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Aside form the veganism itself I kinda enjoy his rants once in a while

I'm an individual.

>inb4 300 replies

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he looks like a fava bean on roids

Except he has numerous videos explaining how vegans have more muscle mass than carnivores.

> be individual
> on the diet 95% of people are on
pick one

He is very good at taking apart the carnie meme diet half of Jow Forums adore because "muh meat manly"


I'm not on a diet. I change what I eat when I get bored.

>does carnivore debate
>with faggot "Tufano" cocksucker representing carnivores
>wins and references debate as to why all carnivores are trash
he's a shill

Im straight

He's just great at ripping apart people, epidemiological studies which he is citing are not sufficient enough for his claims

Richard pls

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Whoops meant this guy

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Because I’m a normal, well-adjusted human being who is comfortable with his species’ place in the food chain and has no desire to constrict my diet while supplementing B12, D, Omega 3, Iodine, Iron, Calcium and Zinc just so I can boast to others about how superior I am because “think of the cute animals”.

Stay away from my results, goblino.

Veganism is a suicide cult

Thank God it only happens to leftists.

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Because non of the main arguments apply to me. Here is a short explanation.

>health argument:
Because i am not convinced that its better for my health, infact i think that an optimal diet contains animal products.
>ethics argument:
I am emotionally sane/stoic enough to not be lead by my emotions to such an extend that i am willing to sacrifice my natural/healthy diet for them
>environment argument:
I dont believe animal products contribute disproportionally to global warming. Docs like cowspiracy try to make us believe its really bad, but when you look at the actual official sources animal farming contributes between 8 and 15% to total greenhouse emission, of which 80% occurs in developing countries (meaning that the west contributes aroung 2,8%). I do not think those numbers are disproportional at all, considering they concern our natural/healthy diet. In my opinion, if anything is to contribute to those numbers, let it be food. Food is objectively more important than a lot of other stuff on that list.

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>Díos mìo... el verde ogro abomino del US

He also debated Sv3rige and Milkjar.

Enjoy your heart disease

Psst. It's not called "US" in Spanish.

>implying all vegans are leftists

Over 60 years of research on the topic of cholesterol/sat fat and heart disease. Never has anyone been able to actually prove a causation. All the evidence ever only concerns correlations.

One of the first things you learn when you do any kind of health education, is that when something has a shown correlation, but not a causation, it should NOT be considered proof.

Post body

Why are no vegans replying to this. This guy seems to make valid points. Or did i just answer my own question? Are vegans not capable of replying to valid points?

Corect me If I'm wrong but doesnt he use roids?

You're never going to have direct evidence of such a thing. There are too many variables when it comes to eating and living; everyone has a different lifestyle. To literally get anywhere at all, circumstantial evidence must be considered. Otherwise you're sitting at square one for eternity going "whelp, no direct evidence so we just don't know."

What does science say about alcohol and cancer now? They flip flop every week it seems.

The Spanish tends to be deliberately mangled in the joke, user. Like la luz extinguido....

Even a very low intake of meat raises your IFG and risk of diabetes.

>That isn't the correct way of saying the US in Spanish, no I won't tell.what it is just google it fejjit
>*Autistic whooping*
>Díos mìo... el abominó verde ogro del los estados unidos

Veganism leads to protein malnutrition, one of the late stage symptoms is insanity

Why would a diet that includes meat be healthier? What are the health benefits of meat?

He is just saying you should eat meat for health with nothing to back it up.

as if these count as legit debates

It's still better evidence than what any of his detractors present.

Well obviously, they're the only group more retarded than vegans.
Being an /omnivore/ is the one true path.

