Realistically, what can I do if I am 5'3 to get women? Can short guys still get women?
Usually I only see midg—er, guys like you with girls who are the same height. So you might want to try for another midg—er, similarly heighted woman.
I'm 6'2" and haven't had sex in almost 2 months. Height doesn't guarantee sex.
have a 5'3" dick to go along with it.
Lol 2 months. Manlets go years without sex.
Get a women who is way younger than you. Not a child tho, but if you are 25 go for a girl of 19 for example
you mean never
Move to south America or south east Asia.
>2 months
haha imagine not having sex for 2 months god that would be awful lol
To be honest with you, I don't think there is anything you can do at that point. Even at 5'8 you'd have trouble. 5'3 is irredeemable.
Oh fuck off with the 5’8, but yea 5’3 your fucked
user the point isnt that height gets you laid easily
the point is a lack of height means you cant get laid as easily. those two dont go hand-in-hand
I hate being 5' 11, its either being mogged most of the time or sometimes mogging others. At least Im NA and most women are midgets, yet I still feel short
I always hear people say they hate being 5'7 and they can't get anything. Here I am at 5'3 and am still a virgin imagine how i feel
Im not bullshiting you user but its still possible for you to get laid, yes height helps a lot but not every woman is like that, yes they might prefer taller men but its possible, im 6 ft and I whenever I was part of a convo with other women with my 5' 5 friend, I would get ignored and he got all the attention because hes good at talking, I dont know how the fuck to flirt or really talk with girls so I get overshadowed easily. But some are just naturally good at talking and have charisma or outgoing personalities that girls like, you either have it or you dont. Worst case scenario you cant just fuck asian girls. Dont fall for the fit meme, I have been to sweden numerous times and I never saw the swedish 6 ft + blond men with any women most of the time, it was always unironically the manlet subhuman arabs/africans that got girls and were getting easy pussy. Then again, nordic women are huge sluts.
5’6 here, it’ll be tougher at 5’3 but as long as you look somewhat decent and can tell a joke you’ll be fine. Just go after short Asian chicks.
fucking pathetic pieces of shit ITT
if your only goal in life is to get laid, better just end it now
You'll be fine as long as your dick is at
least 5 inches. You'll have to go for someone your height or less though
Also 6”2 here. I get self conscious about my height no joke. I hate being the tallest person in a room, I find myself stooping a lot. I know manlets will hate me for saying this but it’s true.
You clearly don’t realize how hard it is to be a manlet. Occasionally stopping down is nothing compared to the deep rooted insecurity from the pressure of a society that doesn’t want you. Appreciate your gift always, because there are literally millions that would die to have it
>Appreciate your gift always, because there are literally millions that would die to have it
I’m like one of those millionaires who say money doesn’t make you happy. user if you were tall you would find something else to hate about yourself instead. Tis a viscious cycle.
As a 5'9" and challenger to the throne of the manlet pit, realistically, stop pursuing women. It's not fulfilling and it doesn't look good in your personal history to have once been a womanizer. Just a warning. If your perspective continues to be this way then you're just going to suffer.
>Just go after short Asian chicks.
all the white retards are taking them up