Anyone else start lifting so they might have a shot and dating a girl in the healthy weight range?
Anyone else start lifting so they might have a shot and dating a girl in the healthy weight range?
>lifting for girls
They're trying to make it seem like a huge difference in the graph but the lowest one on the list is still 23 LMAO FAT FUCKS.
People call you skinny at 26 BMI in the USA.
how do we solve the slag epidemic lads
also if you have pics of disgusting fat slags walking around barefoot or eating food on the dirty ground pls post
Had a coworker at my old job who was in the bmi range of 23-24 which is borderline overweight and at the high end of the bmi spectrum.
Shes was considered petite and hot by many.
Notice when I say lift for a healthy weight girl, its because for the vast majority of us living in a country with an obesity epidemic, simply being at a healthy and pleasing weight yourself just dosent cut it anymore, it almost seems like weight has no affect on a mans attraction, only being muscular, having pleasing facial aesthetics, and being tall do, the majority of which are genetic how do we make it bros?
move out of England
Nah I`m into big girls. I mainly lift to feel better and endorphin is a bit healthier than opioids which shouldn`t be in my body naturally.
Why do you keep posting this?
I would assume your at least into big girls with cute faces?
I can understand a body type preference for obese/fat woman, but dosent having all that fat distort and ruin the face of most woman for you?
yea lift for the sluts, then cry when you find out they're pozzed sluts
Based France and Italy
>England 26
>France and italy 23
whoa such a huge difference
Lol they are always competing against eachother to be the best at small things people are forgetting in modern times. I lived in Italy for 3 years, but visited France. I prefer France (I'm American)
>I would assume your at least into big girls with cute faces?
>I can understand a body type preference for obese/fat woman, but dosent having all that fat distort and ruin the face of most woman for you?
That`s different from case to case and depends also on other factors like how long gravity has done it`s thing on her body. Also the upper limit for having a cute face is different from girl to girl when you develop a second chin it`s a dealbreaker.
>Implying the sluts aren't the fat out of shape troggs.
Most sluts I've seen have been the pudgy+ fuckers.
Why doesn’t this chart include Turkey or Argentina?
At least a few things are still going right over there
I can't even imagine why you'd consider dating hideous, fat, short-tempered, low-IQ women when you could have an intelligent, sophisticated and beautiful twink bf.
cringe dyel
holy fuck i hate this clubbing degenerate culture
why can't people just have fun by not getting drunk? this earth is filled with autism its insane, imagine having to drink bunch of alcohol to be able to talk to strangers and dance etc
Currently been off drinking for 2 months, aside from 2-3 on a Saturday night. I'm still re-adjusting to the social void of the typical 'get-shitfaced-go-out-and-fuck-a-thot' weekends, but I like myself better now and feel much better physically.
Good for you. Moderate alcohol consumption is good for you but if you can’t do moderation none >>>>> too much.
My life is so much better once I adopted a rigid “two is my limit” policy.
Found the fatty