What are your favorite stretching moves?
What are your favorite stretching moves?
I like hanging from the pullup poll it feels good
Where do I find a boyfriend like that?
I'm from Germany so guys that look like him aren't rare but they are all acting way too childish. Still talking about Spongebob, video games and thinking anal sex is funny. Where are all the hot, confident and mature guys?
Meldet euch mal bitte.
what is with you Krauts and your fetish with anal and scat?
I don't have a fetish, the guys my age are obsessed with big butts and anal though. I think it's just in trend right now? And hormonal guys (18-25) go wild over a nice ass so they fetishize it too
I don't even mind it, i'd be willing to try it but they are immature about it. Thinking anal is some sort of joke, say you want it like a man and im finna give it to you
It's not good for your spine, homie
Gas yourself, fritzina
i'm going to do another kind of hanging if i can't get a gf soon fren
I do not care for your opinion
Hang in there
If you only attract that type of guy you might be a bland and boring woman without ambitions or hobbies you're passionate about. Is your only selling point looking good?
Show that booty.
No, it's not. I feel like guys at my age (early twenties) just didn't grow up yet, I think it's because I'm mostly attracted to the jock type of guys (looks wise) but they tend to be the most immature ones.
I could always go for a booksmart/ambitious guy but they don't interest me body wise.
I'm tall, skinny, educated, somewhat attractive (actually I think I'm very attractive but y'all are gonna call me a conceited roastie), nice but still strong. I just want a hot guy to marry honestly lol. But hot guys aren't marriage material and marriage material isn't hot.
Den strick für die schwuchdel
>I'm from Germany so guys that look like him aren't rare but they are all acting way too childish.
I highly doubt that's true. Maybe you take yourself way too serious.
t. dutchfag
What do you doubt about that? lol
Most german guys have light brown hair with green or blue eyes
Lern Deutsch du Hurensohn
Du wirst dich nie erfolgreich fortpflanzen und das ist auch gut so.
Gott hasst homosexuelle, für deine sünden wirst du in der hölle braten.
Immer noch kein richtiges deutsch, schön dass du den Übersetzer benutzt du bescheuerter Hurensohn
Und außerdem können Schwule sich heutzutage sogar mit einer Leihmutter oder ähnlichem genetisch Fortpflanzen :) Schwach von dir
Women aren't worth being mature for anymore.
Well everyone settles down eventually
I don't mind a guy being goofy but you need to be able to have mature conversations too
Why do you think the guy in the OP is mature? Maybe he's just as immature as all the guys you're talking about. You don't know anything about him.
I like him looks wise, I used to like the pretty model type but I prefer the jock next door now. You're right, he could be immature but as far as I know (watched his video) he seemed knowledgable and confident
Funny how what you're saying is how I feel about most women 20-30. I'm 30 myself and fucking tired of children. You sound like a larping dude.
Wtf is this shit
Nope, I'm serious. As far as I know women are generally more mature. Sure, there are mature men too but they tend to be less hot. I thought it might get better in my thirties, sad :/
>enter thread to read about stretching moves
>it's just a bunch of retards feeding attention to a roastie
fuck off idiot
pretty sure it's a fag?
Even worse. What's your favorite stretching exercise, bro?
Same here, user. Jow Forums never stops surprising me
Fuck off faggot, you've posted multiple paragraphs about shit no one cares about
Thanks for the bumps.
Also at one of the (YOU)s: did your german translator not work anymore? Hurensohn
Thats the same for guys. Hot grills are thots and not marriage material. Find the outlier, or settle for in between