Wake up

>wake up
>go to uni
>stuff my face full of food
>stuff my face full of food
>play vidya
>go to bed

Are these really the best years of my life? How do I spice up my days?

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Just get a gf 4head

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just do something
>i don't do anything but sit around all day
>what could i do to spice up my life?
i know this is probably bait but christ if it isn't you people are beyond help

start cat burgling, it is superior and more respectable than nigger theft

stop with the vidya shit. start a hobby that you can improve over time. Ex.: running fast or running more distant or reading or dont know.

Just stop with the vidya.

>Wake up
>Haveq breakfast
>Go to uni
>Study with friends
>Have lunch
>Play vidya with friends
>Lift with friends
>Have dinner
>Go to bed
These really are the best years of my life

Woman isn't a solution to your life user.

Uni's usually have loads of societies and things you can go to. I highly recommend attending some, especially for sports and martial arts.

t. Failed normie inner city bugman who doesn't have any friends now I've finished uni and looks back on that time both fondly and with profound regret.

Fuck you.

You need to start learning business skills like sales/marketing so you don't end up in the same situation for 40 years but with a 9-5 instead of uni.

get friends. probably 95% of all my good old days memories involve other people.

College is not supposed to be the best years of your life. You have no money, you have no real responsibility, you still have homework for Christ’s sake.

College is only the best years of your life if the rest of your life sucks and you don’t set yourself up at all

wait until you start wageslaving

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How would I go about learning this? I'm getting a business degree and will be a basic wagie but they don't teach us any practical shit.

Have hobbies outside anime and video games, have friends, eventually get a gf. If your life is full NPC mode with no interaction with others who give a shit about you and no changes of routine, things are going to get old really fucking fast. Don't (you) me asking "how do I get friends/a gf," I know how that autistic question always goes on here and I'm not trying to give directions, just say what worked for me.

Here are some tips from my uni time:

>Absolutely keep lifting
>Suit up as early as you can (classic wardrobe is timeless, modern fashion is not)
>Keep fucking
>Be done with uni as fast as you can
>Stop playing vidya

Do you live on campus, OP?

Take advantage of the clubs + organizations that the college offers. The people who run em love seeing new people walk through the doors cause attendance tends to drop off the further you are from the beginning of the semester. They're free and completely at-will. They aren't the paradigm of coolness or whatever but you might meet a few new people and you won't be pent up in your coop like you are now.

Just Google "top sales books" and "top marketing books." Then pick one from each that looks good. That's a good starting point.
As far as starting a business itself, there are books like The Personal MBA that actually gives practical real-world advice.
Past that, I would consider going to seminars, as you can often gleam insider information that you can't get from a $10 book.
All the resources you need are out there.

You have no idea how bad it gets.

do drugs you will never regret

Don't you have any friends? Friends always spice things up, try joining clubs, find a lifting buddy, find people with similar interests to you. If you don't make friends easy find a social coach

discover what it is you actually want to see get done or accomplished by yourself in life.

Fuuuuck I miss it
>wake up
>big ass dining hall breakfast
>lab with my school bros
>lift with my fitness bros
>hammock in the quad or play frisbee in the sun
>homework while drinking
>pregame or vidya game with friends
>hit the bar or house party
>football tailgating on the weekends
>fucking sorority girls or my fwb a couple times a week
Goddamn life was good. My grades weren't the best though. But you can't replicate those afternoons with your bros just chillin and drinking and feeling like you'll never get old.
>wake up
>small lunch at my desk
>big dinner
>lift and Rock climb for a few hours
>go home and chill with gf

Best way you can improve your life user is to have at least 1 close male friend. A true bro can elevate yout college life to something special. Moreso than a GF can.

doesnt hurt to get your dick sucked user

>start a hobby

I think he already has. It's lifting.

It's possible to have more than one hobby

Lifting is a shitty hobby.
>mostly isolating
>leeches into every area of your life
>does not give you life experiences worth relating/outside of the norm
Lifting is a hygiene thing that's enjoyable. It improves other areas of your life and can make you more appealing, but it is not as fulfilling as hobbies that allow socialization and create memorable stories.
Don't fall into the trap of spending the best years of your life picking up and putting down metal so you can someday, maybe, pick up and put down larger metal. Lift and eat right because looking and feeling strong and good will allow you to perform better at other hobbies and cultivate meaningful experiences with peopke. Lifting shouldn't be the hobby. Lifting should be like brushing your teeth or showering.