Is swimming the best sport to compliment lifting?

Is swimming the best sport to compliment lifting?

It's easy on your joints, can't really hurt yourself and it's very effective

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>cant hurt yourself
i smacked my chin on the bottom of the pool once and got a scrape

Can't protect yourself from yourself fellow retard.

Swimmers have repetitive stress injuries in their shoulders

>you Cant hurt yourself
I got a cramp once and almost drowned

how did you manage that?

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> can't hurt yourself
This one time I breathed in some water by accident and had a coughing fit

I wish I could swim.

>can't really hurt yourself
one time i ran by the side of the pool and slipped and smacked my head

>can't really hurt yourself
I once got a boner and got stuck in the water filter.

Wtf you guys have trouble swimming?

I thought fit should be an athletic board, especially since majority is lifting, should be good at sports too

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I always wanted to swim but I was never able to learn.
My father tried, my friends tried, my partners tried, and now my co-workers want to give it a go as well.

It's pointless, I just can't float. I can manage going forward but I always sink down.

I hate those bastards who just sit in the water and float without even moving, like a friend of mine.
He's literally told me something along the lines of "Haha wtf how can you not swim? like just float like I do, haha"

lmao my right shoulder popped out of its socket once while swimming

It's really about staying calm and knowing which posture works, once youve done it it's literally impossible not to do it (unless u drown on purpose)

You should just learn floating in short water and then progress further

You can do it

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It's what they've told me as well, I tried many other postures and staying calm but as soon as I do that I just sink. They weren't able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I want to take swimming lessons but at the old age of 27 I'm kinda embarrassed.

Honestly, I don't think swimming lessons are worth it, I think it's more of a stress/brain thing. I got thrown into the water as a child and I just started swimming to survive, once I got more comfortable I learned floating and diving

Just go somewhere with someone you like or on your own and try around a bit

You will figure it out

literally just let go, take a big gulp of air and cease all motion

looks like synthol

Homosexuality is fucking disgusting

You're not disgusting. You're born this way, don't let the self hating and ignorant and bitter people fool you. You're on the right track, you were made to survive

I was born straight faggot. Suck my cock.

>that chest

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> Jow Forums at the pool

Now that I look at it closer, it does look weird. I thought it was just insertion genetics like a lot of people here say

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I feel bad for him..

Same as everybody else. Every single gay man is a trauma victim of some kind, usually childhood sexual trauma. Gay women have just given up on getting a man because of their own failures. When societies start supporting and accepting homosexuality as normal it's a sign of trauma in the society, and an obvious prelude to its destruction.

You seem confused.

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>smacked my chin on the bottom of the pool
Good to know I'm not alone

that scenary is beautiful if it wasnt for the oversatured colors

My friend did just that and down I went instantly, every time.

Did that too. Sunk like a rock.

Thanks for the help anons, but it's pointless, I'm too dumb to swim.

You seem to be a sissy, bend over bottom boy

Same. Also, dude looks fucking pregnant.

>Sunk like a rock.
that is physically impossible, go like a starfish and don't move

Your disbelief doesn't surprise me, but yes, I do sink like that, even if I do the starfish.

you literally float, there is no trick, next time you're in water just pinch your nose, close your eyes and try to float, your head will be underwater, but you'll not sink, then maybe try laying on your back if you're feeling courageous, like literally lay on your back and you'll float nigga, lmao

oh one more thing, you have to have air in your lungs, you only sink if you exhale all the air

Literally just breathe, your lungs will work like bueys and keep you afloat

Yes, it's probably more likely that you, a person unremarkable in every other way, have a different physical makeup than literally every mammal on the planet.
Rather than just being a bitch that panics in water and not willing to admit it.

I'll try again next time I'm going to the pool.

I never said I'm different, just that I can't float, and I'm sure it's something related to what I'm doing, I said above that I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
So take a chill pill senpai.

Swimming lessons are a bit of a meme for an adult. Just get a bro who knows how to do it and he will guide you through

How do I get an ass like that? Not gay but I want to make my gf want to peg me.

I want to peg my boyfriend, how'd I ask them? I thought guys would be insulted and turned off by that?

Just grab his ass often and imply you're into it, is he into femdom at all? I don't think any guy would be insulted by it.

>cant hurt yourself
I got my toe stuck in the bottom of the pool and had to rip it out and then the whole pool filled with blood and my toe had to be glued together.

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>0 results

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