>going to cheat on my gf on saturday
Am I gonna make it?
>going to cheat on my gf on saturday
Am I gonna make it?
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this means youve made it
no, you're not gonna make it
making it requires to have both a healthy body and a sound mind, which you clearly do not posses
I dont care fuck off and delete your off topic thread
Don't be a nigger. Either don't cheat or break it off with your gf.
what a piece of shit
stress isnt good for fitness gayboy, good luck with the guilty feelings and worrying about her finding out
Why when I can have a loving gf and get to pound new pussy occasionally?
Cheating is degenerate. I've done it and regret it. Just break up if you want someone else.
I hope she leaves you for a better man.
Is that the girl? Need more pics. Cheating is approved, just don't get caught. That's a relationship killer.
I've been there bro, no matter what you tell yourself, it's not worth it. At all. Do anything else this saturday. It's your decision, but I hope you make the right one
>being proud of being a degenerate
>being proud of betraying someone's trust
>being proud of being a faithless thot
Youve unmade it. Congrats on being achieving bitch psychology
Never works out in the end. You'll forever wonder if she's cheating/cheated on you. Having a relationship built on trust is much more worthwhile.
Not gonna make it.
Was going to say "being a bitch" and decided to rephrase. Sorry for the esl
This thread is full of virgins
Because this kind of shit is exactly the self perpetuating cycle that destroys a society.
Dont cheat on your gf bro. I tried to get mine to have sex with me because we were both kinda down. She said no and suggested we do some bdsm shit, because she knew it would piss me off. I ended up chimping out and rolling over on top of her and choking her out with all my strength for like 20 seconds until I realized what I was doing and collapsed next to her. We just ended up cuddling and crying in each other's arms all night. If you cheat and she finds out, you'll never experience love like this. You'll never experience caring for your suicidal gf.
>seething beta
Pathetic r9k fantasy. You are a colossal fucking faggot.
Just remember, eatin' ain't cheatin'!
Also go for it OP, everyone is already degenerate anyway take advantage of the chad lifestyle
I've almost cheated a couple of times. There's nothing like the rush of feeling attractive and desired and fresh, open pussy, but good lord the guilt I felt would drive me absolutely insane.
Being so insecure that you're afraid of losing a gf you don't even care about because you're worried you can't get another one is beta as fuck.
no. cheat on the ones who love you and you will end up alone with nothing left but pain and memories.
you will never make it if you cheat on your GF.
cheating on your GF is like Keying your own sports car
>Ex gf dumps me a few months ago
>All because I said I felt neglected by her
>Later find out through social media that's she's been interested in the gym Chad
>Work together so awkward as fuck
>Start dating another girl at our job
>Really attractive, enjoy our chemistry and I'm happy
>Ex is now acting aggressive towards me since we came out as public
What DID she mean by this? She ended things.
you are choosing to be a hollow shell devoid of values
i hope you get what you deserve
My gf doesn't give me sex so I get it elsewhere. I'm a man with needs. If she's not willing to fulfil my needs, I get it settled with my own means. It's not rocket science.
>Had literally over 20+ girlfriends
>Cheated on all of them
Women are so easily manipulated, just tell them you "love them" and they forget everything. For me now, saying i love you is as easy as saying hello.
>dating people from your work
>still having contact with your ex
>checking your ex's social media
>keeping up to date on your ex's romantic life
wanna know how I know you're retarded?
can you manipulate me so I'll at least be able to say I've had one short-lived bf
No, if no ones said the L word to you yet, you are beyond saving and i won't put myself that low. Even a cheater, has self respect and dignity.
if you dont have a kid together then leave her you spineless faggot
what makes you think it will get any better
you ever do psychedelics ?
how do you live with yourself
ive been told the L word just havent had a bf, wtf its not my fault, please. You can cheat on me tomorrow