Do you workout with your gf Jow Forums?

How is it like?

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Yeah but we do different workouts at different pace and quickly part ways, only to rejoin later.

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She never wants to go with me and she's been paying for this shit for a year

24 yo never had gf because i spend all my time in front of computer

Beware, sometimes women find advice as "telling them what to do" and they hate that shit. Give her freedom and don't force it upon her, just show her pictures of models and fit girls while commenting on their good looks. She will get jealous

Why must you torment me?

i workout with my waifu on wii fit

My what?

Yup and we do the same workout (albeit different weights), she lunges like a beast

>my gf

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How come dick size doesn't increase with height? It musk look tiny on him.

>and they hate that shit


He better not have kids w this womanlet...

beta as fuark

coping this much lmao you've never had a gf because you are short or ugly

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We warm up on the row machine and then she does cardio while I lift
I've shown her a few machines but she's incredibly weak
Proud of her for going with me though sometimes she huffs and puffs and then thanks me after

How can you go from training with Mr Laurence Wheels to training with THAT????
Did you mean 'rendezvous'?

t. virgin

>same workout
>she lunges

Does that mean you lunge? What a fucking faggot.

Nah, I lift, she used to do acrobatic pole dancing and now does bouldering.
We do exercise together by having energetic sweaty sex if you know what I mean.

I want to watch them fug.

>4 in 5 girls get laid
>less than 1 in 6 men get laid

it's even worse than the 80/20 split people keep citing lol

It's like 90/10. And in some areas like 95/5

i dont believe this
any place where 90% of men are incels would have collapsed long ago

The US has been in decline for decades. It's all masked

Attached: sgs-gdp.gif (500x320, 15K)

Can you imagine what it’s like when they fuck?

economic growth rate is a meme, you can't stay a burgeoning, recently-industrialized nation forever, nor should you want to

Those stats are only for Tinder users, which we all know is just a big fuckfest anyway.

>big fuckfest
and even there only a miniscule percentage of men are actually getting any

how much lower are the rates among men who don't use tinder?

GDP is a pretty worthless indicator nowadays anyway desu

it's good and useful for countries where industry and production make up the vast majority of economic activity, but in the modern west that is not the case
total gdp is almost meaningless when most of it comes from services that don't create any meaningful value

>how is it?
>what is it like?
pick one, grammarlet

it does - studies show there is a slight correlation (though outliers probably outweigh this small correlation). His wiener is most likely big, though it must still look tiny on him - heck, even a 9-10" would look tiny on his 440 lbs frame

By “fuckfest” I guess I mean people go there expressly to get laid with minimum effort. We know how men who just want a warm hole can be, some are partychads, but most are just slimy, desperate, personality-deficient incels. The problem is Jow Forums guys who will fuck literally anything with a pulse, sticking their dicks in whatever mildly feminine thing they can get their hands on quickly and easily, so none of the women actually have to settle with someone equal in terms of attractiveness.

seems legit

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Yeah her grip strength is pretty good

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Most of tinders userbase is male as well. Like 70%. Women can get easily get laid with no help of internet

I work out with my brother in law if that counts, he started going to my gym a few months ago.

My girl just does spinning and bodyweight excersises.

No dude you have been bamboozled

People who do this ruin gyms

>just show her pictures of models and fit girls while commenting on their good looks. She will get jealous
>then proceed to backpedal when she threatens to leave because you are spouting off to appear to have confidence when you don't actually have any

She squats more than I do.

I want to see him fuck her

Why the huge height discrepancy with tall guys? Do they like feeling like they're fucking a child?

Honestly this just makes him look like he has a tiny cock which I assume he must. He's also going to have manlet sons as the short gene is dominant and you only need one. His mother was like 6'5" but he doesn't care about his son's legacy, truly the blackest stain a man can have on his character

How much do I have to pay to see them fucking? How big is his dick? Would one of his fingers be more than enough for her? His fingers seem to be dick sized.