For your own self-improvement. Not for thots
-“We must secure the existence of Jow Forums people and a future for Jow Forums children. Heil Hercules.
For your own self-improvement. Not for thots
-“We must secure the existence of Jow Forums people and a future for Jow Forums children. Heil Hercules.
What would happen if I trained like Guts and swing a heavy sword for x number of reps a few times each week and progressively increased the weight. Would I just get over developed frontal muscles until I injure myself without ever being able to do anything particularly cool?
iirc he had a gf. Its a shame because we all know a woman wouldn't be that loyal.
dude is fucking based. look at the look on that girls face. its like she's never been rejected before and can't even process it
you'd shred your tendons and ligaments, pull muscles, and probably cripple yourself. it's an anime user, not a fitness guide
>it's an anime user
Crusher of dreams, from whence doeth cometh?
This is what happens when single mothers are allowed to raise children
I wanna be cooler though
women are weak and only care about themselves
>haha user, i've bested you! observe; my anime man clearly has an impressive physique, so surely you're wrong and the laws of physics do not apply to his workout routine!
The write made him that way user, not waving a retardedly huge butterknfie around
T-take it back! Guts is natty!
*writer brb i'm gonna kys myself
its a joke you dumb niggger
The actual fucking state of white women
Stop watching anime, then.
I lift for mai Lancia.
it's when you truly respect yourself and dont try to fuck just anything you can, that you start to radiate confidence. look how desperately she tries to seduce him when he starts to walk away. this is making it
What are u doing on this website bro?
I lift for my wife
Lmao, she lifts for you too. Forkraises.mp4
I lift because my girlfriend of two years left me a month ago
>women are weak and only care about themselves
t. limp dicked incel
confidence doesnt make a girl literally start grinding up on you out of nowhere
I wanna look like left
do you have a mother faggot?
You’d become a faggot weaboo- oh wait.
Ewww god that porker pucker...
She's a big girl
Four yew.
Based black man and based post
Its objective fact roastie