Boxing or Muay Thai?
Boxing or Muay Thai?
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jui jitsu
typical basedboy response
Muay thai seems almost inhumane so id pick that
*gets knocked out in two seconds*
pshh nothing personnel kid
Only in Thailand. Finding a legit Muay Thai gym in the states is next to impossible. You will most likely be squaring off with Yuppies or soccer moms. You will be facing off the scum of the earth in boxing. If I were you OP choose boxing due to the quality of training and level of instruction.
>whole "martial art" based around cuddling a guy on the floor
e f f e c t i v e
Whats even the question OP? Are you aksking in term of picking up one of these to be able to fight on the street when needed, or which one is better to watch on tv?
t. trained both
Fight on the streets when needed and to be a better all round fighter.
Boxing, then. In street fight you shouldnt use your legs, kicks are great in long fights to damage opponent's mobility. In a street fight its all about landing a solid punch to KO, if you dont plan on training for twardy its better to focus on learning how to punch well.
Alsp when it comes to 1v1, nothing will beat BJJ. Nobody who didnt train grappling knows how to defend himself from it.
the best way to fight on the streets is not to fight on the streets
> you will get stabbed
Training for years*
>Nobody who didnt train grappling knows how to defend himself from it.
What, you weren't rough-housing as a kid?
Head kicks are an amazing option because the majority of untrained people don't know how to move or block. The only reason you probably wouldn't want to use one is because you don't want to kill someone.
I didnt mention head kicks cause theyre super risky in a street fight, you can slip, land on ground, get sat on and wrecked hard. Landing a solid hook is safer and just as effective.
Im from slavic lands, so.
>linking reddit
>linking youtube
>thinking you just won the "argument"
Did you understand my point, or should I use more meme arrows?
>didnt make a single point
>"pfft ur argument bad"
fanboying over martial arts is kinda lame but just as a counter point:
>1. vid: lucky he didn't get fukced up -> no winner
>2. vid: good reaction to the sucker punch, after cuddling on the floor -> no winner
>3. vid: bjj guy high on shit pretending he's a snake assaulting drunk people -> well drunk guys sometimes fall on the floor just because they're drunk, not really proving much
gj those vids make me unironically feel like bjj is not top tier but rather meme tier like wing chun etc. instead
compare this hardcore shit to this pussy shit
muay thai uses knees and elbow too sis
In MT u use your knees and elbows too. + we have the clinch, and if you are good at it, you can effortlessly dominate every person who is not trained in it.
You vastly overestimate some randos ability on the street to fight
Wrestling and Boxing > Jits and MT
Learn one than the other.
>It's another neet incels pretending martial arts work like rock paper scissors like in their japanese anime cartoons
Fuck off, saged and hidden
You linked the same post twice, champ.
>has already sunk much $$$ and time into boxing so he refuses to acknowledge muay thai as superior
this desu
MT clinch is one of the best secret weapon one can have plus their absurdly low effort dumps
>he learns 1 (ONE) martial art
Not gonna make it.
Just learn MMA lol
Krav maga Chad's rise up
>Krav maga Chad's
No such thing
fuck off jew
Ive done Muay Thai, very hard, you need to be very flexible to do the kicks. Boxing seems simpler. Both seem like good sports though.
>you need to be very flexible to do the kicks
Just spam lowkicks all day lol
get a gun. do peoole really think someone randomly assaulting you doesnt have a knife or worse.
Muay thai tend to be classier because it's often offered in MMA gyms alongside BJJ in establishments run by brazilians, that caters to a higher status clientele.
Boxing is more hood and often ONLY has boxing. Don't think the instruction tends to be as good as for Muay thai in a brazilian run place because boxing gyms have traditionally been just about producing pros.
They're both great but this is just my observation about the culture of the two, atleast here.
Knockdown Karate.
none are these are against trained jiu jitsu fighters
>vid 1- submission
>vid 2- submission
>vid 3- knockout
seems very effective to me user
it may not be flashy but it works
Really? Why?
Say someone with 5 years of bjj and muay thai experience goes up against someone with 5 years of wrestling and boxing experience.
5 years of bjj will give you good knowledge of takedowns and takedown defense, so that wrestling isnt going to be much if a factor. The muay thai will teach you blocking and head movement, plus with your knowledge of kicks you can keep the boxer at a distance and prevent them from even getting close enough to use their punching skills.
If it does happen to go to the ground, the wrestler will have no idea about submissions because they dont train those in wrestling. So let's say the boxer wrestler does close the distance through the legs somehow, single legs the bjj muay thai guy, and take him to the ground. No the bjj guy is in his domain and the wrestler will not even know to expect a submission.
Wrestling and Boxing is the boring option. Muay thai and jits is kino combination. Possibly boxing and bjj like the diaz bros, but wrestling is the least interesting because it doesn't have ways to finish the fight.
