The average height of a female caucasoid in North America ages 18-20 is now 5'8''. What accounts for this absolute mogging relative to the stagnant growth observed among their male cohort, and how will this affect society?
The average height of a female caucasoid in North America ages 18-20 is now 5'8''...
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> 2 at back are wearing heels
> rular not at the bottom
Why ? Higher calcium consumption
I am almost 6.3 so i dont care , but increased height probably came from drinking milk. I drank a fuckton of milk during my childhood, and since i do half gomad a day, i grew another inch.
>mother only bought skim
>The average height for adult women varies around the world. In the United States, the average woman is a little under 5 feet 4 inches tall at 63.7 inches (161.8 centimeters)
>Non-Hispanic white women: 64.1 inches (162.9 centimeters)
Good bait, OP. I'm sure some retards will fall for it.
Not him but this is probably the worst bait I’ve seen. I’m not sure what’s more pathetic here, the way you tried to make yourself sound as if you’re an intellectual asking a legitimate question or the fact that this is what makes you feel better about yourself. I think if you lift and work on your social gains that you could be happy one day.
T. 6’1” manlet god
what the fuck is "skim"?
It might seem that way, judging from what I've seen online virtually every single American is too dumb to measure things properly and thus don't know their actual heights, usually overestimating.
Oh, they know their real heights. They just e-stat like crazy. An american 6' is 5'9 in the rest of the world.
From what I've seen here on Jow Forums, they can't measure their dicks properly and that's unironically far simpler and less variable than height.
>it's another "Jow Forums can't into perspective" thread
Even if these four random girls accurately represent the national average, that fucking ruler superimposed on top of the image is nowhere near their real height.
I drank 2 litres a day almost since I was young and I'm 5'6"
Jow Forums cant measure anything correctly, here, your 1.5pl8 bp somehow becomes 2pl8, 3pl8 dl becomes 4pl8, the time needed to reach these is divided by 2 for some reason, etc
They probably don't stay up to midnight in their youth, so they have intact growth hormone processes.
Nah, it's just e-stating. Everyone on Jow Forums is 6'3, 240lbs 10% bf with 8 inch dicks.
>barely taller than the chair
its a big chair
yes and you're the sad outsider
you're a huge faggot
I start the measurement from the dick root, which is at the anus. Anus to tip is the way scientists measure. I have 6.5" which is comfortably bigger than average according to scientific studies.
3, 4, 2, 1
2, 4, 3, 1
Nah, I'm 6'6, 265lbs, 8% bf with a 9 inch dick.
1, 4, 3, 2
morons it's obviously 4, 3, 1, 2
>4 is the least deformed or masculine looking
>3 looks sexy except her buck teeth
>1 isn't black
4 looks like she's 90lbs wet. 3 is okay but average. 1 is a tall and sexy amazon with a nice smile.
she could pass as a man
The one on the far right looks like my ex
You must be small as fuck if that looks like a man to you.
Its also cutest one
shave her head and look again
Yep, still looks like a girl. Apparently so do you.
Man how do you deal with airplane seats??