Boys, how do I stop my arms/shoulders from getting mogged by my chest/back...

Boys, how do I stop my arms/shoulders from getting mogged by my chest/back? I do like 32 sets of arms a week and a shit ton of OHP and shoulder isolations.

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Try easing back on the volume for a month or two, if you’re legitimately overtraining a muscle it won’t grow well

Your chest/back are shit. Your arms are the best part of your physique by very narrowly escaping DYEL territory.

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Yeah if anything your chest is getting mogged


those shoulders look great desu. show back

Chest is big just you cant see from that angle


Kek, you have no upper chest whatsoever, lower chest is hardly there

Bitch I said it's big. It's big if I say it is

Attached: big.jpg (1065x1063, 190K)


How did you post this spooky after the Aprils fool joke is over?

Just grow everything, your proportions are the least of your concerns

Looking good bro

Are your shoulders internally rotated?

Dont listen to these bloatlords, you look great.

Attached: 1502310994726.jpg (720x680, 67K)


Probably. How do I tell?

Check out athleanx's rounded shoulders video. And you can tell by relaxing your arms and seeing if your thumbs are pointed inward.

What chest?

This is the correct answer. Train your chest and back to catch up with your arms

your problem is the exact opposite of what you say it is