>inb4 muh takedowns outside of the cage means you disintegrate!
>wrestling is the least interesting because it doesn't have ways to finish the fight
Ground and pound?
Also teaches you how to stay on your feet, take the other guy down and slams on concrete are possibly the worst thing that you can do to someone in a street fight.
if you're bad at kicking for muay thai just learn low kicks, teeps and learn to eat leg shots (lots of lats exercise, abs conditioning and especially harden up your glutes and calves
you need to learn how to swarm and get inside which is hard due to those relentless kicks
>Ground and pound?
Not a part of wrestling coper. Not kino either.
>Also teaches you how to stay on your feet, take the other guy down
BJJ really has enough of that unless you're going to high level MMA. It's kind of a minor, autistic part of fighting to become an expert at when you're doing it instead of more interesting areas. Plus BJJ has submissions as well.
>slams on concrete are possibly the worst thing that you can do to someone in a street fight
After 5 years of training a couple of times a week my money would be on the boxer winning.
>Not a part of wrestling coper.
Wrestling teaches you how to control someone on the ground, doesn't take much to add strikes to that. It's not a coincidence that wrestlers are the best at GnP in the UFC.
>BJJ really has enough of that
I have seen plenty of BJJ guys struggle to get the takedown or defend against it. Most BJJ gyms I have seen don't train takedowns too much. Their natural instinct is to pull guard.
Mocking it doesn't make it any less true.
>George Fessey, of Swadlincote, Derbyshire, intervened in a scuffle outside the After Dark nightclub, in Clumber Street, on 29 December 2012.
>He lifted a 20-year-old man above his head and threw him to the ground.
>The man was left in a coma after the attack and continues to receive treatment for his injuries
>Body slam on concrete is totally healthy bro!
and he was STRUGGLING to control him and get him up and throw him, now imagine the smaller guy had years of combat sports experience. the bouncer would be the one in the coma.
people underestimate the ease of getting sidewalked slammed in street fight even though it's not easy that hard to defend
much more scarier than any punch combos i'd say
That last video is so cringe.
>obviously a planned, agreed upon, not spur of the moment fight
>hurr durr I'm gonna start choking them and also try to break their arm
>aren't I so cool, learn muay thai!!!
If someone tried that on me I'd pull a gun on them as soon as the fight is over to show them what it really looks like to be at the mercy of someone else.
What is your point? Trained martial artists get slammed by opponents their size all the time.
six of one, half a dozen, doesn't matter. if you're learning solely to defend yourself in the case of a brawl or a street fight, either one will give you a massive advantage.
the average person picking fights is usually drunk off their ass or fucking dumb white trash and in both cases they will have no idea what they're doing and can be laid out quick.
i recommend boxing to the average person just because it only takes 6-10 weeks to really get the fundamentals down and because you don't have to worry about phony-ass mcdojos. muay thai has a significantly longer learning curve, but if you love martial arts and got a good trainer, you do you.
if you want to learn to defend yourself beyond just fists and are getting into stick/knife/gun territory, then either practice running or get a conceal carry license, because there's no martial art on the fucking planet that is effective against armed opponents. krav maga comes close, but you're still far better off either running away or carrying a gun.
I personally like boxing, I luckily am in the radius of a legit boxing gym (being taught by a heavy weight champion) and a Muay Thai gym (travels to different countries to compete professionally, world class instructors). I picked boxing cos the Muay Thais like 30 mins away and boxing is like 10 lol
And stop moving the goal post. You claimed slamming someone is not a devestating move. It is, and it can easily kill you.
>Getting slammed is really no biggie bro! :^)
Same size, trained opponents
Guys I have boxing gym and a muay thai gym nearby but I don't know what to choose. The Muay Thai gym seems much more blue collar, it's in a dingy studio and is full of jacked dudes. Problem is idk if it's a mcdojo or not. The boxing gym has a class schedule and a lot of women are in that gym but the trainer is a golden gloves champ and some dudes are training for fights. What should I pick?
the boxing gym sounds more legit. don't knock gyms that also teach kids or have women defense classes or whatever, since a lot of the times those are the classes that are paying the bills.
really ask yourself if that's the sort of area you'd like to be around. is it positive and competitive in a healthy way, or is it like being surrounded by a bunch of schoolyard bullies trying to flex their shit? are the instructors in shape and humble, or do they look like 300 lbs of quarter pounder with cheese and boast their gym is the best? all the little things are what to look out for.
>in street fights you shouldn't use your legs
Nothing against boxing, but I picked muay thai.
Why use just hands when you can throw kicks, knees, and elbows?
I have nothing against Muay Thai either (hard cunts) but it takes much longer to be proficient at throwing kicks, knees and elbows than just punches. Plus I suck at kicking lol
You’ve clearly never been in a street fight.