>Finally reached goal weight I set for myself a year and a half ago when I was hamplanet status >Weigh less now than nearly all males that are my height >Still look like a borderline-obese freak with strange and unnatural curvature
What the fuck do I do now? I just want to look like a normal human being, is that too much to fucking ask?
Now that you've established a healthy lifestyle... Just keep your healthy lifestyle going . For the rest of your life.
Don't tell me you still have that fatass logic that you just lose weight then you can go back to your sloth like fatshit existence because that would just be a damn shame.
Continue being healthy the rest of your life and you will eventually look the part.
James Sanders
Kayden Morales
Nah I'm not a retard.
But I don't look healthy. I look gross. If I didn't weigh myself religiously on several different scales you'd think I was 200 pounds.
I wouldn't be surprised if my body fat ratio thing is like 40%
Jaxon Richardson
Now start lifting with a small calorie surplus to build muscle.
Adrian Barnes
Anthony Cox
5'7 149 point something lbs Is that what you're looking for?
Alexander Ramirez
Xavier Scott
Nicholas Mitchell
Post body, you probs do look pudgy. Keep fucking going
Juan Torres
Jason Wright
Ok. Just understand that being and looking healthy isn't a one time thing. You are changing your lifestyle for the rest of your life. If you are comfortable with that then you should be fine just waiting for the results to come
Henry Moore
Oh boy my favorite
ready for bulli
This is actually really good compared to what I looked like in 2016 >t. 240 pounds
if you want to look good you gotta actually get some muscles
congrats on losing your weight, but that’s only half the battle
Landon Flores
you look like a skinny nothing you gay faggot. now post dog penis recipes
Hunter Kelly
Now you gotta build muscle. You should have been hitting the weights while cutting but you dident. You also got lose skin that will take a while for it to tighten back up if it even does.
Joshua Martin
You look fine. Your weight is in a good place now, I'd say it's time for a good clean bulk to put some muscle mass on to fill out your skin a bit. Also try to stand up a bit straighter and hold your gut tighter so it doesn't cave in like that and give you that weird curve. Might be gyno too so either build you chest around it and hope for the best and deal with it or get those tiddies cut out. I know the feel you're not alone.
Otherwise congratulations you're doing a great job. Muscle mass is literally the only thing you're missing right now. Good luck user.
Brayden Scott
i think you need to cut more
then from underweight actually start bulking for muscle
Robert Roberts
I'm almost certain it's gyno, not too much I can do about that atm though, I'll save up for the surgery
Ian Martinez
Also 5'7", I'm still trying to lose weight. We are both going to make it. Also workout while eating at maintenance. You get good results that you can see as a beginner which will help your motivation.
Real talk girls don't notice the tiddies as long as you've got muscle around them. They make you look super built in a shirt too. I've literally never had anyone have anything bad to say about them and the girls I've asked (because I'm an insecure faggot) have said that they didn't even notice until I mentioned it that they were abnormal and that it doesn't bother them at all. Be glad you're hairy, it helps.
I'm gonna get the surgery eventually so I'm kinda talking out of my ass. Do what makes you comfortable. I'd fuck you. No homo.
Jaxson White
>I'm almost certain it's gyno it's not
Jonathan Miller
You're like a short version of me. Build up your core, get some mass on your arms and shoulders, and you'll look fine. That pauch goes when you build your obliques.
Matthew Martinez
You're welcome, I forgot to mention that i also weigh 150 lbs.
Ryan Ramirez
Im impressed about the gap between your lower abs and your pubis. Looks like it is lifted. Its like a stage