Go to the gym for the first time in my life

>go to the gym for the first time in my life
>almost 30, super skeletal
>run for a bit
>think in my head i will run like 20 minutes then hit the weights
>do 5 minutes of running and run out of air, feel like im gonna faint
>pretend im getting a phone call and leave the gym

It's embarassing. How am I supposed to improve if I can't even run for more than 5 minutes?

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>run out of air
Try breathing.

It was a figure of speech. I felt like I was dying, basically.

run slower

You run for 5 minutes and 1 second the next day.
Then you run for 5 minutes and 2 seconds the next day.

Start slow. The heavy weights and the long runs aren't going anywhere.

>>pretend im getting a phone call and leave the gym
>caring about what others think
not gonna make it

>It's embarassing
no one cares

>doing cardio
>not gonna make it

lol this is why people quit working out. They think that you have to start like the rocky work-out montages. I can not stress enough the importance of starting slow and leaving a little in the tank. doubly true for running. dont give up you faggot or youre wasting everybodys time by posting here. No one gives a fuck what u are doing, pretending to talk on the phone? How autistic are you.

Drop that fucking ego son, and work out slowly and properly.

Hey man, I get your point and it makes sense. But sometimes it's hard to rationalize it so logically when you can run less than some old lady or some fat fucks. It's very sad. I will keep trying, but I think my problem is actually the fact that I had food poisoning 2 days ago and I still haven't recovered entirely. Could that be it?
I just pooped like 2 gallons of liquid poop shortly after my autistic escape from the gym

literally just dont give up. Go back to the gym when you feel better. Don't push until you feel like dying. There is nothing more important than consistency. Work out to the point where you feel like you could go again tomorrow. Dont try to push it so you are sore for days. good luck.

>think in my head i will run like 20 minutes then hit the weights
Some advice: lift first, then do cardio if you want. You want to do this so you don't sweat all over the machines, and also so you completely exhaust yourself at the end of your workout, not the beginning. If you're already skinny why worry about cardio? I understand it's good for your heart but get a good lifting habit first, then add in cardio of you want.

try run for 1 min then walk for 2 mins then rinse and repeat

>How am I supposed to improve if I can't even run for more than 5 minutes?

You run for 5 minutes. Rest for 5. Run for 5 or so. Repeat three or four times a day. Then you'll be able to run 6, then 7, then 8, etc.

Keep going. Don't be a pussy and quit being a mental weakling.

Almost 30 years old and you still havent learned how to pace yourself?

No one is paying attention to you , or gives a fuck about you. Also most people in the gym respect the others that are there versus people who dont go at all. Get over yourself

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The old lady and the fat fuck have probably been at it for a long time. They didn't give up. You shouldn't either.

oh yeah dude i was that guy at the back with the stopwatch timing you, i was going to make fun of you for running only five minutes like a fucking faggot but then saw you got a call and THATS why you stopped
looks like you fucking fooled me didnt you

Yeah, sounds like you're still a bit sick. But even so, you're not going to be a good runner on your first day. It's going to suck for a long time but you'll get better. Do Couch-5K, and after you've done that (it's easy) do Hal Higdon.

>not doing MAF


eat at least 400 cals 30 mins before you run (or within 3 hours) of running

best when you've eaten 1000+ cals, which is why i do cardio at night

trying to do meaningful cardio with low blood sugar is phenomenally retarded and self-defeating

also give yourself time to adjust to doing cardio, its hard for everyone at first, you'll adapt as long as you're eating

though since you're a skelly i'd only do cardio as a warmup (and for general toning of your big muscles AND stabilizing muscles, and of course your heart), say 20mins, and focus on lifting

the cardio should be pretty intense, like HIIT

i dont recommend running as it just rapes your joints, try stairmaster, cycling, or incline walking instead. elliptical is not recommended either as it doesnt do much

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Tomorrow, do 6.