We're all going to make it lads. Just keep the faith.
Miring thread
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you're such a fag bro. why would you have this saved on your computer?
you like watching strong guys having their stomachs kissed by women you're never going to meet? You like watching strong guys, OP?
>You like watching strong guys, OP?
Who doesn't?
I think the woman is a tranny, too
>all manlets except for based Hermann
Truly a freak of nature.
You're a degenerate
name of the girl
>made the office qt drop spaghetti again
that explains it
then I'm gonna need source
Thanks for the circle. I couldn’t figure out what to look at in this picture before without it.
Thanks for the circle bro, wouldn't have noticed it otherwise
watching porn makes you a cuck
Another tranny niggerlover thread that the mods won't delete.
Holy shit, I have seen the pic a thousand times but never noticed it without the red circle.
Jannies need to off themselves
no fucking way
that looks like a prime breedable white female
this is only true if you use an alternate definition of cuckold which doesn't appear in any dictionary
user, I'm sorry...
Damn that red circle really helped me out there, I was lost
That's what bros are for.
ravioli ravioli give me the sauceroni
He's right. She is a woman. Her name is Aline
based sauce bro
hope you get sick gains bro
America likes strong guys
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weather, Dolph, The Rock, Stallone etc.
If you don't like strong men, you could be a commie
>chinese countries like japan
what am i looging at here?
>entire body full of muscles
>thot only cares about abs