I lift for girls and I'm proud of it.
Fuck all of you.
I lift for girls and I'm proud of it
Just be yourself bro
I bet you look like shit
Sounds gay. Do you also suck dick for them?
Here's your (you) baitfag
Keep going my dude. This board only seeks to put you down and turn you homosexual.
I got more pussy before I started lifting, how's that for a redpill?
>putting skanks over yourself
me 2, not even joking. I look way better now though
this makes zero sense
probably because youve been absolutely brainwashed by the internet
I have no time for women. I work every day of the week and my free time is mostly to work out. Carrer + money + self-worth >>> any woman. I do get way more mires now though, i could easily get most girls
more muscles = more attractive
it's literally in womens DNA
Lol I literally stopped chasing girls after I started lifting. I will go as far as to say I got laid more before I started lifting. Do you know why user ? I stopped being a pussy whipped cuck that went around and asked girls’ snapchats and chatted them up for weeks just to have sex. I also realized my self worth and potential I’m trying to achieve. I don’t want to chase some fat bitch whose only interest in this life is getting cute comments from her friend group on instagram. No bro, that’s a bit fat no.
I realized us men have some sorr of fucking energy in us to be great at things, such as lifting. Just look at all the gym it’s full of men trying to achieve physical beauty because we know our potential and we fucking strive to achieve it. You can apply this to a hundred different things in life, men are and will always be better than women because we do things to be good at them, and not to just do them.
I’m telling you right now, if you are lifting for women you will stop lifting pretty soon anyways because you lack this will power and ambition I been talking about.
Now that being said there is problem having sex and chasing women, but making then your primary motivation is just so fucking low.
Based and redpilled
pfthahaha yep, you're brainwashed alright. this is actually sad
I lift for Bonbon and I'm not ashamed at all.
>I'm a complete idiot and I'm proud of it.
FTFY, dumbshit OP. Suck my dick.
so do all the non-faggots here, they just lie to themselves
t. ngmi
Meh do what you want. Just don't forget yourself and who you are bro
I lift to be better than yesterday even if I still considering myself a weak worthless piece of shit and I'm proud
nobody cares what you do user.
no one cares
all that matters to girls is dick size and height.
if you're packing a giant dick you'll have all the confidence in the world, and if you're tall girls will naturally ovulate near you. lifting is a waste of time.
Hey faggot OP, how come you reposted this shitty off-topic thread again after the mods deleted it? Are you dense?
>all that matters to girls is dick size and height.
Found the kissless virgin