Why do you lift?
I lift for my wife, Kanbaru!
Why do you lift?
I lift for my wife, Kanbaru!
Other urls found in this thread:
armpits are hot
I'll say a gal, but since I'm not a faggot, I'll say I lift for my little cousin and good old Adolf.
I lift for my frogbros
>f word
triple cringe
Posting Bon in all of these threads made me realize how fucking often they're made. There's like three up right now in the catalog.
>I lift for my wide, kanbaru
For nirvana
she is my wife, not yours
based and tomboypilled
>guh guh i have cwush on cartoon gurl
I'm fucking her right now, cucks
Oh right, she's a figment of the imagination
Blade Runner 2 and Japan were a mistake
I lift for Ricardo Milos
For the ODST
Metokur used that song
>Why do you lift?
I want to be good at at least one thing in my life and also mog people
I lift to pin her down and cum inside her everyday
I lift in hopes that I can get mired by a qt while looking cool af.
>you'll never get a girl to look at you like this
Why is life so unfair bros?
>I lift in hopes that I can get mired by a qt while looking cool af
Don't we all?
I lift for my wife, Jun.
Is this a person you've ever actually met in person, before?
>met in person
Does a video chat count?
I train for 3 reasons and 3 reasons only: to make gains, run trains, and leave stains