B12 is the only thing they need to supplement (or have fortified in their foods)

hehe, no, thats not really how science works. In such cases mechanical evidence would be the factor that provides causal evidence. Mechanical evidence is basically where we find out how certain chemical processes etc work on our body, and then use that knowledge to explain the causation behinds the correlation. There are many examples where a certain bodily process is considered causal due to mechanical evidence. But when it comes to heart disease the mechanical evidence does not support the lipid hypothesis at all. If anything, it suggests that the reason why cholesterol sticks around in our bloodvessels has more to do with factors like inflammation and chronically high blood sugars (factors which are both primarily caused by plant foods)

Same can be said for tobacco and cancer/COPD

Let's be honest you won't alive to witness that with your ohwowplantsman diet.

You might want to update your meme image. He benched 315 long time ago.

It's not deliberate. It's literally chumps trying to use a language they don't know anything about.

yeah no shit, that's what you get if a fanatic goblin "debates" faggots and brainless freaks

Try going to a board with flags, even Spaniards mangle the Spanish.

>He is just saying you should eat meat for health with nothing to back it up.
Why would i? The burden of proof lies on vegans, not on me. An omnivorous diet is our natural diet. So it is not up to me to proof that our natural diet isnt unhealthy. Thats like asking an atheist to prove god doesnt exist.

If you are going to claim that our natural diet is unhealthy, or that a vegan diet is healthier, you are the one thats going to have to provide evidence.


I also wonder your thoughts on the WHO work concluding that processed meat causes cancer that red meat probably causes cancer, these conclusions were made based upon the mechanism btw.

>Red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, CVD and cancer mortality. Substitution of other healthy protein sources for red meat is associated with a lower mortality risk.

Nah, read . When it comes to tobacco/smoking we have very strong mechanical evidence on how it damages DNA and how damaged DNA can lead to cancer.

Top meme, not based in reality though.

Who would be a legit opponent for a debate then?

Because bacon

Mainly because i use meats to get my protein levels good also im christian and the bible(New Testament not old Testament) tells how eating meat is good.

>Diet was assessed by validated food-frequency questionnaires and updated every four years

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The WHO work had to abuse statistics by calling a 5,9% to 6,9% increase a "19% increase" (because 6,9 is 19% higher than 5,9...). While in reality it was a 1% increase of getting 1 specific type of cancer, where they had no way of saying whether it was actually due to the red meat or due to the processing (because they grouped both red and processed under the same thing).

So ehm.., no. Im not quite convinced.

When it comes to TMAO. Thats such cherry picking. Every food has compounds in it that cause oxidation. There is also very strong reasons to believe (allthough not strong evidence yet, i admit) that animal products contain compounds that counteract the oxidative effects of TMAO.

Then, they are probably mocking the dummies who fuck it up on accident.

> Early observations that cholesterol is a key component of arterial plaques gave rise to the cholesterol hypothesis for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
> Population studies have demonstrated that elevated levels of LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B (apoB) 100, the main structural protein of LDL, are directly associated with risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (ASCVE).
> Indeed, infiltration and retention of apoB containing lipoproteins in the artery wall is a critical initiating event that sparks an inflammatory response and promotes the development of atherosclerosis. Arterial injury causes endothelial dysfunction promoting modification of apoB containing lipoproteins and infiltration of monocytes into the subendothelial space.

Class 1 carcinogen

> (because they grouped both red and processed under the same thing).
no they didn't user


Can you show me that they didnt? Im pretty sure they did

I posted several links already

el goblino verde... dios mio

That still doesnt prove why it does stick around, which is exactly what we would want to know.

I dont see anyone links in this thread that prove a causation.

Standard carnie cope where they attack the level of evidence (yet never provide a higher level of evidence defending their meme diet).

The next step of cope:
> muh they're just comparing health conscious vegans against your typical omnivore and don't adjust for xxxx
Answer: they do adjust for these things)

The step after:
> They compared the processed/factory farmed stuff. I get my meat from a free range grassfed cow that I hunted at a farm where I know the owner, why don't they ever take that into account
No evidence that this theoretical meat is any different from the other stuff (let alone that it bucks the trend and is healthier than vegetables

Final step:
> it's a conspiracy to stop us eating meat, studies shouldn't be trust at all

Because I like to rape women and kill minorities.

pic related

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The health risks of inflammatory foods

Not surprisingly, the same foods on an inflammation diet are generally considered bad for our health, including red meat and processed meats.

