what would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)
PS rate my Jow Forumsness!
what would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)
PS rate my Jow Forumsness!
pull a bench out from under her and proceed to use it properly
seriously why is it that out of the hundreds of things you can do PROPERLY at the gym, thots choose to misuse equipment to do dumb shit like this
this is the dumbest excercise ever
I'd honestly be really fucking annoyed and triggered if some bitch took benches to do this dumbass exercise. We have only 2 of those adjustable one, since ours is a small gym.
go back to /soc/ pig
>Putting your fucking shoes where people put their head.
>Using two adjustable benches
>not going below parallel, meaning she doesn't even need the benches in the first place, could just do it on the floor.
>fucking filming it, taking up even more space in the tower
>light weight
fucking attention whores holy fuck, why do they still upset me.
sounds like you need a new gym membership
dyels don't know what a belt squat is.
If you want to target the glutes then you remove the lower back from the lift.
Is it summer already?
We know what a belt squat is.
She has a needlessly elaborate set up to do an incorrect one at 50lbs.
It's perfect cos the time I go is empty. There's a lot of cardio machines. But there's two deadlift platforms, 3 squat racks, and a calisthenics spot. 1 Smith machine, 2 cable machines, those things with lat pull down, row, and two cables. Also all the other necessary muscle groups. But when it's crowded,literally no reason to go there. Also new gym member ships are expensive. My gym is 40 a month. While others are same or higher, and u play enrollment fees, and a these other fees.
please dont be mean! we're all Jow Forumsizens here!
Imagine walking into your gym on a quiet wednesday evening. You see this hyper thot doing leg extensions while some skinny guy is shoving his phone into her pussy to film.
Nothing. Belt squats are a legitimate movement, especially for the physique most instathots want
if you want to target the glutes, you do your hip thrusts and not some fucked up bullshit to look special
damn there is no chill here. I think its fucking stupid that she took the benches too, but like half the gym is empty.
I always wanted a belt squat machine at my gym, thanks for this webm because now I can probably do them with benches.
This is fake, right?
>some fucked up bullshit to look special
And yet you recommend doing hip thrusts LMAO
Lower leg kick that bitch into the shadow zone.
dont be rude please
Actually it's not. It's a belted squat. It's a very good exercise, but she is not going atg and you should on this exercise.
t. DYEL that doesn't know what a belted squat is. Her little adaptation for doing it in a shitty commercial gym is also pretty cool.
Post tits
It's a belt squat you retard
>wasting two benches for a meme exercise
I'd fuck her if you catch my drift
I'd tell her to use a barbell and then report her to the gym management
No. anastasia mironova
>Hogging not one but TWO benches
Fuck out of here.
Take some peaks at your ass for 1-2secs every now and then and also shaking my head at you blocking two benches
That's not you, fuck off you faggot
It's unnecessarily elaborate for that small of a weight. She should be doing goblet squats instead.
Doesn't look like the cables long enough to go more than a little past parallel. She needs to stack two more benches on those benches.
Sweep the leg
I'm only seeing the dude half-repping on the bench behind her
It's a clear photoshop, ya retarded cunt.
Check her IG, she doesn't have an ass that big even when posing.
Also outside of photos her ass is small as fuck 100% guaranteed.
Its an accessible substitute for following
This rig is multiuse? I see all sorts of movements at the PL gym
Quarter fucking squatting on a cable exercise and she could've used a dumbell that's just as light as that. Instead, she uses 3 fucking pieces of equipment that's literally just a squat.