Hello Jow Forums

hello Jow Forums

whats your favorite protein shake flavour?

mine is chocolate

also how can some of you like strawberry? the fuck is wrong with you?

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I never played quake, what did I miss out on?

For me it was counterstrike 1.6

How does this guy have such a weird and completely garbled speech yet more game than anyone?

Cookies n' Cream, cause I'm a fat fuck

Because the author wrote the script like that.

chocolate or vanilla + instant coffee + cinnamon and a stevia packet. Never had a shake I could drink as is

Vanilla. You can branch off from vanilla almost always. Chocolate syrup, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, peanut butter, etc all can change up vanilla--all the while being good on it's own.

never played either for me it was unreal tournament


I do like 6 scoops a day. flavor is just whatever makes it easier to chug so vanilla.

Based fellow 90s bro. I heard of UT but didn’t play it

French vanilla

ON Natural Vanilla. It goes well with my morning oatmeal.

I thought MyProtein's salted caramel pretzel was pretty solid.

it's kinda shitty desu I didn't really like multiplayer games back then or even now. It gets as cookie cutter as starcraft once you put in 1000 hours or so.

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I bought cookies and cream and it is so disgusting fuck me

This with 1/4 cup of nutmeg powder is the way to go.

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>liking fagberry

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>check Myprotein whey flavors
>there's a fucking Liquorice one

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there's nothing wrong with stevia it's the best tasting sweetener (I would even argue better than sugar because no after taste or texture). It also won't give you the shits or gas like most do. It's in a lot of whey isolate to begin with.

Does activated almond change anything ?

I literally don't understand how anyone could have the time to prepare, let alone eat, all that food in one day. About 70% of the reason I do OMAD is because it's easier to plan.

enjoy your cancer

Yeah the switch is switched on.

Alright alright

Nigger, stevia is the ony sweetener that's yet to be linked to cancer.

it reduces antinutrients pretty significantly at least for legumes idk how it works for almonds

Strawberry masterrace here. How the fuck can you like chocolate? It always has that disgusting chalk taste and you literally can't mix anything else with it besides almond butter.
With strawberry flavor protein powder, I can mix other fruits in with it (along with other stuff) to make the ultimate protein smoothie. Tired of drinking the same flavor shake? Add in different fruits. Chocolate flavor is something a basic bitch orders.

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read the history on it. The only claim it was cancerous came from an anoymous letter when it was up for legalization. It was never substantiated. So it was without a doubt or artificial sweetener lobbyists. They tried hard as fuck to keep stevia out of America forever because you can't patent it, it's just a powdered herb. But by all means keep believing the propaganda.

>homemade coconut

>he unironically buys """flavored""" whey
...so, you're 12?

Listen son, adults buy UNFLAVORED whey.

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I've been using stevia every day for at least the last 10 years and I have never had any health problems from it let alone cancer.
It's not for everyone, it doesn't work well in all different foods, but it works in enough to be useful.
Sucralose, nutrasweet, they're to be avoided.

yeah it's pretty much either stevia or sugar (if you live in the us that's probably. beet sugar) cane sugar is alright but shit for baking. I still use sugar for cooking but I use stevia for beverages because dissolves so easy and I don't always want to brush my teeth.

CS 1.6 had its roots in Quake. The creator made Navy Seals mod for Quake, then Action Quake 2 for Quake 2 before making CS for HL.

The Quake scene was very live. It spawned basically the internet as you know it today. Quakenet on IRC. Somethingawful community came from a guy who played Quake and worked for Planetquake, moot came from the SA community and made Jow Forums.

I miss all the glorious mods for Quake and the comp scene. It was in my mind the pinnacle of gayming and there will probably never be anything like it ever again.

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Do you guys take your protein with water or milk?


>quake 3
More of a UT'04 man myself.

Some of the better powders I've had have some awesome flavors and the macros were fantastic. GNC might be expensive, but hell if it doesn't taste good
>Ghost blueberry breakfast pastry, 25g protein, 5g carbs/scoop
>Spartan cinna crunch, 25g protein, 2g carbs
>MyProtein salted caramel isolate, ~20g protein, ~8gcarbs/scoop
Overall MyProtein is better I think. It's cheaper, you can get the isolate to avoid unnecessary sugar, they sell unflavored, they have sweet deals, and the flavors are great if you have a sweet tooth

glazed and redfilled

This. I'm pretty sure mine was Muscle Pharm too, which is kinda disappointing.

I'm using Body fortress banana and it fucking sucks. It says to stir for like 30 seconds and it's still chunky and slimy. Is there any good instant whey protein that I don't have to shake for fucking ever or have to use my loud blender for? No matter what I do it tastes disgusting. I've tried adding in fruit or even using sparkling water and it's still shit.

Are there any good instant protein shakes that also taste good?

I recently got 5lbs of cookies and cream flavoured protein powder from Costco for 53 Canuck bucks and it's the best tasting protein I've ever had.

this plus their neutral flavor muscle mass one

forgot photo

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Unflavoured because flavours are for bitch titted faggots. Like OP.


Cookies n cream
mixed with crush ice or in a smoothie



> Emu meatballs

Unflavoured because flavours are for bitch titted faggots. Like OP.