"Some of the foods that have been associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease are also associated with excess inflammation," Dr. Hu says. "It's not surprising, since inflammation is an important underlying mechanism for the development of these diseases."

How come correlation always points in the same direction in all of these studies?

Guess which stage you are at right now.

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100% accurate. This should be copy-pasted in every carnie vs vegan thread.

I'm not a retard

>How come correlation always points in the same direction in all of these studies?

Because "vegan", by definition, is a small subset of people that puts a lot of thought and effort into their dieting, while "meat eater" is practically a catch-all for "everyone else".

The GenPop is a disgusting herd of human cattle that live one trash and high fructose corn syrup. Demonstrating that eating vegetables puts you ahead of the average person is about as unremarkable as an observation can possibly get.

And when studies adjust for things such as levels of exercise, smoking, alcohol intake, BMI, age, etc...?

The next step of cope:
> muh they're just comparing health conscious vegans against your typical omnivore and don't adjust for xxxx
Answer: they do adjust for these things)

See this study They adjusted for
>age, body mass index, family history of diabetes, education, leisure time physical activity, smoking and alcohol

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99% of vegans are leftists. The 1% who aren't rabid leftists (John Rose and vegan pains, ) should be wondering what they are doing in a liberal suicide cult.

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And what about the fact that processed and red meat are carcinogenic and inflammatory? How does healthy user bias explain that away?

I don't make my diet choices based on the political stance of random strangers who just so happen to follow a similar diet.

I don't trust any "study" done by anyone who is a lbtard or government stooge.

If I were to listen to (((you fckwads))) for any reason I would have to be retarded.

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Put out by the USDA Agricultural Research Service whose mission is to:
> sustain a competitive agricultural economy
> provide economic opportunities to rural citizens, communities, and society as a whole.

I enjoy the consumption of meat and embrace all of the consequences

That's very nice but it doesn't detract from the findings and research. It may be biased but the citations are all there for you to check. Sorry faggot, you're all jist blowing hot air.

Likewise, so far my consequences include having perfect teeth and improving strength and joints.

Meanwhile vegans are enjoying the results of their retarded unnatural diet.....

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That study is actually a perfect example of what happens when vegans try to find something that actually controls for important variables.

Next thing you know, the vegan finds himself down a weird rabbit-hole of trying to insist that a population of Taiwanese vegetarians enjoying a reduced chance of a metabolic disease that health-conscious people without family history are never threatened by anyway somehow has some bearing on their shrieking about how animal products are the devil.

That's the rub. The best you people can do is point out instances where, if somebody is concerned for some specific reason about some specific problem (in this case, IFG/Diabetes), then they have reason to believe they should take cues from somebody other than you (in this case, Buddhist vegetarians in Taiwan).

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raises your chance of colon cancer by like 3% over your lifetime. sure the difference is like 30% relative increase over non bacon eaters, but it's one of those statistics that sounds worse than it is.

(i know my numbers are off a tad but you get the idea)

i swear i see these threads every day now, with identical arguments and that one guy posting the same videos every time. time to filter this shit i think.

fuckin saged brah

Sue me I want vegans to see their future.

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>posting videos made by an actual diagnosed schizophrenic

post body

>Being a vegan and defending your anorexia cult.

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show me 1 vegan with decent muslce mass thats natty

>post big vegan
>'Clearly on roids, doesn't count!'

>post athletic looking vegan
>'Haha dyel!'

No thanks. There is no winning with you.

No history of heart disease or cancer in my family whatsoever, so I think I'll be fine. Besides the amount of exercise I do.

i feel bad for the cows, i've never seen a happy cow in my life, they all have sadness in their eyes.