was about this.
>roid monster can beat up a bunch of dyels
My my
Why does the guy look like he weighs less?
literally my only fetish
Its all little boys and a scrawny teen
>tfw want a gf to (gently) dominate me
>6'2 and Jow Forums
Are we just here to suffer?
Used to wrestle my gf a lot and would go easy on her because it was funny to effortlessly clutch victory from her at the last minute.
I swear if a girl tried to Ezekiel choke me in nogi I would punish her. When they try to kimura, it's funny, but you have to so delusional and full of yourself to try a nogi Ezekiel as a girl on a guy
Ahahahahaha based.
Love you
thats basically a man
yep, dis be based (uh huh) (daz rite) (mmhm) diz based (yessuh) (hell yeah) diz iz BASED mufugga! (sheit)
Literally just came back from wrestling practise and was wrestling with a girl who has European qualifiers next week.
Nothing weird unless you make it weird, sure you might grab her ass accidentally or touch her boobs/chest when your doing a move but it's not really awkward unless you make it, by apologising like a sperg.
Wrestling with your girl is a whole different story, thats when you can really get sexual ;)
im the opposite. not rape fantasy or anything but a chick playfully putting up a fight gets the test flowing
Look, it's the same user from /lit/. Consider killing yourself.
Have you shown her your raping mantis style yet?
Kys if true
>Doesn't immediately upa escape out
>Crappy scissor choke, the dude can easily uncross her ankle and goon himself out
>Doesn't turn his hips and turtle out of it
>Just lol. This dude would get passed out by a gust of wind
WHY IS THIS FETISH ALWAYS DONE SO SHIT!!!!!! All I want is a proper clip of an competent grappler getting tapped by a braphog, then forced to go unconscious only to wake up with getting his cock swallowed while still being pinned to the ground, only to be released once the semen succubus is satisfied every last ounce of cum has been ripped out from those worthless, weak balls. Is this too much to ask for? Why are porn creators such scum.
With her "superior technique"
Which accent is this? New York?
So this is what moot does for money?
It's insanely hard.
Not hard in the sense that it's difficult to overcome them, but hard in that you have to control your strength at a specific level to keep it even.
If you go full strength, and thus likely hurt her, then you lose because you hurt a girl and people will think you're an ass, but if you do nothing then you lose and got beat by a girl. You have to control your strength at slightly above their level and beat them that way.
Other than that it's hot as fuck.
[spoiler] Most of these videos end with the dude being fucked in the butt with a strapon [/spoiler]
It's literally the meaning of life.
of course it's fake, but the girl clearly has grappling knowledge.
she has both his legs grapevined so even if he tries to explode with his hips, he's going nowhere. the only way he could get out of it is if he knows BJJ escapes.
I finally got to roll around with this tiny hot 19 year old chick in my judo club. It was very enjoyable for me
>middle school wrestling team
>98 lbs
>playing ironman, we line up by weight and 2 lightest guys wrestle, winner advances to next heaviest, continue.
>75 lb freak demon beats everyone on team up until me
>win. win. win. win. next thing i know i'm up to the 135 lb wrestler and its the 8th grade girl thats taller than me and big titties
>finally get to be thrown around by mommy
>it starts, i'm already sweaty, she gets me on the ground in seconds, i feel every contour of her soft womanly body as my sweaty string bean figure latches to her
i miss wrestling.
>I whipped her belt with an ass