Sorry for my Bad English

Sorry for my Bad English.
I was with Jow Forums at 16-22 than i stopped sports because i got a Job in a village. Iam now 26 and want to get Jow Forums again. I have no car and the next gym is a bit away. And i live in a small 2 Room Apartment so a home gym is no Option.
Has Jow Forums a train-plan for barbells and body weight? I would buy a car if i stick to the training and go in a real gym with the big boy weights.

Attached: 1546730381428.jpg (1408x1976, 321K)

buy a car and go to the gym.

the home is full of distractions and you must remove yourself from that environemnt

Good God. That dark haired girl

are those girls russian by any chance?

lighthaired girl is superior wtf

id guess finnish based solely on the fact that theyre in a sauna

why does it matter you wont throw your fuck into them

>russians dont go in sauna



Iam in the middel management i cant buy a shitty car. And with connections and stuff i would buy a porsche so thats would be in the worst case a 80k € car for sunndays.


You guys never saw Russian girls before?

Imagine you are there fully naked and they start sucking your huge erect schlong while you are sweating like you're in the sahara because of the sauna

>Day 7 of NoFap: Failed


i just associate saunas with finns

i wanna marry the light haired girl hnnng

Go on...

100% not finnish
t. finn

Yeah look Russian. Maybe Polish? Those cheekbones!

Russian. Trust me, I have a skav background.

They're definitely slavic, probably russian

why can't you buy a shitty car?

one on the right could easily be finnish, lefty could be russian. That look is extremely common over there.

yes defo not finnish as (checked based spurdo) said
t another, bigger and more ripped finn.

What is a bit away? You could take your bicycle to the gym. I have 12 km to my gym and I ride my bike to it every time. Good cardio

whatever op. post more of the girls

>эти гopячиe штyчки

Cлышь бpaтaн, зapядкoй мoжнo зaнимaтьcя дoмa. Ищи в интepнeтe нopмaльный peжим (глaвнoe чтo тaм ecть push ups, sit ups, etc.), и зaнимaйcя кaким тo cпopтoм ecли мoжeшь. Ecли нeт, тo мoжнo пpocтo бeгaть пo yтpaм. Я caм в бacкeтбoл игpaю.

т. aмepикaнeц. Пpocти зa плoхoй pyccкий, я eщё yчycь.

Yeah, Russian to get at this dick

Хopoший pyccкий, я бы нe зaпoдoзpил чтo ты шпиoн пo cooбщeнию

youre a retard then. He literally said "these hot things" wtf is that supposed to be in russian? no one talks like that in russia

It's hard to tell when they still have their skin on.

It’s slang dumbass