>lifting for this
whats the point?
>lifting for this
whats the point?
Yeah I’d really need to force it considering how repulsive that face is
Is it just me or can i see the line of makeup right at her entire hairline
You can usually see this in caked up thots, kiss one and you got half of the makeup on you, fucking degenerates thots
I life so i can look alpha as fuck and get a gf and treat her like a dog in public, but in private I actually want her to treat me like dirt and make me feel worthless and tell me how much she hates me and then she takes out a knife and cuts me, not too deep just a little bit so I can feel the pain and bleed a bit, and afterwards she'll sit on top of me and stare deep into my eyes and focus on nothing but me and she'll keep cutting me until I pass out and while I'm asleep she takes care of my wounds and patches me all up and then I wake up with my head on her lap as she gently strokes my hair and tells me how much she loves me.
I lift for Asian qts tho, not white thots.
Lol fuckin pussy fag op
Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets is the ultimate goal
I meant lift, not life, silly me
>tfw normies will never understand this feel
I know that feel bro, I truly do.
Is this ugly? Do you guys date models exclusively? She’s not that bad.
It's all so tiresome.
>Is this ugly?
I'm a 5'5 manlet and have dated multiple women more attractive than her. If she took her makeup off she'd be an actual goblin.
Think it's just the thin hair along her hairline.
Lift for self and the rest will fall in line.
Which would you rather have anons?
A 6/10 gf who will love you unconditonally forever, or a 8/10 gf who has a 20% chance to cheat on you.
Nah, I lift so I can save her
Look at asians without makeup
They also sound like cats
I lift so I can be the depressed gym twink
I can't imagine anything more exhausting than this
Maybe this is fake, but I hope it's real. Even if I have almost no chance of this, knowing that it could be real gives me hope.
Why so? She may be needy but she loves you
I lift because if I don't I won't be able to sleep and in a matter of days/weeks will end up drinking every single day. And I promised myself never to go back to those degenerate days.
Hard to explain, but I've had it before and it's incredibly suffocating. Felt like I was being held underwater every moment of my life. And I felt guilty beyond all belief when breaking up with her. I'd rather stay single forever than have that again.
I had a girlfriend like this. When I broke up with her, all I got was suicide threats. Letter on my front door. Private calls trying to hear my voice . The whole nine. I ended up getting a hold of her sister and telling her about her behavior and I guess she was able to convince her to leave me alone. Women like this at first, you want to sacrifice for if you are a good guy. But then everything becomes about them. To the point where they see it impossible that anybody else could be having a worse day than them.
>date models exclusively
Most of Jow Forums can't get a date period. This place is rife with some of the most vitriolic, petty, and even laughable ideas about dating anywhere on the web.
>wommin is big bad! dun date thotz, jus fabb
>she's not eben hodd, big bobs r grose
>who cares if she has perfectly proportioned boobs, a round but not fat ass, a thin belly and waist, healthy thighs and perfect complexion? she's
Mine was like that except her friends fucking encouraged her. They kept constantly texting me to get back together with her. I broke up with her more than once and when I moved across the country she followed me even though I straight-up told her I wasn't interested in dating her anymore. Wouldn't give up until I told her I was in a relationship with someone else.
that sounds nice. i just want a girl to femdom me. sit on my face and force feed me her tiddys and then cuddle after and we can both treat eachother with respect. im a simple man
Depressed women cannot and do not want to be saved. They're not good women fallen on hard times who need you to save them. They're the ultimate level of victim-complex. Anything that takes victim points away from them is horrific, and anyone who rejects the idea of "victimhood=nobility" is evil to them.
Looks like depressedgffag gave up
You're right but this girl is still ugly af lmao
oh yeah man no argument here. last girl i porked did this same shit
Nah mod deleted the pic. They'll let this shit thread up but delete a drawing
lol wat
Of all the shit on this board...
literally me except I wanna be the gentle abuser. Where do I find broken girls that' will let me do that to them bros?
> To the point where they see it impossible that anybody else could be having a worse day than them.
Believe it or not, they are right. You can't possibly understand the devastating feeling of abandonment depressed (bipolars) go through.
Do you remember when you were little and shopping with your mom at the grocery store, and you look at something, and momentarily forget to follow her, and you raise your head and you are all alone at the aisle? And the immense relief when you find her again? Imagine having this feeling all the time.
The 8/10 because I’ve already been there. I dated a Macy’s underwear model. What a wild ride that was.
all of them want this as long as u feed them and say good girl
Now I am disappoint.
user, I...
She looks disgusting in the sense that she cakes on makeup and has all of the aspects of a modern day whore. The skin tone, the fake ass eyebrows, the whore lips, and the face she is making are all aspects of a thot. I would prefer someone seen as somewhat ugly over this fake bitch
get help
get help
Imagine being so much of a faggot that you whiteknight for some square-faced, spray-tan goblina thot, all on your favorite Afghani warmongering fourm. Seek professional help.
I get where you're coming from user, but thats a retarded analogy. Abandonment issues are nowhere near the worst problems someone could experience, because its a situation where (as an ADULT, not a fucking child) you can move past and understand why they may have left. It's a terrible feeling but everybody I know with Bipolar Disorder or Clinical Depression are very self-aware about the fact that their situation is improvable and more than not they are not a victim of their circumstance, but rather of their own mind.
"Understanding why they may have left" and having insight doesn't mean you stop having these feelings.
That's the whole deal with trauma patterns, they are almost indelible and takes tremendous effort to reverse them. Conscious understanding or biological age play no role here.
The millions of people incapacitated by mental ilness are not some weak pussies that can't overcome the circumstances. They literally can't access their own mind, which is unfortunately rigged a bit different than neurotypicals'.
this but unironically
But I don't lift for women. I'm pretty sure my gf would still love me even if I had dad bod.
Bro. We feel the same things. Where do you find a gf like this?
Underrated post
Do you listen to lil peep by any chances?
user do elaborate on the "they literally cant access their own mind" part what do you mean by this?
you know you're not suppose to snort creatine right, user?
The 6/10 as long as she isn't fat, and has no mustache.
God I hate women. Even if this text was directed at me I would be disgusted.
Based Schizo poster
Speak for yourself, faggot. Fit is probably the most "alpha" board here and I'd guess >we have some experience with women. I agree tho, she isn't objectively ugly, but to me she's kinda disgusting. Not to say I wouldn't gladly ram it up her poop chute if i knew she's clean
what the heck
She is that bad, she's shit at makeup.
6/10 without question. I fucking hate disloyalty. Looks fade any way
Disgusting desu senpai
i know right, you want to give all that just to get cuck'd.
lots to unpack here.
nothing more health and fitness related than hating women posting revenge lewd stuff and then hating on the girls in it for the fact that you see it.
are you 13 years old?
most posters on Jow Forums are models and professional athletes lad
I just want a girl that's mentally stable, fuck me
>implying I lift for women
>implying I dont exist to fight
>which requires decent cardio and heavy lifts
user, did you take more than 2 scoops?