>BMI is bullshit

>considered obese by bmi scale

Ib4 slave genes

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Doesn't mean you're not a fat faggot

>world class athlete
of course it doesnt mean anything you dumbfaggot, its for dyel normies. bf% is where its at

>why isn't a population-scale metric accurate at the individual level!?
amerimutt education, everyone

BMI and body composition should be used together when assessing ones health.

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N*ggers aren't human and have different bodyfat distribution

There are no hot Asian girls. Prove me wrong. I'm in Japan and there's not a single girl I'd choose over the ones back home. I've seen very good looking white men with yellow fever who have ugly japs for wives. Their child then turns out to be the next supreme gentleman. Not worth it

And if you're only going to look at one measurement, waist measurement is more useful than weight.

They are hit or miss, I personally like their bodies much more, but yeah it's difficult to find an asian girl with a cute enough face to, and even if you do, you know a corresponding western girl with a cuter face probably exists

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Who do you think gets angry about being classified as overweight via BMI? Francis Ngannou or fat people who resent being classified as fat? I'll give you a hint, it's not Francis Ngannou.

congratulations on posting the exception to the rule. also, you're not a top caliber athlete. you're a fat, shit stinking bitch. kys asap.

BMI is a measurement for populations and is accurate for MOST people

there are always exceptions in a randomly distributed population

did you fail highschool math or something you utter moron?

Preach it.
>230something lbs
>run 2 or 3 miles a day on the hill climb setting
>can run a mile in under 8 minutes wearing a 40 lb vest
Which is not to say I won't try to lose weight. I wanna be down around 200-215. But if I'm a fat fuck, it's only because some bean counter says so.

refute this, bitch

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I'm the second one you quoted and I don't understand if you are asking me or what

I'm not quoted at all and I have no idea what's going on with his gif from the 90s

>number 25


Are you retarded?

this one hardly looks asian

Because she's not obviously that's the point

If Interpals users can be considered a reasonable sample of Asian countries: Japs are some of the least attractive slopehead girls. Kazakhstan secretly has the most beautiful slopehead girls.

BMI doesn't apply to athletes or lifters